Denied Replace the name of an Orange suit with a White Suit.

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
I'm suggesting to Replace the name of a current battle suit from Orange Suit to a White Suit. I'm not suggesting any changes to the suit, just a simple renaming. The reason for that, is the fact that orange suit in the Lore is a full on Giant Mech. While the one we have on the server fits the description of a white suit INCLUDING the self Destruct option.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
People were suggesting to add a white suit as an additional one, but I am suggesting to only replace the name to make it more fitting with the lore.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1. Makes a server more fitting with the lore of GOC.
2.A potential to use an ACTUAL orange suit for Roleplay in Events/RP scenarios by GOC

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
1. Many documents containing the Orange Suit in them will have to be edited to fit in with the new name.
2. Orange suits are already established on the server as the exoskeleton/suit, not a Giant Mech, even though in lore it is correct it may create some confusion for people unaware of the Change.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This suggestion should be accepted, because changing the name will make the server closer to the Canon of SCP Universe, and bring new possibilities of roleplay with the Orange Suit as a Mech. It will also give more tasks to departments who will have to rewrite some documents.
No it isnt, the SCP wiki is literally free and yall are saying stupid shit like this 😭
"3. An invisibility cloak generator, incorporating Tangential Technology to bend light around the subject, providing full invisibility."

i love irony.
-Rename it something different, but when the GOC rework comes around then they'll prob make an actual Orange Suit
Apr 6, 2023
Eh.. I mean, It would be more accurate to the server's Orange Suit.

You could say that the server's version is an up-armoured variant of the White Suit as it has fulfilled a role similar to that of the current Orange Suit in lore as Power Armour.



The only issue I could forsee is the entire " Runs at 60 MPH, Invisible & Whatnot typa stuff. "
It's not exactly #1 priority rn tho so eh.

-/+ Neutral
Eh.. I mean, It would be more accurate to the server's Orange Suit.

You could say that the server's version is an up-armoured variant of the White Suit as it has fulfilled a role similar to that of the current Orange Suit in lore as Power Armour.

View attachment 20738

View attachment 20739
View attachment 20740

The only issue I could forsee is the entire " Runs at 60 MPH, Invisible & Whatnot typa stuff. "
It's not exactly #1 priority rn tho so eh.

-/+ Neutral
be quiet pls
Sep 10, 2023
No it isnt, the SCP wiki is literally free and yall are saying stupid shit like this 😭
Hm yes.
The suit which specifically mentions having a cloaking system is not for stealth hmmm.

(Lore accurate Osuit)
Sep 10, 2023
My ideas for remaining it were

Bronze Suit

Advanced Threat Entity Engagement Chassis (ATEC)

Heavy Engagement Chassis (HEC)

Threat Entity Combat Unit (TECU)

Mark 2/1 Ultra Heavy Engagement Chassis (At least a drop in version number as it's more accurate to them)

Advanced Combat Unit (ACU)

Advanced Combat Suit (ACS)
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Slipperman_1 ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Reasons for Denial:
Currently the orange suit we have does not turn invisible like White suits. So currently we have orange suits on the server.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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