Steam identification number: My steam identification number is STEAM_0:0:96644501.
Discord name: My current discord name is turtlespurples with the former discord name being turtlespurples#3261.
For how long you have played on CG SCP: Approximately 10 months, soon to be a year. In-game, over six days within the past month according to "/time" with over 8 hours of which being "away from keyboard" time.
Age: I am currently Twenty-one years old.
In what country are you located: I live in the United States of America.
Time zone: I currently live in the Pacific Standard Time zone (PST).
Character name(s): My current character names are Tyler 'Mr. Durden' Dorkin for the Foundation and Tyler 'Turtle' Dorkin for the Chaos Insurgency.
Civilian name: My current civilian name is 'Chef Durden'.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): I am applying for only the SCP-RP USA server.
Do you have a microphone: Yes, I do with a backup microphone as well.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: All given positions I have ever held and/or currently hold are:
CI Alpha, CI Beta, CI Strike Team, CI Medic, and Internal Affairs Agent (Held).
Overseer Assistant, General Security Sergeant, Senior Doctor, and Internal Security Agent (Holding).
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why: I have received two bans in the past.
One ban was when I was brand new on the server, I left to avoid roleplay while being arrested by several MTF members as I did not understand why I was being arrested after several explanations.
The second ban for was given for failure to roleplay after I disguised as one staff member inside a sit room after given a verbal warning by a second staff member in the same sit room.
I have received five failures to roleplay warnings and one random death match warning.
I do not recall the random death match warning nor two of the failure to roleplay warnings. However, I do recall that one of the failures to roleplay warnings was due to a mass credit giving as a Junior Researcher in which I was told after that by a staff member that it is considered a form of XP farming which is exploitative.
The second failure to roleplay warning I recall is when I was letting D-Class personnel into the outer D-Block area as a chef.
Lastly, the last failure to roleplay warning which was in November of 2024 was due to me terminating a general security cadet that was within heavy containment zone after being told repeatedly more than five total times by multiple clearance level 4 personnel to leave heavy containment zone. He refused continuously, after approximately ten minutes and being held to fear roleplay via several combative personnel I wrongfully decided to terminate him once he chose to deliberately body-block a door with a firearm out.
I do understand the punishments I have received and regret making these mistakes as it caused troubles and negativity from/to other players who were not expecting such scenes/problems during their roleplay experience.
Both the staff and players on this server are usually highly understanding as well as very forgiving so I do believe the punishments I have received are more than appropriate and just.
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why: I am applying via this application for the Ethics Committee role of an Ethics Committee Member, not the Ethics Committee Chairman/Chairwoman position nor an Ethics Committee Assistant position.
The reason for why I am applying for an Ethics Committee Member position is because of several.
First, I want to hold for the first time a clearance level five position within the United States Civil Networks SCP-RP server and have the responsibilities of a clearance level five personnel.
Second, I admire the work the Ethics Committee has performed during my time on the server as I have witnessed so much within the server and how the Ethics Committee handles such problematic situations and/or events is sometimes a work of art.
Lastly, I really enjoy the people within the Ethics Committee both current and former, as well as some members of Mobile Task Force Omega-1.
What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee: I will give an answer as to why I am a good candidate for the Ethics Committee, however I refuse to dare say "best candidate" as I am well aware of the many other personnel within Civil Networks SCP-RP that are more qualified for such a position than myself.
What makes me a good candidate for the Ethics Committee is several accumulative reasons.
One, I have clearance level four experience of roughly four months now as an active Overseer Assistant. With that position I have currently successfully completed seven orders that were given by four different members of the Overseer Council of which were given to all Overseer Assistants to execute and four orders that were personally ordered to myself by two different members of the Overseer Council. All orders from members of the Overseer Council I execute, I attempt to exceed the expectations of the Overseer Council both in quantity and quality. Also, I ensure that when I am on-site as an Overseer Assistant, I pay attention to both internal and external radio communications at all times. I also ensure during codes three, four, five, and black to turn on/off both the teslas and "full site lockdown". During code twos, I authorize "kill on sight" past airlock and authorize sweeps very often when requested. Finally, consistently persist in giving permitted advance armory authorization during SCP containment breaches.
Two, I have a good knowledge base of SCP lore, yet I continue to learn each week more and more which I am always enthusiastic about as there is always something more to learn.
Three, I consistently am on the United States Civil Networks SCP-RP server between four to seven days per week giving at least three hours per active day with some days being well over eight hours of active roleplay with a passion.
Four, I have several long-term goals both within the United States Civil Networks SCP-RP server in general and within the Ethics Committee specifically.
Five, I have strongly communicated on a positive level on multiple occasions in-character with several Ethics Committee Assistants and Ethics Committee Members with great joy and pleasure. These personnel are former Ethics Committee Assistant Wraffle, current Ethics Committee Assistant Kufie, current Ethics Committee Assistant James Scandal, former Ethics Committee Member Marcus Takafuji, former Ethics Committee Chairman Matthew Recker, current Ethics Committee Chairwoman 'Pawz', and former Ethics Committee Member Riley 'Raixin' both as an Overseer Assistant and as a Senior Researcher.
Six, I have been complimented by current Ethics Committee Chairwoman 'Pawz' (During her time as an Ethics Committe Member), former Ethics Committee Chairman Matthew Recker, former Ethics Committee Member Matthew Recker, and former Ethics Committee Member Marcus Takafuji on my documents both as an Overseer Assistant and Senior Researcher in both creativity/originality and formatting/organization.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in roleplay: The Ethics Committee in roleplay are responsible for managing the Code of Ethics, working in close relation with the Internal Security Department for investigations, inspections, tribunals of both low court and high court, being the spine/backbone of the Foundation to ensure that the head of the Foundation, the Overseers, do not step out of line in an unethical manner, ensuring D-Class personnel's rights are not stripped away from them regardless of their past, balancing the moral costs of everything within the Foundation, affirming/establishing to the Overseer Council of what is and is not acceptable, working with the United Nations Global Occult Coalition to continue a long lasting positive image of the Foundation to prevent unwanted terminations of SCPs and/or prevention of worries/concerns which may lead to infill raids onto sites/facilities of the Foundation, handle issues presented by D-Class and/or any Foundation personnel that notifies the Ethics Committee that possibly break the Code of Ethics and/or what they believe to be are their rights, and maintain a firm understanding upon all clearance level four personnel of when things such as "mass termination", energy weapon usage upon D-Class personnel, and handling foreign relations with the Mayor/United Nations Global Occult Coalition/citizens.
Also, creating orders for Ethics Committee Assistants and Mobile Task Force Omega-1 to conduct in-character.
Aswell as creating a more positive and comfortable work environment for Foundation personnel to prevent unionizations from occurring/developing.
Lastly, being the watchguards of the world in-case of any high clearance level Foundation personnel going "rouge" thus threatening civilian populations.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of roleplay (e.g. what applications do they handle?): The Ethics Committee's responsibilities out of roleplay are to handle Google Docs such as polices/programs like the D-Class personnel work permit program, ensure both the medical and research department's procedures/policies/handbooks are within proper and ethical order, ensure server rules are not being broken nor bent both in-game and within external sources such as Discord and TeamSpeak 3, approve of credits, give out credit when credit is due, and also heavily maintain server health with open consideration at all times.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in: Please open the encrypted message if permitted.
Happy Valentines Day,
I am delightful to announce and welcome our new Ethics Committee Member, Tyler Durden, whom of which will be named as Tyler with the codename "Mr. Durden". You may have noticed that none of my beloved Ethics Committee Assistants are CC'd into this email. This is because I am providing within this email information about Mr. Durden that only certain clearance level five personnel may know of. The Ethics Committee Assistants will receive their own email which will be a heavily redacted version of this one as well as information that does not apply to the CC'd individuals. I will update you furthermore once Mr. Durden's trail period has concluded.
Mr. Durden as most of you may know of via his personal file, was an Overseer Assistant assigned to Site-65 under 05-3. For those who may have read deeper into his personal file, you may have also read about how his promotion from Senior Researcher to Overseer Assistant shortly after the death of the original SCP-096 which occurred at Site-65. This incident which was labeled as SCP-096-3-A, sparked interested from 05-3 towards Mr. Durden whom at the time was referred to as Tyler Dorkin with the codename of 'Turtles'. The promotion generated naturally a new codename of 'Mr. Durden' which is to stay during his promotion to Ethics Committee Member. However, he made it very clear to me that his last name, Dorkin, is to be dropped as a symbol of losing a part of one's ego to focus less on the self/traditions, rather to focus on the evolution of mankind.
I must point out the vital parts within Mr. Durden's personal file about how he became D-Class personnel to begin with. In 1999, as you may have already read before, he managed to orchestrate arguably the most selfless act of all-time without means of funding. This involved the creation of a cult-like secret society called "Fight Club". The members of Fight Club managed to successfully execute a order from Mr. Durden called "Project Mayhem" which involved the complete erase of money debt via the destruction of every world bank building that contained debt records and credit card information. Project Mayhem as he informed investigators was too "free" the general public, whom of which were attached to meaningless unfulfilling short-term pleasures due to mass consumerism. This act of international terrorism with admittance of fault is what quickly gave him his life-long prison sentence. He later signed a contracted into our research program which led to his transfer into Site-65. Later, he became highly trusted as a trustee who was regularly seen walking around the medical facility and outer D-Block. This is what allowed him to eventually be permitted to become a trial Junior Researcher after being issued on multiple occasions a research assistant work permit. He showed great loyalty, honesty, and humility as he escalated to the position of Senior Researcher.
I, Ms. Pawz, personally permitted Mr. Durden last month be disguised as a body double of myself to see how he conducts himself in a lecture setting. Mr. Durden did not disappoint whatsoever, in-fact he exceeded all of my expectations by performing of the most informative yet entertaining lectures I have ever seen. Multiple Foundation personnel informed me after the lecture was finished that had they not know Mr. Durden was not a real Ethics Committee Member, they would have completely believed he was one. He did not just conduct himself in a standard that is expected to be of a clearance level five personnel, but also, he spoke utilizing words that would be at the level equivalent of a university PHD holding professor. After his in-depth lecture which provided useful high-quality information towards multiple departments and Site-65 personnel as a whole, he proceeded with an open question discussion to listen "to the people" and "answer the questions the yearn to be answered". Lastly, he brought clear happiness and relief into multiple people's hearts which I witnessed first-hand.
Finally, it must be stated that I am well aware of this man being both a former secret society leader and life-sentenced person. However, he has not demonstrated any act that would appear as unethical as he ensured that absolutely zero animals and humans would be harmed in any way possible duringProject Mayhem. I was informed during his interview that he still believes in the ideology that we should evolve, "Let the chips fall where they may.". Humans are confused and they hate it. They deny it till its proven, laughing at their own self-made illusions. Thinking institutions are the solution while tyranny and irony float in its pollution. Mr. Durden's self-destruction has led himself to be reborn, to be evolved. Transcending himself into what very few become, yet so many aspire to be. As Mr. Durden told me, "The head bites the tail, in death we are born.".
Be strong and courageous,
- Ethics Chairwoman 'Pawz'
Discord name: My current discord name is turtlespurples with the former discord name being turtlespurples#3261.
For how long you have played on CG SCP: Approximately 10 months, soon to be a year. In-game, over six days within the past month according to "/time" with over 8 hours of which being "away from keyboard" time.
Age: I am currently Twenty-one years old.
In what country are you located: I live in the United States of America.
Time zone: I currently live in the Pacific Standard Time zone (PST).
Character name(s): My current character names are Tyler 'Mr. Durden' Dorkin for the Foundation and Tyler 'Turtle' Dorkin for the Chaos Insurgency.
Civilian name: My current civilian name is 'Chef Durden'.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): I am applying for only the SCP-RP USA server.
Do you have a microphone: Yes, I do with a backup microphone as well.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: All given positions I have ever held and/or currently hold are:
CI Alpha, CI Beta, CI Strike Team, CI Medic, and Internal Affairs Agent (Held).
Overseer Assistant, General Security Sergeant, Senior Doctor, and Internal Security Agent (Holding).
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why: I have received two bans in the past.
One ban was when I was brand new on the server, I left to avoid roleplay while being arrested by several MTF members as I did not understand why I was being arrested after several explanations.
The second ban for was given for failure to roleplay after I disguised as one staff member inside a sit room after given a verbal warning by a second staff member in the same sit room.
I have received five failures to roleplay warnings and one random death match warning.
I do not recall the random death match warning nor two of the failure to roleplay warnings. However, I do recall that one of the failures to roleplay warnings was due to a mass credit giving as a Junior Researcher in which I was told after that by a staff member that it is considered a form of XP farming which is exploitative.
The second failure to roleplay warning I recall is when I was letting D-Class personnel into the outer D-Block area as a chef.
Lastly, the last failure to roleplay warning which was in November of 2024 was due to me terminating a general security cadet that was within heavy containment zone after being told repeatedly more than five total times by multiple clearance level 4 personnel to leave heavy containment zone. He refused continuously, after approximately ten minutes and being held to fear roleplay via several combative personnel I wrongfully decided to terminate him once he chose to deliberately body-block a door with a firearm out.
I do understand the punishments I have received and regret making these mistakes as it caused troubles and negativity from/to other players who were not expecting such scenes/problems during their roleplay experience.
Both the staff and players on this server are usually highly understanding as well as very forgiving so I do believe the punishments I have received are more than appropriate and just.
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why: I am applying via this application for the Ethics Committee role of an Ethics Committee Member, not the Ethics Committee Chairman/Chairwoman position nor an Ethics Committee Assistant position.
The reason for why I am applying for an Ethics Committee Member position is because of several.
First, I want to hold for the first time a clearance level five position within the United States Civil Networks SCP-RP server and have the responsibilities of a clearance level five personnel.
Second, I admire the work the Ethics Committee has performed during my time on the server as I have witnessed so much within the server and how the Ethics Committee handles such problematic situations and/or events is sometimes a work of art.
Lastly, I really enjoy the people within the Ethics Committee both current and former, as well as some members of Mobile Task Force Omega-1.
What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee: I will give an answer as to why I am a good candidate for the Ethics Committee, however I refuse to dare say "best candidate" as I am well aware of the many other personnel within Civil Networks SCP-RP that are more qualified for such a position than myself.
What makes me a good candidate for the Ethics Committee is several accumulative reasons.
One, I have clearance level four experience of roughly four months now as an active Overseer Assistant. With that position I have currently successfully completed seven orders that were given by four different members of the Overseer Council of which were given to all Overseer Assistants to execute and four orders that were personally ordered to myself by two different members of the Overseer Council. All orders from members of the Overseer Council I execute, I attempt to exceed the expectations of the Overseer Council both in quantity and quality. Also, I ensure that when I am on-site as an Overseer Assistant, I pay attention to both internal and external radio communications at all times. I also ensure during codes three, four, five, and black to turn on/off both the teslas and "full site lockdown". During code twos, I authorize "kill on sight" past airlock and authorize sweeps very often when requested. Finally, consistently persist in giving permitted advance armory authorization during SCP containment breaches.
Two, I have a good knowledge base of SCP lore, yet I continue to learn each week more and more which I am always enthusiastic about as there is always something more to learn.
Three, I consistently am on the United States Civil Networks SCP-RP server between four to seven days per week giving at least three hours per active day with some days being well over eight hours of active roleplay with a passion.
Four, I have several long-term goals both within the United States Civil Networks SCP-RP server in general and within the Ethics Committee specifically.
Five, I have strongly communicated on a positive level on multiple occasions in-character with several Ethics Committee Assistants and Ethics Committee Members with great joy and pleasure. These personnel are former Ethics Committee Assistant Wraffle, current Ethics Committee Assistant Kufie, current Ethics Committee Assistant James Scandal, former Ethics Committee Member Marcus Takafuji, former Ethics Committee Chairman Matthew Recker, current Ethics Committee Chairwoman 'Pawz', and former Ethics Committee Member Riley 'Raixin' both as an Overseer Assistant and as a Senior Researcher.
Six, I have been complimented by current Ethics Committee Chairwoman 'Pawz' (During her time as an Ethics Committe Member), former Ethics Committee Chairman Matthew Recker, former Ethics Committee Member Matthew Recker, and former Ethics Committee Member Marcus Takafuji on my documents both as an Overseer Assistant and Senior Researcher in both creativity/originality and formatting/organization.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in roleplay: The Ethics Committee in roleplay are responsible for managing the Code of Ethics, working in close relation with the Internal Security Department for investigations, inspections, tribunals of both low court and high court, being the spine/backbone of the Foundation to ensure that the head of the Foundation, the Overseers, do not step out of line in an unethical manner, ensuring D-Class personnel's rights are not stripped away from them regardless of their past, balancing the moral costs of everything within the Foundation, affirming/establishing to the Overseer Council of what is and is not acceptable, working with the United Nations Global Occult Coalition to continue a long lasting positive image of the Foundation to prevent unwanted terminations of SCPs and/or prevention of worries/concerns which may lead to infill raids onto sites/facilities of the Foundation, handle issues presented by D-Class and/or any Foundation personnel that notifies the Ethics Committee that possibly break the Code of Ethics and/or what they believe to be are their rights, and maintain a firm understanding upon all clearance level four personnel of when things such as "mass termination", energy weapon usage upon D-Class personnel, and handling foreign relations with the Mayor/United Nations Global Occult Coalition/citizens.
Also, creating orders for Ethics Committee Assistants and Mobile Task Force Omega-1 to conduct in-character.
Aswell as creating a more positive and comfortable work environment for Foundation personnel to prevent unionizations from occurring/developing.
Lastly, being the watchguards of the world in-case of any high clearance level Foundation personnel going "rouge" thus threatening civilian populations.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of roleplay (e.g. what applications do they handle?): The Ethics Committee's responsibilities out of roleplay are to handle Google Docs such as polices/programs like the D-Class personnel work permit program, ensure both the medical and research department's procedures/policies/handbooks are within proper and ethical order, ensure server rules are not being broken nor bent both in-game and within external sources such as Discord and TeamSpeak 3, approve of credits, give out credit when credit is due, and also heavily maintain server health with open consideration at all times.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in: Please open the encrypted message if permitted.
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. . .
From: Ethics Committee Chairwoman 'Pawz'
To: Ethics Committee Members
CC: Overseer Council & The Administrator
Subject: New Ethics Committee Member
To: Ethics Committee Members
CC: Overseer Council & The Administrator
Subject: New Ethics Committee Member
Happy Valentines Day,
I am delightful to announce and welcome our new Ethics Committee Member, Tyler Durden, whom of which will be named as Tyler with the codename "Mr. Durden". You may have noticed that none of my beloved Ethics Committee Assistants are CC'd into this email. This is because I am providing within this email information about Mr. Durden that only certain clearance level five personnel may know of. The Ethics Committee Assistants will receive their own email which will be a heavily redacted version of this one as well as information that does not apply to the CC'd individuals. I will update you furthermore once Mr. Durden's trail period has concluded.
Mr. Durden as most of you may know of via his personal file, was an Overseer Assistant assigned to Site-65 under 05-3. For those who may have read deeper into his personal file, you may have also read about how his promotion from Senior Researcher to Overseer Assistant shortly after the death of the original SCP-096 which occurred at Site-65. This incident which was labeled as SCP-096-3-A, sparked interested from 05-3 towards Mr. Durden whom at the time was referred to as Tyler Dorkin with the codename of 'Turtles'. The promotion generated naturally a new codename of 'Mr. Durden' which is to stay during his promotion to Ethics Committee Member. However, he made it very clear to me that his last name, Dorkin, is to be dropped as a symbol of losing a part of one's ego to focus less on the self/traditions, rather to focus on the evolution of mankind.
I must point out the vital parts within Mr. Durden's personal file about how he became D-Class personnel to begin with. In 1999, as you may have already read before, he managed to orchestrate arguably the most selfless act of all-time without means of funding. This involved the creation of a cult-like secret society called "
I, Ms. Pawz, personally permitted Mr. Durden last month be disguised as a body double of myself to see how he conducts himself in a lecture setting. Mr. Durden did not disappoint whatsoever, in-fact he exceeded all of my expectations by performing of the most informative yet entertaining lectures I have ever seen. Multiple Foundation personnel informed me after the lecture was finished that had they not know Mr. Durden was not a real Ethics Committee Member, they would have completely believed he was one. He did not just conduct himself in a standard that is expected to be of a clearance level five personnel, but also, he spoke utilizing words that would be at the level equivalent of a university PHD holding professor. After his in-depth lecture which provided useful high-quality information towards multiple departments and Site-65 personnel as a whole, he proceeded with an open question discussion to listen "to the people" and "answer the questions the yearn to be answered". Lastly, he brought clear happiness and relief into multiple people's hearts which I witnessed first-hand.
Finally, it must be stated that I am well aware of this man being both a former secret society leader and life-sentenced person. However, he has not demonstrated any act that would appear as unethical as he ensured that absolutely zero animals and humans would be harmed in any way possible during
Be strong and courageous,
- Ethics Chairwoman 'Pawz'