[UK] Haggis' Ethics Committee Assistant Application

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Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 18, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:177552641
Discord name: First#9554
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Just Under a Year with some breaks
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: Scotland
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Angus 'Haggis' McAllister
Civilian name: Bertrum
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- DEA Senior Agent
- E-11 SPC
- NU-7 LCPL x2
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have not received any kicks/warnings/bans
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
- I would be the best candidate for the role of ECA as I am a current member of the Mobile Task Force Omega-1, I have seen first hand what the ethics members do and understand the ground rules for the ethic side of roleplay.

with saying this I know I have not got a lot of experience with CL4 positions but I am willing to learn and adapt my roleplay to achieve the standard for the role. in addition to this my activity can be a little shaky as I work a lot but when I am on I tend to lose track of time as for this week I have spent 27 hours playing the server.

- Follow and Enforce the CoE and FLC
- Authorising AA when necessary | for example in a C5 situation
- Making sure that the orders from the Ethics committee are followed through
- Helping O-1 with their duties, wither that be Helping with tribunals or With tests
- Have a welcoming attitude for people to come to if they need help
- Auditing Departments if required
- Working with Department Directors to achieve a good standard of personal
- Reviewing Departments/Regiments
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
- The responsibilities of a Ethics Committee Assistant is to take and follow the orders of the Ethics members to it's full extent bring what the orders say on paper to reality. This also covers inciting myself and the people around me in fun and professional RP situations, as a ECA I will also look out for FLC violations and inform the proper departments to handle the breaks of the FLC. this comes obvious but the role of ECA will have to work closely with Omega-1 with their duties wither that be Tribunals or general duties.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Angus 'Haggis' McAllister was born in Trondra, Scotland. As a small boy Angus enjoyed the wildlife closely and studied the birds to see the amazing creatures in their natural habitat, some of the birds he enjoyed watching was mainly Swallows where their unique songs and wings mesmerised him. sadly this was short lived as his father was in the army and so they had to move around a lot so over time as Angus grew into a teenager he lost interest of the birds and stated training to join the British army.

As a 16 year old he went on to join AFC Harrogate the army's collage for young soldiers, during his time in Harrogate he was the best recruit in his squadron and quickly gained the reputation of a underdog, but as he's from Scotland his mum would send him Haggis to enjoy when he felt homesick, which gave him the nickname Haggis. After graduating AFC Harrogate he went on to join the Scots Guards and continuously showed amazing performance. he later went on to attend P Company to achieve his Parachute wings, during his time at P Company he was scouted out by the Special Air Service [SAS]. After completing P Company he then went on to join the SAS and went on top secret missions. But the truth of everything came to light and saw some things that no man should ever see, from this point on he vowed to keep everything humane as possible either that means working with the SAS intelligence deciding on how the SAS partakes on humane missions.

On one mysterious night on a solo reconnaissance mission named: [Redacted], Angus saw another Military unit working with what appeared to be a weird looking creature know known to him a SCP-088, suddenly the Unit discovered him and brought him to a unknown black sight with strange markings on all the doors. He was then interviewed by a tall but soft figure in the room he was in, asking Angus questions like: "what did you see on your recon mission". after the interview was concluded the strange man took him through the Black site asking him questions about his ethics, after the walk he took Angus to a room and gave him a piece of paper where it read. Welcome to Site-65 you are now being asked to join us, with your experience and morals you are a perfect candidate for our division. the rest was history, he loved every bit of the foundation and never looked back at his old life, The SAS believed he was MIA and was assumed dead. Secure, Contain, Protect was now all Angus lived by.
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Active member
Jan 20, 2025
-/+, Great lore, great application, but the section for Responsibilities, i think is just not it.


Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 18, 2024
Could you expand on your understanding of an ECA's responsibilities?

The paragraph you've entered leaves much to be desired as-is.
- Follow and Enforce the CoE and FLC
- Authorising AA when necessary
- Making sure that the orders from the Ethics committee are followed through
- Helping O-1 with their duties, wither that be Helping with tribunals or With tests
- Have a welcoming attitude for people to come to if they need help
- Follow and Enforce the CoE and FLC
- Authorising AA when necessary
- Making sure that the orders from the Ethics committee are followed through
- Helping O-1 with their duties, wither that be Helping with tribunals or With tests
- Have a welcoming attitude for people to come to if they need help
Add it to the application and maybe expand a small bit on each point
Still a +support from me
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