[US] Mace's ECM App

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OOC Section
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:244971374
Discord name: GMAN0289
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3 years
Age: 22
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): A. Mace
Civilian name: Bailiff
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Roles Current: Ethics Assistant, ISD Inspector, Security Captain. E-11 SGT.
Past Roles: Chief of Security, UNGOC SGT, Nu7 LT, O-1 SPC, DEA Senior Agent.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Not recently although I received one like a year and a half ago for RDM on a D-Class

IC Section
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
I am applying for a spot as an Ethics Member. I am doing this mainly to progress my characters lore as well as be able to take on a higher role within the Foundation to further enhance the players RP around me. I feel my diverse background in the departments and MTFs on the server combined with my skills developed by taking on leadership roles make me a good candidate for the Ethics Committee.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
There are many reasons why I feel I am a good candidate for the Ethics Committee, but maybe not the best per say. I do check the boxes for experience, but I feel that I definitely would be outshined by other candidates who may have more time within O-1 or other higher leadership positions. If I were to give some examples though of how I feel I would be best for the position I would include things like my time running GENSEC as the CoS. I was tasked with basically running the department of new players building them up from Cadets to potential MTF recruits or Captains. My time as CoS allowed me to understand how to best help those around me progress to where they wanted to go. Additionally my time in ISD as an inspector allowed my to take part in major investigations and directly enforce the laws and ethics of the site. Lastly is my MTF experience which helped me understand how the day to day of these regiments worked so that I could apply that to my leadership expectations.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
The responsibilities of the Ethics Committee can vary depending on the specific members assigned departments, but the following is a general responsibility list.
Assist the Chairman/Chairwoman in performing daily tasks.
Reviewing Dangerous and Unethical testing that my be worthwhile.
Authorizing Cross testing.
Assisting Departments in keeping relations good.
Assisting ISD with investigations and enhancing powers when needed.
Handing out assignments to O1/ECAs.
Updating and Adapting the COE.
Authorizing KOS/AA
Initiating Code Black as well as the Warhead when all is lost.
Most importantly creating RP opportunities for the site.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
Review and provide feedback over ECA Applications, DoIS Applications, and other ECM Applications.
Partaking in Meetings with Senior CL4 personnel.
Assisting in OOC Department/MTF relations.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in: Mace File
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