Accepted Less frustrating keycard scanner outages.

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
It makes the keycard outages less frustrating.

This will make it so when the power is out for the keycards, you will have a 1/3 chance of opening the door. For example; The power is out and someone is trying to open a door. Each time they scan their keycard they will have 1 successful scan out of three.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not sure.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Allows for a less annoying environment when playing. Nobody wants to sit at a door and attempt to open it 6 or more times.
Happier community. People (At least from what I've seen) hate this. Not once have I heard someone they enjoy this feature, and I've been playing for almost 2 1/2 years. Instead of upright removing the feature, just make it easier.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
It might be a difficult thing to change. (Depending on how the addon is setup)
People might still be annoyed of the outages due this not fully removing the feature.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This suggestion should be accepted. Overall people don't like sitting at a door and trying to open it but failing most the time. From my gameplay, it usually takes 5-6 attempts to open a door during this period. It's completely unfun and does not provide and significance to the server. Making it have a 1/3 change of opening will lead to a happier community in general rather then being frustrated. Not to mention, tech experts are usually minges leading to players having to switch from their current job just to fix the keycards. Completely interrupting roleplay they might be having.
May 29, 2024

I respect how the Keycard Scanner outages currently work to a degree. It gives certain individuals more of a chance to do things, while it gives others less of a chance - all more the reason to make Techies more important. It gives them a huge purpose during these outages because of how infuriating they are, and how immediately it needs to be fixed whenever shit is going down.

Really I'd say the biggest problem with these outages is the lack of techies available that will actually go and fix them, like you mentioned. No one wants to stop what they're doing to go be a techie. It's the time in which techies can really shine, but that's about it - the rest of the job having little incentive to actually play the job casually, rather than it just being a backup job to go and minge carefree, or to fix a very specific thing.
Sep 10, 2023
Ah yes. I love being stuck inside E11 spawn for 6 minutes because of horrible RNG

Or being stuck behind the GOC bunker door bulk for 5 minutes during a surface breach

Or being unable to evac during the Alpha Warhead detonation because every keypad on floor 2 took at least 9 presses to open

Jun 2, 2024
Please for the love of god, I'm tired of having to fight with my office door, then the first double door (assuming I don't need something from armory) then the next double door, and then the bulk just to leave security sector, it is the exact same fight for every member of General Security

Holy Doggo(Bruno Leopold)

Well-known Member
Dec 22, 2024
+Support, a hard cap i think is a good thing, still makes it a lucky event to open it the first try but makes it less time consuming and more consistent

I respect how the Keycard Scanner outages currently work to a degree. It gives certain individuals more of a chance to do things, while it gives others less of a chance - all more the reason to make Techies more important. It gives them a huge purpose during these outages because of how infuriating they are, and how immediately it needs to be fixed whenever shit is going down.

Really I'd say the biggest problem with these outages is the lack of techies available that will actually go and fix them, like you mentioned. No one wants to stop what they're doing to go be a techie. It's the time in which techies can really shine, but that's about it - the rest of the job having little incentive to actually play the job casually, rather than it just being a backup job to go and minge carefree, or to fix a very specific thing.
As someone that mained techie most of the time I've been on the server, believe me, techie mains don't like the keypads as they are, either. Yeah, we get some appreciation over comms and whatever if it gets fixed quickly and whatever, but it's a pain in the ass for everyone including us. I'd rather this feature be a bit less annoying and just make up for the slight reduction in appreciation with some actually good engineering changes elsewhere (hint hint, Content Team).


Well-known Member
Jun 16, 2024
I love sitting at a door and pressing e 5 times for it to open. :freeze:
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