Why the hell cant they fix SCP-914 sounds

Cope incoming, 914 raids and sneaky d-class getting disguises get absolutely shit on all the time because SCP-914 can be heard from:

- PW
- E-11 bunks
- Research wing
- Floor 3 apparently
- Mount Everest

Suggestions to get this fixed have always been denied because "Technical issues limit us from fixing this."

Can someone who knows what they are talking about explain why this is the case? Why can't sound just be emitted in a small sphere around the entity, maybe just loud enough to be heard while standing in the hallway? I don't know shit about game development or GMOD development for that matter but I just can't fathom how a fix for this issue is out of reach when on the surface it seems so simple
can we make this the “nobody has fixed this bug in 2 years” thread?

why the fuck havent they fixed vents yet, is it a mapping thing???
I'm not a fan of that either but this wasn't to blast the devs, this post was more just curiosity how something isn't possible

Like I'm sure the vents could be fixed but it's just in the infinite backlog of bug fixes, whereas 914 sounds are apparently impossible to fix, hence my curiosity


Well-known Member
Apr 11, 2024
(joke, btw)

Suggestion Denied

Hi pinhead,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

SCP-914 is actually coded in Fortran and no one on the Dev Team knows how to modify it.
Additionally, we're too busy working on the next big update to be fixing bugs so go pound sand.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​


SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Aug 7, 2023
Canada, ey?
I'm not a fan of that either but this wasn't to blast the devs, this post was more just curiosity how something isn't possible

Like I'm sure the vents could be fixed but it's just in the infinite backlog of bug fixes, whereas 914 sounds are apparently impossible to fix, hence my curiosity
(This is my guess, I got no clue)

I think vents is a mapping issue with teleports and landmarks, and 914 is probably also is a map issue where the sound entities range limit has to be decreased. Both of these probably have to be done by either Fr3ze or Ventz cause no one else has access to the master map file. This would be my guess on why it doesn't work.