Accepted Make 500 "inject-able" upon other players

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2024
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion changes the way that SCP-500 pills are used, allowing for players to force another person to eat the pill. While this can seem like forced RP, the reason for this suggestion will be shown in the positives. Either force-feeding the pill to another player, or a way to turn 500 into a chemical substance that could be injected into a person would be a good change.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Better containment of 008 breaches, along with healing of higher clearance personnel.
With the breaches of 008, SCP-500 pills in lore are able to cure the infection that 008 causes, regardless of the stage that it is in. This is the reason I say players should be able to force another person to eat them, as SCP's do not have the ability to take a 500 pill and use it while they are infected to my knowledge.

During breaches, there are times where high clearence level persons are affected by 008. This would be a very bad situation for the foundation, as a person they trust and have running facilities would be killed. Since we are already able to cuff 008 instances, players should be able to force feed a pill to a cuffed instance, which would allow higher clearence personnel to come back from the disease.

Better Medical RP, if a person was to be affected by 008, there would obviously be changes to the persons body and mental state. This change would allow medical personnel to bring back a person that was infected by 008, and allow them to RP the mental and possible physical changes that bringing someone back would cause. It would also allow medical staff to test on 008 instances, as they would be able to be revived which also brings out another branch of rp.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Development time for the addition of forcing another player to eat a 500 pill might take a while, as it is a more intensive process to force another person to take the pill.

Forced RP with the pill could happen very easily, as if a person were to get infected by 008 and forced to take the pill, it could affect the experince if they wanted to play as an instance of 008.

I could also see this feature not being used as often as it could be, as when 008 breaches the site its not very often that players are thinking about curing the person's who are afflicted by it, but containing it and killing all instances so that the site doesn't have to be nuked.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe that based on the positives and negatives that this suggestion should at least be considered. The negatives are on par in my opinion with the positives, and while it would be a excellent feature within the server to have, it could be overlooked. I think that if added it can change a lot of RP that is involved with the usage of 008, and could potentially cause 008 breaches to be less common if the proper actions are taken by people to cure the first instance as soon as possible. I believe that this would be a good addition, but may not be used as heavily as could be.


Well-known Member
Nov 3, 2024

The only problem I see with this is when you cuff a 008 instance sometimes it bugs and makes all other 008 instances immune to any damage as if they were in cuffs. Other than that it would be a good way to combat 008 other than trying to kill all of them and praying some tech expert didn't hid a spore in 860 or D-Block so he can run back to it every time he dies.
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