Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:127479675
Discord name: ChillBreeze
For how long have you played on CG SCP: About 8 months, ~500 hours
Age: 23
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: EST
Character name(s):
Adam 'Red' Renkov (Main)
Allan 'Perseus' Pinkerton(Secondary)
Gust 'Gus' Avrokotos (UNGOC)
Civilian name:
Grey Kosnykov
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Discord name: ChillBreeze
For how long have you played on CG SCP: About 8 months, ~500 hours
Age: 23
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: EST
Character name(s):
Adam 'Red' Renkov (Main)
Allan 'Perseus' Pinkerton(Secondary)
Gust 'Gus' Avrokotos (UNGOC)
Civilian name:
Grey Kosnykov
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
ISD Investigator (Held)
ISD Inspector (Held)
ISD Commissioner (Held)
Director of Internal Security(Holding)
MTF Epsilon-11 PVT(Held)
GSD Sergeant(Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
No, I have not.
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
I am applying for the role of Ethics Committee Member. I am seeking this role to further develop myself, my character, and those around me, being one of the Directors of internal Security has resulted in me working closely with the Ethics Committee, and now that a few of the current longstanding members have stepped down, i feel that my time working along side them has given me the experience and the understanding that I need to undertake such a role.
What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
I am the best candidate for the Ethics Committee due to my vast amounts of experience, though my time within the server, and as Director has been short, I see this more as an advantage rather than a shortcoming, as I have shown clear promise, dedication, and understanding of the workings of the server, without these things, i would not be in the role i am today. Throughout my tenure with the Internal Security Department, especially within the Leadership ranks, I have worked tirelessly with my peers as well as with the Ethics Committee to reform and reshape ISD into the beast that it is today. I have had a very active hand in many things within the Department, such as creating the Role of Interdepartmental Liaison, which i held the position of. I have also been at the forefront of shaping up our Inspector team, no longer are they a group of non active, non committed individuals, but the finest example of what CL4 leadership should be in a department. These are just a few of the major things i have done for ISD, and I feel that these accomplishments show a level of Dedication and care that must be present within a member of the Ethics Committee. With my role as a Member of the Ethics Committee, I will ensure that things remain in a smooth working order, and that the Site continues to operate with regard to Ethics in the manner which I, along with others, have set the precedent for.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
There are many responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP, Namely,
~ Creating interesting, enticing and effective RP for the server as a whole, similar to the role I have currently, but for the server rather than a single Department.
~ The oversight and deployment of the MTF Omega-1 Regiment, to execute and uphold the will of the Committee.
~ Oversight and management of the Internal Security Department, ensuring the enactment of Investigations to confirm compliance with the FLC, as well as to ensure the Foundation Legal Codex is upheld, and any breaches of the FLC are swiftly stricken down and brought to justice.
~ The updating, maintaining, and revising of the Code of Ethics for Site-65
~Maintaining and overseeing the Foundation Justice System, to ensure a fair, equal, and justified Tribunal process for all foundation personnel and any GOI's that may find themselves under the purview of a Tribunal.
~ Appointments to the position of Director and Deputy Director of Internal Security.
~ Authorizing scenario relevant protocols, such as the use of AA, or KOS, as well as in dire situations, a mass term.
~ Oversight and tasking of Ethics Committee Assistants.
~ Authorizing testing on high security SCP's or for any test that has ethically concerning potential.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
The responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP are as follows,
~ Reviewing and voting upon applications for the role of Ethics Committee Assistant
~ Reviewing and voting upon applications for the role of Director of Internal Security
~ Attending, participating, and potentially leading Sr. CL4 Meetings, as well as Site Command meetings.
~ Ensuring that all Departments feel as though they are heard, and respected by their peers and their superiors, and being a mediator for any Interdepartmental disputes.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
This lore starts with my time with Internal Security, and has been my running lore from the start.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
ISD Investigator (Held)
ISD Inspector (Held)
ISD Commissioner (Held)
Director of Internal Security(Holding)
MTF Epsilon-11 PVT(Held)
GSD Sergeant(Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
No, I have not.
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
I am applying for the role of Ethics Committee Member. I am seeking this role to further develop myself, my character, and those around me, being one of the Directors of internal Security has resulted in me working closely with the Ethics Committee, and now that a few of the current longstanding members have stepped down, i feel that my time working along side them has given me the experience and the understanding that I need to undertake such a role.
What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
I am the best candidate for the Ethics Committee due to my vast amounts of experience, though my time within the server, and as Director has been short, I see this more as an advantage rather than a shortcoming, as I have shown clear promise, dedication, and understanding of the workings of the server, without these things, i would not be in the role i am today. Throughout my tenure with the Internal Security Department, especially within the Leadership ranks, I have worked tirelessly with my peers as well as with the Ethics Committee to reform and reshape ISD into the beast that it is today. I have had a very active hand in many things within the Department, such as creating the Role of Interdepartmental Liaison, which i held the position of. I have also been at the forefront of shaping up our Inspector team, no longer are they a group of non active, non committed individuals, but the finest example of what CL4 leadership should be in a department. These are just a few of the major things i have done for ISD, and I feel that these accomplishments show a level of Dedication and care that must be present within a member of the Ethics Committee. With my role as a Member of the Ethics Committee, I will ensure that things remain in a smooth working order, and that the Site continues to operate with regard to Ethics in the manner which I, along with others, have set the precedent for.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
There are many responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP, Namely,
~ Creating interesting, enticing and effective RP for the server as a whole, similar to the role I have currently, but for the server rather than a single Department.
~ The oversight and deployment of the MTF Omega-1 Regiment, to execute and uphold the will of the Committee.
~ Oversight and management of the Internal Security Department, ensuring the enactment of Investigations to confirm compliance with the FLC, as well as to ensure the Foundation Legal Codex is upheld, and any breaches of the FLC are swiftly stricken down and brought to justice.
~ The updating, maintaining, and revising of the Code of Ethics for Site-65
~Maintaining and overseeing the Foundation Justice System, to ensure a fair, equal, and justified Tribunal process for all foundation personnel and any GOI's that may find themselves under the purview of a Tribunal.
~ Appointments to the position of Director and Deputy Director of Internal Security.
~ Authorizing scenario relevant protocols, such as the use of AA, or KOS, as well as in dire situations, a mass term.
~ Oversight and tasking of Ethics Committee Assistants.
~ Authorizing testing on high security SCP's or for any test that has ethically concerning potential.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
The responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP are as follows,
~ Reviewing and voting upon applications for the role of Ethics Committee Assistant
~ Reviewing and voting upon applications for the role of Director of Internal Security
~ Attending, participating, and potentially leading Sr. CL4 Meetings, as well as Site Command meetings.
~ Ensuring that all Departments feel as though they are heard, and respected by their peers and their superiors, and being a mediator for any Interdepartmental disputes.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
This lore starts with my time with Internal Security, and has been my running lore from the start.
Much of Adam's file has been either forgotten or the originals redacted, little is know of Adam, even to himself, which some may see as odd or somewhat sad, but to Adam, his life began as soon as he was brought to Site-65. Adam isn't stupid though, he knows that there is much he does not know, but these things are insignificant and serve no purpose in his cause. What cause you may ask? Loyalty. Loyalty to Whom you may ask? His support, his blood, his sweat, and everything is he, is owed to a man only known as "Sentinel" this he knows, and abides. Adam does what Sentinel needs, from personal security to a spy, and if needed, a fall guy. Adam knows that he owes everything to Sentinel, the why does not matter to Adam and means that Adam will sacrifice himself to serve the will of the Sentinel.
The nature of Adams lack of knowledge are due to a mind wipe, why this was performed is unknown, but he knows that it was done, as he will have recurring nightmares of bright flashing lights and intense pain, but this is as far back as his memory goes. In more recent memory Adam does know that he is apart of some sort of special unit assigned by Sentinel himself, his color, Red is what he is referred to, and the only other color he is aware of is "White" whom Adam knows because they were trained and reshaped within the same time frame, and that he befell a similar mind wipe as Adam. White and Adam often work together when Sentinel deems it necessary, whether it be deep undercover investigations, or "Advanced Interrogation" as Sentinel calls it, which White seems to be specialist of.
Sentinel is Adam's one and only priority, from the moment he set upon the site, Adam serves Sentinel without question. Adam still does as his role requires within the ISD and that of the foundation, notably, when Sentinel is offsite, Adam can almost be described as cheery and relaxed. Once Sentinel is on sight, this behavior shifts, almost as though a subconscious switch flips, and he becomes cold, calculating, and quiet, eerily quiet. Unless he is performing a duty for Sentinel, he is actively attached to him at all times, guarding Sentinel's life with his own.
Later as Adam progressed under the guide of "Sentinel" he was risen through the ranks, in order to gain access to the more delicate and classified information needed to do his job. Adam was promoted to the rank of Inspector, this being his first leadership role, he had to learn how to lead. He had only ever know orders, he had never really had to think of the other side. At first, Adam was often confused, and frustrated, often chastised by "Sentinel" because of the way he handled a leadership situation, or his lack of initiative in leading the other agents. This nearly broke Adam, as he was not programmed to do this, he was not trained to do this, he was thrust in to this role because "Sentinel" was tired of having to amnesticate Adam each time he had to handle anything above his clearance level.
For the first few months of his tenure as Inspector, Adam was often speaking to Ethics and Site Administration, slowly through performance reviews and mandatory impromptu training, being punished into the correct way to lead, and of what is expected from someone with CL4 clearance, the highest that can be obtained. After 6 months on the job, something clicked. Like a wall in Adam's mind finally cracked enough to reveal a hole, which shone through a light of his past, his subconscious abilities to be human had recovered, albeit only slightly.
1 Year into Adam's Tenure as Inspector it could be said, and was, that Adam seemed a different person totally at times, his leadership abilities had done an about face, and he was shining star among the Inspectors. This of which was noticed by the Ethics Committee, whom personally recommended to "Sentinel" that he be advanced to the position of Commissioner, specifically, that of Internal Compliance. Given Adam's cold, calculating, and ruthless nature, this position seemed to be an obvious and appropriate fit. His tenure as commissioner came as a bit of surprise to "Sentinel" as Adam's base personality and function seemed to lean more towards that of a normal, friendly and caring person, but with the single flip of a switch, at the will of "Sentinel" or Adam himself, could revert back to the cold, calculating and quiet operative that "Sentinel" built him to be.
During his time as Commissioner Adam worked tirelessly to fulfill his role and live up to the expectations of "Sentinel" He was constantly handling disciplinary issues, even those that could have been handled by the Inspector team in order to impress "Sentinel" Adam was also put in charge of Interdepartmental Relations, a role which confused Adam, as he was at this point, reasonably good with people, but had nothing to really do with the functions he was trained for. Nonetheless, he would not dare disappoint "Sentinel" so Adam got to work, going around site and introducing himself to the Senior Leaderships of each Department and building those bonds that "Sentinel" asked him to. Adam was working tirelessly, day by day, month by month. Until one day, Adam heard that the Deputy Director, a man whom Adam rarely ever interacted with due to scheduling, was retiring from his role. This didn't really affect Adam much, or so he thought.
"Sentinel" called Adam into his office over the radio, asking to speak to him. Adam didn't really know what he was being called in for, so he started the long walk to Sentinel's office, himself on edge the whole way, the last few weeks flashing through his mind thinking of any little thing he could have done to anger "Sentinel" and then, almost like a switch was flipped, he eased, and realized that, he had been doing fantastic work, and that he really had nothing to worry about. Upon walking into the office of "Sentinel" he was greeted by Sentinel, and all of the Ethics Committee Members currently on site. "What can i do for you, Sir." said Adam. "Sit" Sentinel motioned to the only open chair in the lavish office. "As you know, Barney has stepped down, and as such, I need someone to fill his role" said Sentinel. "I've brought you here before myself, and the Ethics Committee, because I think you, are ready." Adam froze in his chair, he couldn't believe the words his ears had heard. It took a, longer than comfortable time for Adam to respond. "But, why me?" "Because, although initially, I had only planned for you to be the operative i trained you to be, you showed me just how much more you are capable of, and I'd like you to embrace that." replied Sentinel. "I-I don't understand sir." said Adam, still in shock "Are you stupid or what? I'm saying that i can always make another operative, but you? that was there long before I ever trained you, and it would be a disservice to the Foundation to keep you in the shadows any longer." remarked Sentinel. "So, what does this mean for me?" "Well, isn't it obvious? I want you to lead the Department with me, next to me. Be my Deputy Director" "Of- Of course Sir, whatever you think is best for the Foundation." replied Adam "Well, If it wasn't obvious given our guests, its not up to Me. "They" motioning towards the ECM's "Will be the ones to decide if you are fit for the position" "Oh, I see"
Fast forward one month, Adam is walking around the site, doing his usual patrols "Congratulations on the promotion, Deputy Director" said an Inspector, whom happened to be walking by. "Oh, uh, thank you Inspector, carry on" replied Adam. It still didn't feel real to him, he couldn't process it, what "Sentinel" said, the promotion, any of it. He didn't have a choice, he simply had to do his best. and over the next year or so, that's exactly what he did, working side by side with "Sentinel" keeping the Department afloat and the Site in check, still getting used to being equal to "Sentinel" and being, albeit somewhat, treated as such by "Sentinel" During his time as Deputy Director, Adam really opened up, forming real, tangible bonds with his peers, subordinates and superiors, particularly making himself well know to members of Site Administration, given that they typically work closely with the Department.
Adam was strolling about the Site, monitoring everyone through the shades of his iconic Aviators, per usual, when he strolled past two Sr. Researchers speaking to one another and he overheard one say "Hey did you hear there's an open Site Advisor slot? I wonder who it will be?" When Adam heard this, he got chills, he felt, something he hadn't really felt before, almost wanting? did he want to try to move up? did he think he could do this? what would "Sentinel" think? all these thoughts running through his head simultaneously, he found himself subconsciously heading towards the restroom, quickly entering and setting his glasses on the counter, he opened the cold water taps and splashed water on his face a few times before looking up at himself in the mirror, quickly noticing in his periphery the presence of one of his agents at the urinal just down the wall "Everything okay boss?" said the Agent "Yes, all good here Agent" Adam quickly grabbed his glasses, putting them on hurriedly as he left the bathroom, the tap still running.
The next day, Adam found himself in the Site Administration wing, standing next to the stairs to the Site Directors office, a Man he knew well, albeit only in a professional capacity, he kept going over it in his mind, weighing the pros and the cons, over and over again. He stood there for what seemed like hours. "Hey Red, we need you to sign off on this arrest report, an exec tried to put his smartphone through 914 on very fine, little bugger came out running like a spider and almost took out one of the E-11's eye" Adam snapped back to reality "Oh, yes-yes of course, those crazy researchers" Adam said in a nervous tone "Here you are" Adam signed the document "You may return to your duties agent, thank you" the Agent gave a subtle nod and walked away. Adam checked his watch, "15 minutes, I've been standing here for 15 minutes" he said to himself under his breath. "Fuck it" Adam proceeded up the stairs, through the doors into the vestibule of the Site Directors office and to his office door and knocked. "Adam! great to see you! Come on in."
Adam left the Site Directors office with high hopes, he felt he had a fantastic conversation, and was all but certain he had one of the open slots. Almost giddy with excitement, he headed down the stairs, and upon reaching the bottom, was met chills down his spine "Adam" a familiar voice said in a firm, authoritative tone. Adam quickly turned, his glasses almost flying off his face. It was "Sentinel". The color visibly drained from Adam's face, his expression akin to that of a dog who knew he had done something wrong. "Y-Yes Sir?" was all Adam managed to get out before "Sentinel" barked back "Mind telling me what you we're conversing with the Site Director about?" "Oh uh, n-nothing Sir, just a chat" said Adam in a shaky tone "Just a chat my ass, you must think I'm pretty stupid huh?" retorted "Sentinel" "N-No Sir, not at all Sir." "Ahh I'm just fucking with you! The Director had his secretary call me over as soon as you went into his Office." said "Sentinel" "Oh, you had me for a minute there!" Adam chuckled nervously. "So you wanna take a shot at Site Admin eh? I could see it"
The days went by, turning into weeks. Adam kept up with his duties to ISD, signing papers, making sure Investigations are being kept up on, the usual. Adam walked into his office, hanging his red fedora and trench coat on the coat hanger, preparing for the inevitable mounds of paperwork to sift through and sign, when he noticed a red letter, sitting centered on his desk. "Huh" he said, approaching his desk "We don't use red envelopes" he sat down at his desk, inspecting the letter "By Order of Site Administration, for the Eyes of Deputy Director Adam 'Red' Renkov only" "For me?" he said to himself in a low voice. He grabbed his letter opener, and slid it through the top of the letter, taking out the paper and reading. "Dear Applicant, we thank you for your interest in the position of (SITE ADVISOR) however, at this time, we have decided to reject your application, we appreciate your unwavering dedication to the Foundation, Secure. Contain. Protect. Signed, Site Director [REDACTED] Adam sat in silence, pondering the word reject, written in bold font, the sound of it rambling through his mind. He had never felt this feeling before, something new to him, he couldn't quite pinpoint it.
Adam approached the door to "Sentinel's" office, letter opened and unfolded, in hand. He knocked. "Yes." Said "Sentinel" opening the door "Oh, Adam, I told you, you don't have to knock first, just come on in" Adam just stood there, looking at "Sentinel" for he could not muster the strength to speak "Well? what's going on?" Adam raised his hand, giving the letter to "Sentinel" "Dear applicant... interest.. Site Advisor... reject... reject? come inside my office, sit" Adam nodded in agreeance, and took a seat on the couch in "Sentinel's" office "I don't see how they could have rejected you man, you were a damn good candidate, better than your competition, that's for sure" "I just- I feel defeated" uttered Adam "Hey man, forget Site Admin, they're just a bunch of paper pushers and bureaucrats, you're better off here anyway" remarked "Sentinel" "Let me make some phone calls for you Adam"
That was the last time Adam spoke to anyone about his failures in relation to Site Administration. "Sentinel" made no mention of his supposed phone calls, and Adam chose to forget about the whole ordeal, after all, he was already farther than he ever was supposed to be. Adam found himself in the Cafeteria, getting his usual slice of pizza for lunch. He had been trying to remember to eat, after his last mandatory psych eval made him realize that he often forgets to eat, getting so caught up in his duties. *Bzzzt* his work phone vibrated, taking it out of the breast pocket of his coat, he looked to see a memo, "Deputy Director Adam, to your office" requested by... he took off his glasses so he could see it better "requested by... the Ethics Committee Chairman" Oh shit, Adam thought to himself, scarfing down his slice of pepperoni pizza. He took off towards his office, with a brisk, speed walking pace. This couldn't be good, slowly breaking out into a light jog, his coat catching wind and turning into somewhat of a cape. "Hey, what's the rush!" Said a Researcher Adam happened to knock into with his shoulder. "Above your paygrade" replied Adam, keeping his pace.
Adam burst into the reception area of ISD, to see several MTF O-1 Soldiers all standing guard "Take it easy" one of them said "What's going on, I was called?" Adam said, slightly out of breath "Nothing man, Chairman just needed to speak with you in your Office" another replied. Adam eased a bit, "Oh, okay, I'll head back then" Adam swiped his keycard, entering the offices of ISD, making his way to his office, a member of O-1 following loosely behind. Turning the corner to his office, Adam noticed two more O-1 standing on each side of the door to his office. "Scuse me Gents" Adam said as he swiped his keycard to his office, and put in the code. Opening the door, stepping in and closing it. Upon entering noticing yet more members of O-1, on the far sides of the room, seemingly at ease, and in the seat in front of his desk, sat the Ethics Committee Chairman. Adam walked behind his desk "Sir, how can I be of service?" "Sit" said the Chairman. Adam quickly sat. "I heard you were looking to move up the chain, so to speak, and "Sentinel" informed me that Site Administration seems to have overlooked their top candidate, is this true?" the Chairman asked. "Well yes... uh Sir, but I wouldn't say I was the top candidate, Sir" "You can drop the Sir formalities Adam, and, might I add, don't sell yourself short, "Sentinel" had some great things to say about you" remarked the Chairman "Oh well, of course, don't sell myself short. I am-or, rather, I was, looking to move up the chain, so to speak, but it appears it wasn't my time" said Adam "I wouldn't be so sure of that Son, see I came here for a reason" "And, if I may Chairman, what would that be?" replied Adam "Simple, I'm here to offer you a Job"
The nature of Adams lack of knowledge are due to a mind wipe, why this was performed is unknown, but he knows that it was done, as he will have recurring nightmares of bright flashing lights and intense pain, but this is as far back as his memory goes. In more recent memory Adam does know that he is apart of some sort of special unit assigned by Sentinel himself, his color, Red is what he is referred to, and the only other color he is aware of is "White" whom Adam knows because they were trained and reshaped within the same time frame, and that he befell a similar mind wipe as Adam. White and Adam often work together when Sentinel deems it necessary, whether it be deep undercover investigations, or "Advanced Interrogation" as Sentinel calls it, which White seems to be specialist of.
Sentinel is Adam's one and only priority, from the moment he set upon the site, Adam serves Sentinel without question. Adam still does as his role requires within the ISD and that of the foundation, notably, when Sentinel is offsite, Adam can almost be described as cheery and relaxed. Once Sentinel is on sight, this behavior shifts, almost as though a subconscious switch flips, and he becomes cold, calculating, and quiet, eerily quiet. Unless he is performing a duty for Sentinel, he is actively attached to him at all times, guarding Sentinel's life with his own.
Later as Adam progressed under the guide of "Sentinel" he was risen through the ranks, in order to gain access to the more delicate and classified information needed to do his job. Adam was promoted to the rank of Inspector, this being his first leadership role, he had to learn how to lead. He had only ever know orders, he had never really had to think of the other side. At first, Adam was often confused, and frustrated, often chastised by "Sentinel" because of the way he handled a leadership situation, or his lack of initiative in leading the other agents. This nearly broke Adam, as he was not programmed to do this, he was not trained to do this, he was thrust in to this role because "Sentinel" was tired of having to amnesticate Adam each time he had to handle anything above his clearance level.
For the first few months of his tenure as Inspector, Adam was often speaking to Ethics and Site Administration, slowly through performance reviews and mandatory impromptu training, being punished into the correct way to lead, and of what is expected from someone with CL4 clearance, the highest that can be obtained. After 6 months on the job, something clicked. Like a wall in Adam's mind finally cracked enough to reveal a hole, which shone through a light of his past, his subconscious abilities to be human had recovered, albeit only slightly.
1 Year into Adam's Tenure as Inspector it could be said, and was, that Adam seemed a different person totally at times, his leadership abilities had done an about face, and he was shining star among the Inspectors. This of which was noticed by the Ethics Committee, whom personally recommended to "Sentinel" that he be advanced to the position of Commissioner, specifically, that of Internal Compliance. Given Adam's cold, calculating, and ruthless nature, this position seemed to be an obvious and appropriate fit. His tenure as commissioner came as a bit of surprise to "Sentinel" as Adam's base personality and function seemed to lean more towards that of a normal, friendly and caring person, but with the single flip of a switch, at the will of "Sentinel" or Adam himself, could revert back to the cold, calculating and quiet operative that "Sentinel" built him to be.
During his time as Commissioner Adam worked tirelessly to fulfill his role and live up to the expectations of "Sentinel" He was constantly handling disciplinary issues, even those that could have been handled by the Inspector team in order to impress "Sentinel" Adam was also put in charge of Interdepartmental Relations, a role which confused Adam, as he was at this point, reasonably good with people, but had nothing to really do with the functions he was trained for. Nonetheless, he would not dare disappoint "Sentinel" so Adam got to work, going around site and introducing himself to the Senior Leaderships of each Department and building those bonds that "Sentinel" asked him to. Adam was working tirelessly, day by day, month by month. Until one day, Adam heard that the Deputy Director, a man whom Adam rarely ever interacted with due to scheduling, was retiring from his role. This didn't really affect Adam much, or so he thought.
"Sentinel" called Adam into his office over the radio, asking to speak to him. Adam didn't really know what he was being called in for, so he started the long walk to Sentinel's office, himself on edge the whole way, the last few weeks flashing through his mind thinking of any little thing he could have done to anger "Sentinel" and then, almost like a switch was flipped, he eased, and realized that, he had been doing fantastic work, and that he really had nothing to worry about. Upon walking into the office of "Sentinel" he was greeted by Sentinel, and all of the Ethics Committee Members currently on site. "What can i do for you, Sir." said Adam. "Sit" Sentinel motioned to the only open chair in the lavish office. "As you know, Barney has stepped down, and as such, I need someone to fill his role" said Sentinel. "I've brought you here before myself, and the Ethics Committee, because I think you, are ready." Adam froze in his chair, he couldn't believe the words his ears had heard. It took a, longer than comfortable time for Adam to respond. "But, why me?" "Because, although initially, I had only planned for you to be the operative i trained you to be, you showed me just how much more you are capable of, and I'd like you to embrace that." replied Sentinel. "I-I don't understand sir." said Adam, still in shock "Are you stupid or what? I'm saying that i can always make another operative, but you? that was there long before I ever trained you, and it would be a disservice to the Foundation to keep you in the shadows any longer." remarked Sentinel. "So, what does this mean for me?" "Well, isn't it obvious? I want you to lead the Department with me, next to me. Be my Deputy Director" "Of- Of course Sir, whatever you think is best for the Foundation." replied Adam "Well, If it wasn't obvious given our guests, its not up to Me. "They" motioning towards the ECM's "Will be the ones to decide if you are fit for the position" "Oh, I see"
Fast forward one month, Adam is walking around the site, doing his usual patrols "Congratulations on the promotion, Deputy Director" said an Inspector, whom happened to be walking by. "Oh, uh, thank you Inspector, carry on" replied Adam. It still didn't feel real to him, he couldn't process it, what "Sentinel" said, the promotion, any of it. He didn't have a choice, he simply had to do his best. and over the next year or so, that's exactly what he did, working side by side with "Sentinel" keeping the Department afloat and the Site in check, still getting used to being equal to "Sentinel" and being, albeit somewhat, treated as such by "Sentinel" During his time as Deputy Director, Adam really opened up, forming real, tangible bonds with his peers, subordinates and superiors, particularly making himself well know to members of Site Administration, given that they typically work closely with the Department.
Adam was strolling about the Site, monitoring everyone through the shades of his iconic Aviators, per usual, when he strolled past two Sr. Researchers speaking to one another and he overheard one say "Hey did you hear there's an open Site Advisor slot? I wonder who it will be?" When Adam heard this, he got chills, he felt, something he hadn't really felt before, almost wanting? did he want to try to move up? did he think he could do this? what would "Sentinel" think? all these thoughts running through his head simultaneously, he found himself subconsciously heading towards the restroom, quickly entering and setting his glasses on the counter, he opened the cold water taps and splashed water on his face a few times before looking up at himself in the mirror, quickly noticing in his periphery the presence of one of his agents at the urinal just down the wall "Everything okay boss?" said the Agent "Yes, all good here Agent" Adam quickly grabbed his glasses, putting them on hurriedly as he left the bathroom, the tap still running.
The next day, Adam found himself in the Site Administration wing, standing next to the stairs to the Site Directors office, a Man he knew well, albeit only in a professional capacity, he kept going over it in his mind, weighing the pros and the cons, over and over again. He stood there for what seemed like hours. "Hey Red, we need you to sign off on this arrest report, an exec tried to put his smartphone through 914 on very fine, little bugger came out running like a spider and almost took out one of the E-11's eye" Adam snapped back to reality "Oh, yes-yes of course, those crazy researchers" Adam said in a nervous tone "Here you are" Adam signed the document "You may return to your duties agent, thank you" the Agent gave a subtle nod and walked away. Adam checked his watch, "15 minutes, I've been standing here for 15 minutes" he said to himself under his breath. "Fuck it" Adam proceeded up the stairs, through the doors into the vestibule of the Site Directors office and to his office door and knocked. "Adam! great to see you! Come on in."
Adam left the Site Directors office with high hopes, he felt he had a fantastic conversation, and was all but certain he had one of the open slots. Almost giddy with excitement, he headed down the stairs, and upon reaching the bottom, was met chills down his spine "Adam" a familiar voice said in a firm, authoritative tone. Adam quickly turned, his glasses almost flying off his face. It was "Sentinel". The color visibly drained from Adam's face, his expression akin to that of a dog who knew he had done something wrong. "Y-Yes Sir?" was all Adam managed to get out before "Sentinel" barked back "Mind telling me what you we're conversing with the Site Director about?" "Oh uh, n-nothing Sir, just a chat" said Adam in a shaky tone "Just a chat my ass, you must think I'm pretty stupid huh?" retorted "Sentinel" "N-No Sir, not at all Sir." "Ahh I'm just fucking with you! The Director had his secretary call me over as soon as you went into his Office." said "Sentinel" "Oh, you had me for a minute there!" Adam chuckled nervously. "So you wanna take a shot at Site Admin eh? I could see it"
The days went by, turning into weeks. Adam kept up with his duties to ISD, signing papers, making sure Investigations are being kept up on, the usual. Adam walked into his office, hanging his red fedora and trench coat on the coat hanger, preparing for the inevitable mounds of paperwork to sift through and sign, when he noticed a red letter, sitting centered on his desk. "Huh" he said, approaching his desk "We don't use red envelopes" he sat down at his desk, inspecting the letter "By Order of Site Administration, for the Eyes of Deputy Director Adam 'Red' Renkov only" "For me?" he said to himself in a low voice. He grabbed his letter opener, and slid it through the top of the letter, taking out the paper and reading. "Dear Applicant, we thank you for your interest in the position of (SITE ADVISOR) however, at this time, we have decided to reject your application, we appreciate your unwavering dedication to the Foundation, Secure. Contain. Protect. Signed, Site Director [REDACTED] Adam sat in silence, pondering the word reject, written in bold font, the sound of it rambling through his mind. He had never felt this feeling before, something new to him, he couldn't quite pinpoint it.
Adam approached the door to "Sentinel's" office, letter opened and unfolded, in hand. He knocked. "Yes." Said "Sentinel" opening the door "Oh, Adam, I told you, you don't have to knock first, just come on in" Adam just stood there, looking at "Sentinel" for he could not muster the strength to speak "Well? what's going on?" Adam raised his hand, giving the letter to "Sentinel" "Dear applicant... interest.. Site Advisor... reject... reject? come inside my office, sit" Adam nodded in agreeance, and took a seat on the couch in "Sentinel's" office "I don't see how they could have rejected you man, you were a damn good candidate, better than your competition, that's for sure" "I just- I feel defeated" uttered Adam "Hey man, forget Site Admin, they're just a bunch of paper pushers and bureaucrats, you're better off here anyway" remarked "Sentinel" "Let me make some phone calls for you Adam"
That was the last time Adam spoke to anyone about his failures in relation to Site Administration. "Sentinel" made no mention of his supposed phone calls, and Adam chose to forget about the whole ordeal, after all, he was already farther than he ever was supposed to be. Adam found himself in the Cafeteria, getting his usual slice of pizza for lunch. He had been trying to remember to eat, after his last mandatory psych eval made him realize that he often forgets to eat, getting so caught up in his duties. *Bzzzt* his work phone vibrated, taking it out of the breast pocket of his coat, he looked to see a memo, "Deputy Director Adam, to your office" requested by... he took off his glasses so he could see it better "requested by... the Ethics Committee Chairman" Oh shit, Adam thought to himself, scarfing down his slice of pepperoni pizza. He took off towards his office, with a brisk, speed walking pace. This couldn't be good, slowly breaking out into a light jog, his coat catching wind and turning into somewhat of a cape. "Hey, what's the rush!" Said a Researcher Adam happened to knock into with his shoulder. "Above your paygrade" replied Adam, keeping his pace.
Adam burst into the reception area of ISD, to see several MTF O-1 Soldiers all standing guard "Take it easy" one of them said "What's going on, I was called?" Adam said, slightly out of breath "Nothing man, Chairman just needed to speak with you in your Office" another replied. Adam eased a bit, "Oh, okay, I'll head back then" Adam swiped his keycard, entering the offices of ISD, making his way to his office, a member of O-1 following loosely behind. Turning the corner to his office, Adam noticed two more O-1 standing on each side of the door to his office. "Scuse me Gents" Adam said as he swiped his keycard to his office, and put in the code. Opening the door, stepping in and closing it. Upon entering noticing yet more members of O-1, on the far sides of the room, seemingly at ease, and in the seat in front of his desk, sat the Ethics Committee Chairman. Adam walked behind his desk "Sir, how can I be of service?" "Sit" said the Chairman. Adam quickly sat. "I heard you were looking to move up the chain, so to speak, and "Sentinel" informed me that Site Administration seems to have overlooked their top candidate, is this true?" the Chairman asked. "Well yes... uh Sir, but I wouldn't say I was the top candidate, Sir" "You can drop the Sir formalities Adam, and, might I add, don't sell yourself short, "Sentinel" had some great things to say about you" remarked the Chairman "Oh well, of course, don't sell myself short. I am-or, rather, I was, looking to move up the chain, so to speak, but it appears it wasn't my time" said Adam "I wouldn't be so sure of that Son, see I came here for a reason" "And, if I may Chairman, what would that be?" replied Adam "Simple, I'm here to offer you a Job"