What does this suggestion change/add/remove?
• This change would update the name of the role to either Chairman or Chairwoman, depending on who is currently holding the position.Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?
• No.Possible Positives of the Suggestion (At least 2):
• It would create a more inclusive role for individuals who have achieved this milestone.• The role title would be more accurate if, for example, a woman were holding the position.
Possible Negatives of the Suggestion:
• The role name may need to be changed multiple times throughout the year, depending on the term duration of the person holding the position.Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted?
• According to Oxford Languages, Chairman is defined as "a person, especially a man, designated to preside over a meeting," while Chairwoman is defined as "a woman chosen to preside over a meeting." Updating the role title to reflect the gender of the person holding the position and this would be a simple adjustment for any Senior Admin+ within the Vjob Editor. This change would not require any development resources or significant time from the Dev team, yet it would contribute to a more positive and inclusive environment for the player base.
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