Rule Suggestion Admin sits are not allowed to be used to collect evidence for punishment!

Rule suggestions will be reviewed by Superadmins, this may take longer than standard content suggestions.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
[It changes how video clips used in admin sits to its limitations to only allowed to be seen but not used out of sits]

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
[I do not believe I have seen a similar suggestion, but my suggestion is different because the suggestion is not just NLR, or Mixing, or fail-roleplay. This suggestion is also a wake up call to the staff who let those with in game power, abuse those who were wronged.]

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[Several instances such as:
•Ensures trust to report a problem to staff if the offender has power to punish you in other instances
•Protects both parties from needless drama
•Makes staff more reliable as a impartial representative of the server rules
•Makes people go through the process of discovery to see litigation in roleplay
•Gives staff the power to judgement without either parties conceding from duress
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[This suggestion forces people to go through the process of discovery, litigation, and find reasoning in rp]

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[This suggestion should be accepted because people are tired and afraid of people with in game power abusing their positions in a legal manner. Realistically the actual ethical practice of people on the servers do the moral minimum, the absolute least ethical practice a person can legally do, and it is wrong to continue this practice. Everyone should have the opportunity to a staff sit without retaliation. Staff should have the ultimate power of representation of the rules. The people are under duress because they feel threatened by those they report. If people are afraid to talk to staff about issues and resolve them only in that sit, then the people should have the trust of video clips not returning to bite them in the ass because their roleplay boss wants to use that video for punishment. The power to play is not in the staffs hands with how this current system fails to disclose the right of the people and litigation.]

Here is video evidence of the exact issue playing on 2/13/2025
Note of video:
• Agreed that they used the clip acquired from a failrp sit to PT a regiment
• Used it for a punishment
• Retaliation by someone who can punish for making the sit
• They CAN use out of character access to punish.
• The staff had an issue with the clip being acquired in character
  • Haha
Reactions: Thordan and Snake


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Apr 11, 2022
I'm not entirely sure why this suggestion is a suggetion. This is and already should be the common practice for staff.
A major issue is players seem to forget this is a ROLEPLAY server. You need to investigate through IN CHARACTER means to find out the answer you're suspecting or to conclude the theory you are working on.
People keep trying to get the easy way out by dealing with everything OOCly.

Getting a video from an OOC Staff Sit and utilising it ICly is Metagaming seeming you obtained it through OOC means and utilised it ICly.
Players should not be utilising these clips.
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In the video you were being extremely unreasonable... A1 witnessed their unit get executed by E11 and you got a PT from that which is a RP scenario instead of taking the easy way out you'd rather get a strike? I don't know if I should laugh or be sad to be honest...

As for the rule, I do believe that if a clip wasn't obtained IC it shouldn't be used IC. And OOC clips should only be used in sits and complaints that is simply common sense, and something that staff have been doing for a long time. If there is a clip used IC that was obtained OOC using that clip is METAGAMING as in using OOC information IC its as simple as that. As multiple people said use the complaint section of the forums if you wish to complain about the staff member that was involved.

As for the suggestion ill be leaving a -/+ Support
Due to this already being enforced and is just simply common sense.
I mean, nothing has to be changed. I feel like this would be more of a player complaint than a suggestion. You're complaining about some people using clips IC that were obtained ICly. Metagaming is already a rule, and if staff aren't enforcing it properly, that should be for a complaint rather than a suggestion.

Just my opinion, and given what Naffen said, it should already be done that way, so in future I would just say make a complaint. Also, US issue, never seen or heard this happen on the UK, but I could just be wrong.
Feb 19, 2023
New york, USA
As for the rule, I do believe that if a clip wasn't obtained IC it shouldn't be used IC. And OOC clips should only be used in sits and complaints that is simply common sense, and something that staff have been doing for a long time. If there is a clip used IC that was obtained OOC using that clip is METAGAMING as in using OOC information IC its as simple as that. As multiple people said use the complaint section of the forums if you wish to complain about the staff member that was involved.
You are correct, any clips obtained in ooc or a sit room or looc then they cannot be used In Character. You may only use "bodycam" obtained from a legal in character option.
Dec 25, 2023
I cannot be sure as I find the suggestion a little confusing, but this is already true - or it should be according to all the rules.

You cannot use a clip you didn't acquire in-RP / in-character to do an in-RP action. If a person ONLY gained a clip because it was shown to them in an OOC situation (like a sit) they cannot use that in-RP and to do so would be meta gaming (or maybe mixing). You're suggestion more than likely won't be accepted (or truly denied) because this is the case already.

Please make a complaint about the people involved if you feel they have broken these rules.


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Apr 11, 2022
I'm going to go ahead and deny this suggestion as this is something that is common sense and all staff should be abiding with.

Read all staff responses in this thread for the reasons.

Staff who fail to follow this will be punished and players who actively abuse and metagame the info from sits will be warned.

Go to the player/staff complaint section if people are breaking rules/causing issues
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