Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:121212256
Discord name: Dragonbor166
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 years
Age: 28
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Marcus Takafuji
Civilian name: Bryce Tankthrust
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-Ethics member (held)
-DOIA (Held)
-Gensec captain (Held)
-Ethics assistant (Holding)
-Inspector (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- combat jumping and fail rp both 2 years ago and both not fully understanding the server rules at the time.
Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?
- I am applying for the position of Medical Consultant as I have strong desire that Medical is the backbone of the server without it the other departments would fall as their would be no one to fix the endless medical issues nor fix the many infections that we all constantly come across while playing on the site. On top of this medical can also provide psychiatric Evaluations to many members on the site in case the server starts getting a bit too hard on their mental state. The other reason I am applying for this position as I believe that with the promotion I will be able to help medical more and be more free to try more dangerous surgeries utilizing SCP's that I otherwise am not privy to knowing at my current rank as a Sr Doctor. I also very much enjoy teaching new players that join medical in how to use the equipment in the sickbay as well as how to heal the other players on the server.
What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
-I have been playing the role of Sr doctor for awhile now during my time as an Ethics member and more so after I had left the position conducting surgeries from fixing a patients broken leg to more seriously fixing a patients failing liver utilizing 2295 to produce a working liver on top of this I have given numerous psych evaluations to members on site and dealt with their many issues resulting in them either needing medication or helping them make a step by step recovery plan. I firmly believe without medical the site would fall and would love to be able to do more in my position if I get promoted and help medical reach new heights.
Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
-An In game medical procedure of my choice would be the Regularly Used psychiatric Evaluations To do one of these the patient comes up to you requesting them to which you bring them to the back room next to the classroom once there you make sure they are ok to continue and begin asking the questions once done you add any information and your decision on if they need medication or if they will be fine to continue as they are on most cases the patient just needs a calming voice to talk to them so they can vent and they can go on their merry way some however need medication to which you prescribe Quetiapine to help their mental state.
What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
- The responsibility of a medical consultant are as follows
-Give out medical license tryouts
-Give out Combat medic tryouts
-Aid in teaching new and current doctors in new medical procedures and new drugs
Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Marcus Takafuji was doing his normal rounds as a gensec captain doing the same old same old dealing with unruly cadets and crazy D class he had grown strained, stressed and tired of it all having been in this job for a rather long while he longed for something diffrent something new something to give energy back into his life.
Overtime he began to admire IA and how they conduct themselves in D-block and around the facility there was three in particular he began to look up to These were Ambassador Walter ulrich, Ambassador Harold Hawks and Ambassador Josher Owl soon enough he took a sabbatical from Gensec Department and chose to join IA after they had done a recruitment drive the next couple of months were difficult for him he was torn between knowing how to be a captain and dealing with gensec himself and other people now he had to do things purely by detainment and arresting eventually he grew to like this he saw what a difference he began to make in the facility as a whole Shadowing the ambassadors himself showed him what a difference IA could make to the site He always would be loyal to gensec but now he has a new renewal in his life a new reason to wake up eventually he became an IA ambassador but he never forgot the ambassadors he looked up to as he now works alongside them to make the site a safer more ethical place to live and work in. After a few months he became part of a what can only be called a cult brainwashed into giving access to floor 3 and resulting in his subsequent return to being a D class however over time he once again gained the trust of the foundation and was allowed to become an ambassador again.
Soon enough he was recruited By ethics Members and began a new journey as an assistant aiding the ethics members whenever he could Resulting him in inevitably becoming an ethics member however soon he began to fall in love with medical and aided them whenever he could during one particularly dangerous situation an O1 code name 'Frost' was guarding him while they were both walking out from Omega 1's bunks for a night of paperwork and conducting evaluations on various departments 'Frost' had been the first to leave bunks a explosion echoes out of ECW the smoke filling the stairwell and bunks a Slam had exploded the smoke clearing revealed Frost's body on the floor his arm half blown off the stub gushing blood out of the wound Marcus in his quick thinking scooped Frost up in his arms and bolted towards med-bay with the remaining O1.
once there he demanded the attention of medical personnel unfortunately only a Trainee was on site at the time resulting in Marcus and the trainee having to perform surgery on Frost's arm eventually after an hour of attempting to stop the bleeding and fix the wound O1 Com 'Crush' ran inside the surgery room holding a bionic arm to which Marcus and the trainee had successfully managed to implant onto Frost's arm the recovery for frost had taken weeks and the scars still show due to this event Marcus had grown to love medical resulting in his inevitable resignation and his new life as a consultant began.
Discord name: Dragonbor166
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 years
Age: 28
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Marcus Takafuji
Civilian name: Bryce Tankthrust
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-Ethics member (held)
-DOIA (Held)
-Gensec captain (Held)
-Ethics assistant (Holding)
-Inspector (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- combat jumping and fail rp both 2 years ago and both not fully understanding the server rules at the time.
Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?
- I am applying for the position of Medical Consultant as I have strong desire that Medical is the backbone of the server without it the other departments would fall as their would be no one to fix the endless medical issues nor fix the many infections that we all constantly come across while playing on the site. On top of this medical can also provide psychiatric Evaluations to many members on the site in case the server starts getting a bit too hard on their mental state. The other reason I am applying for this position as I believe that with the promotion I will be able to help medical more and be more free to try more dangerous surgeries utilizing SCP's that I otherwise am not privy to knowing at my current rank as a Sr Doctor. I also very much enjoy teaching new players that join medical in how to use the equipment in the sickbay as well as how to heal the other players on the server.
What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
-I have been playing the role of Sr doctor for awhile now during my time as an Ethics member and more so after I had left the position conducting surgeries from fixing a patients broken leg to more seriously fixing a patients failing liver utilizing 2295 to produce a working liver on top of this I have given numerous psych evaluations to members on site and dealt with their many issues resulting in them either needing medication or helping them make a step by step recovery plan. I firmly believe without medical the site would fall and would love to be able to do more in my position if I get promoted and help medical reach new heights.
Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
-An In game medical procedure of my choice would be the Regularly Used psychiatric Evaluations To do one of these the patient comes up to you requesting them to which you bring them to the back room next to the classroom once there you make sure they are ok to continue and begin asking the questions once done you add any information and your decision on if they need medication or if they will be fine to continue as they are on most cases the patient just needs a calming voice to talk to them so they can vent and they can go on their merry way some however need medication to which you prescribe Quetiapine to help their mental state.
What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
- The responsibility of a medical consultant are as follows
-Give out medical license tryouts
-Give out Combat medic tryouts
-Aid in teaching new and current doctors in new medical procedures and new drugs
Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Marcus Takafuji was doing his normal rounds as a gensec captain doing the same old same old dealing with unruly cadets and crazy D class he had grown strained, stressed and tired of it all having been in this job for a rather long while he longed for something diffrent something new something to give energy back into his life.
Overtime he began to admire IA and how they conduct themselves in D-block and around the facility there was three in particular he began to look up to These were Ambassador Walter ulrich, Ambassador Harold Hawks and Ambassador Josher Owl soon enough he took a sabbatical from Gensec Department and chose to join IA after they had done a recruitment drive the next couple of months were difficult for him he was torn between knowing how to be a captain and dealing with gensec himself and other people now he had to do things purely by detainment and arresting eventually he grew to like this he saw what a difference he began to make in the facility as a whole Shadowing the ambassadors himself showed him what a difference IA could make to the site He always would be loyal to gensec but now he has a new renewal in his life a new reason to wake up eventually he became an IA ambassador but he never forgot the ambassadors he looked up to as he now works alongside them to make the site a safer more ethical place to live and work in. After a few months he became part of a what can only be called a cult brainwashed into giving access to floor 3 and resulting in his subsequent return to being a D class however over time he once again gained the trust of the foundation and was allowed to become an ambassador again.
Soon enough he was recruited By ethics Members and began a new journey as an assistant aiding the ethics members whenever he could Resulting him in inevitably becoming an ethics member however soon he began to fall in love with medical and aided them whenever he could during one particularly dangerous situation an O1 code name 'Frost' was guarding him while they were both walking out from Omega 1's bunks for a night of paperwork and conducting evaluations on various departments 'Frost' had been the first to leave bunks a explosion echoes out of ECW the smoke filling the stairwell and bunks a Slam had exploded the smoke clearing revealed Frost's body on the floor his arm half blown off the stub gushing blood out of the wound Marcus in his quick thinking scooped Frost up in his arms and bolted towards med-bay with the remaining O1.
once there he demanded the attention of medical personnel unfortunately only a Trainee was on site at the time resulting in Marcus and the trainee having to perform surgery on Frost's arm eventually after an hour of attempting to stop the bleeding and fix the wound O1 Com 'Crush' ran inside the surgery room holding a bionic arm to which Marcus and the trainee had successfully managed to implant onto Frost's arm the recovery for frost had taken weeks and the scars still show due to this event Marcus had grown to love medical resulting in his inevitable resignation and his new life as a consultant began.