[UK] Jeremy Bennett's Director of External Affairs Application

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Jul 10, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:96807313
Discord name: talenteds
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 and a half years
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Jeremy Bennett | ‘Escapee’ | ‘Swindler’
Civilian name: Harry ‘Escapist’ Chich
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
CI-A (Held)
MTF O-1 CPT (Held)
DEA Dpt. Manager (Holding)
UNGOC CPL (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Director of External Affairs? I am primarily applying for Director because I believe that the current state of the department can be fixed quite easily. I am in a position where I have gained enough experience within the department to identify the issues as well as the solutions.

The current way that people join DEA is lackluster to say the least. You are sat in front of a projector and the person running your induction reads off a script. There is no practical portion to talk of, and no way to know if the person has truly taken any of the information into account.

I have two viable solutions in mind to remedy this, which go in wildly different directions.

The first solution would be to simplify the induction process, but require input from the participant for them to pass. This would be done with a test, similar to how GSD and RSD have. This could either be done with a simple Google form, or through the same system that is used for GSD and RSD, however if it is done through that system DEA may lose some quality in new members, as there will be no way to vet them.

The solution I am currently preferring would be to make the entire induction an introduction to the site, with practical portions included which put what they are taught to the test. This ensures that new DEA members retain the information taught, and the entire process doesn’t feel as mind numbing as it is currently. This would increase the length of inductions, but it is worth the cost to have better quality DEA.

Currently, progression within the department is done through a tryout to Senior Agent, which is mostly meaningless in determining if someone is suitable for the role. My solution would be to scrap Senior Agent tryouts entirely, and instead treat it as progression similar to how MTFs treat their promotions. By this, I mean promoting the person after discussion from DEA leadership if they show merit and have the heavy weapons license. By doing this, there will be a more defined sense of progression within the department, where good work is rewarded.

Documentation, both in-game and in Discord, is lacking to say the least. Having more documentation is not always a good thing, as if there is too much then people will simply not read any of it. The first thing I will do as Director is examine all of the documentation available in our Discord channels and condense it as much as possible, leaving only useful information in.

The documentation available to DEA CL3 is not adequate. The SCIPNET is a mess and hard to navigate, so it is simply not used, and there is a severe lack of roleplay documentation in their filing cabinets. I have been making an effort to place more useful documents into the DEA Agent bunks, such as current information on CI and notices about ongoing operations on the corkboard.

I have begun to encourage DEA to make more of their own documentation on infiltrations, operations and general incidents. I understand that document writing does not come naturally to some, so I am always willing to help where asked.
What makes you suitable for Director of External Affairs?: I have experience in the field of diplomacy during my time as the UNGOC General. I understand which actions are reasonable and suitable to carry out and which are not, in the interest of maintaining good relations with the local GOIs. My experience in UNGOC means that I understand their gameplay loop, which relies heavily on the Foundation. I understand that banning them from interacting with the site enitrely is effectively banning their roleplay, so I will always try to avoid that outcome if possible.

My time as an RP leader taught me which types of RP people engage in. I always cater any RP towards what people enjoy and get as many people included as possible, I do not gate keep good roleplay to CL4+. After all, people are much more likely to stick around and become future RP leads if you show them the quality of roleplay possible on the server, rather than keeping them out of it because of their clearance level.

Recently, I have created a new program where captured CI are repurposed as D-class. I have written in-game documents detailing the procedures required to do this and have worked cooperatively with Nu-7, Ethics, Medical and GSD to make this program work. All departments have been given positive RP by this program, Nu-7 and DEA now won't execute CI that they cannot sell back or have no other use for, Ethics are keeping a close eye on the program as they are interested in D-class, Medical conduct psychiatric evaluations on potential D-class, orientations and administer Class-E amnestics. GSD are kept informed on who is ex-CI so they know to keep tight security around them. As well as this, CI have received RP from this program, they now have the option to try and conduct rescue operations to save their kidnapped operatives from D-block.

With the recent DEA empowerment act enacted by Site Administration, DEA now has much more power in dealing with GOIs. They can do anything short of binding agreements/treaties and declarations of hostility and have full control over diplomacy. This has opened up many more options to DEA, which I intend to use to the fullest.

I am able to dedicate a suitable amount of time to the role, I will be present ingame substantially as well as externally. It is important for department leads to be present ingame, otherwise they lose touch with the state of the department.

I am an approachable person who is always interested in learning where to improve. If an issue in my department is pointed out, I will always act to remedy the issue rather than taking it as an attack.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of External Affairs in RP?:

A major responsibility of the Director of External Affairs is handling relations between the Foundation and other GOIs, as well as monitoring how GOIs interact with each other and if need be, intervening. The Director should always act in the best interest of the Foundation, which doesn’t necessarily always mean friendly with all GOIs. The Director works with Site Administration cooperatively in ensuring relations are handled appropriately.

The Director has the final say on which operations are prioritised in the department and delegates responsibilities to carry out these operations to Department Managers and Special Agents. Where cross department cooperation is needed, the Director is the primary bridge, ensuring the other department has all the resources they need to assist DEA. Constantly having operations active gives the department direction and ensures everyone is working towards a shared goal.

The department is shaped by those within it; the Director has the power to decide who they trust in their leadership team. They elevate people to higher positions when they have earned it, and when people in those positions fall below standard, the Director will make sure they are put back on track. Failing that, the Director has the power to remove them and replace them with someone more appropriate. They must ensure that the people in their leadership team understand the department, and that communication inside the team is to a good quality. Delegation of duties is necessary to keep the department to a good standard.

Overall, the Director is responsible for making sure that DEA is doing its job to a high standard. DEA's main duties are information gathering, diplomacy and combating hostile GOIs alongside Nu-7.

Please give some lore about your Director of External Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:




James Dingle

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Jul 13, 2024

All of the interactions I've had with Escapee have been amazing. He is someone who strikes an excellent balance in a player IMO, being able to have a laugh whilst driving RP forward in a positive and inclusive way.

Your ideas presented here are also solid, and it's clear that you have ideas on what you want to do if you are successful which I think is crucial when people make applications for department leadership.

Would love to see you in this position, your experience and attitude are certainly fit for it.

Best of luck in your application!


SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Jan 13, 2023

Its easy to coordinate with you, and you don't have any issues coordinating with me! I think your very capable with leadership and actually working with SOP in general and I think you'd be decent for this.
I believe you are the most suitable candidate for the DoEA position at the moment. You are great in RP, I feel you have very good leadership skills and you always handle situations in the best ways possible.

Your ideas are great and I hope we can put these into place soon!

I hope you do get the Director position so we can see a change in the DEA and bring it back to its true glory!


The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello, @Harry Chich

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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