[USA] ISD Inspector Application

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jose pipu

Active member
Jan 23, 2025
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:133082048
Discord name: pipu_felipe88
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 4 Months
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Argentina
Time zone: GMT-3
Character name(s): Jose pipu
Civilian name: Juan pipe
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF Epsilon 11 Specialist, ISD Investigator

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 2 Toxicity Warnings because of the use of the R word, and Inapropiate conduct, i ask about if something that a tech say count as ERP in ooc instead of pm

Why are you applying for Internal Security Inspector?
- I was ISD already for almost 2 months, i want to try to be Clearence 4 mostly, i think i will a great contribution to the department as a inspector, i want to help and to improve the efficiency of the ISD, make sure the COC are enforce, and to train correctly new and future agents and investigators for ISD, and also try to make a better and just Roleplay

What makes you suitable for Internal Security Inspector?:
- i im ISD already for 2 months mostly, since december of the past year, i get much experience about how ISD works, how Inspector works, and constantly improve myself to be better, already i got the good check of many people that i will suitable to be inspector at ISD, i must admit, im not perfect i can comit errors, and i comit multiple errors during my time as ISD, but i will try to improve that to be better, to be a good inspector so i can help others and make them learn so they dont repeat the same's mistakes as me.

What do you think describes an ideal Internal Security Inspector?:
-A ideal inspector will be someone that is a man that have respect of others, know's the COC and COE, its fair and responsible, he know what to do in hard and difficult times, its calm and serious, a person you can trust, its loyal to the foundation, apply punishment not only for foundation personnel that make errors but also to others ISD's that had break the COC or COE, its friendly of course, and will help in everything he can do.

How many major, roleplay-serving documents have you written? What makes a document of this nature good in terms of quality?:
- Thanks of this 2 last week i had write a lot of Arrest Reports trying to make them detailed as posible, also improving the format of this, and in terms of what make it good quality i would say his format and how they're composite and most detailed, almost the mayority of my Arrest reports get Good or average, i will try to improve more and more about this in the future.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Security Inspector in RP?:
-For my opinion this are the responsibilities of an inspector in RP:

1- Ensure the enforce of COC and COE correctly
2-Assign Agents/Operative & Investigators they jobs, location's and investigations
3-Ensure that the ISD follow's the COC & COE and they own protocols during the RP.
4-Evaluate any document/Report from lower ranks
5-Train new recruits for the ISD in a way to prevent mistake on they job
6-Ensure the efficiency of all ISD personnel
7-improve himself and try to teach anything you could to others not only in ISD but in the foundation indeed

This just a resume of all reponsibilites that and inspector can have, there's a lot more of course.

Please elaborate on why you think you'd be a good leadership position holder for Internal Security:
-since i was able to join ISD i make my way to improve myself, learning about my mistakes, always i try to make a fair RP for all, make sure that the people its having a good time, but also make sure the enforce of the COC of course, since i im ISD i had the sense of justice, i im the kind of person who dont like people that ruin the experience of others, i know much people do this type of things because they are bored of the Roleplay experience, but that not an excuse to do those things, i will not hesitate of arrest them if is needed, and not only other foundation personnel but also ISD, no one is above the COC or COE, we all need to enforce them, so everyone can have a good and fun RP, also i will try to explain to others what should be done and what no, i will try my best to have patience to improve and help others as a inspector.

Please give some lore about your Internal Security Inspector character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- Name: Jose pipu
-Job: Argentinian Army Sergeant/United Nations Peacekeepers
This ex Military sergeant was in a mission on [Redacted] to ensure the peace at the border, there's only a few testimony's about the incident with an entity of SCP-966, this sergeant show a incredible adaptibility to situation, somehow he manage to take care of the entity taking the foundation attention, thanks of this incident the sergeant was recruited for the foundation, first was put in SIte-34 of the SCP foundation Spanish branch, he work there as a guard for 2 years before being transfered again to Site-9 in canada, he join ISD because of a Superior recommendation, he had a high sense of justice, he saw already how personnel in site-34 end up making disaster mostly newbies, that the reason he join ISD, at first of all he wasnt a good agent, but he improve indeed, at the point to get the investigators rank, after a incident where a research somehow make a [Redacted] in SCP-914 he show the enough improve to be selected to enter in the ISD inspector selection waiting his time to be interview about it, he got accepted and in waiting of get an assigment from superior's
Last edited:
Apr 30, 2022
-/+ Support

Well saying -/+ doesn't necessarily help, so I'll help you out with some feedback from what I say.
> Try making application a little bit longer.
> Try being a little less rude or "serious" in a way of lashing out at people. (it's a game to have fun still)

> Active and Dedicated to ISD
> Somewhat competent
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Well-known Member
Jun 28, 2024
Application Denied

Hello, @jose pipu

After a discussion with our Leadership team we have elected to DENY your application for Inspector. Please get into contact with me if you would like to know more.

You may reapply in 2 weeks.

Deputy Director of Internal Security, Adam 'Red' Renkov
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