[SCP-RP USA] Randal Murphy's Application for Site Advisor

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Oct 26, 2022
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
I've been playing on SCP-RP since 2021, realistically hundreds of hours.


In what country are you located?:
United States

Time zone:
Eastern Standard Time

Character name(s):
Randal Murphy

Civilian name:

Joey Deere

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Overseer Assistant

Game Masterx2
Trial Game Master
O5-1 "The Accountant"
O5-4 "The Accountant"
Ethics Committee Chairman
Ethics Member

Site Advisor
Director of Research
Executive Researcher

Overseer Assistant
Ethics Assistant
Special Agent
Senior Agent
Field Agent

CI-G x3

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
No, clean slate.​

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I am applying for the position of Site Advisor again for two main reasons. The first, and the largest reason is I want to contribute again. I came back to the server somewhat recently, and almost immediately began writing excellent research documents and contributing to roleplay. I attempted to get reinstated as an Overseer Assistant, but was denied this and asked to apply. Instead of turning around and leaving, instead of being discouraged, I upped my activity, filled out an application, and earned the position again. I did this to contribute, to participate in roleplay again, and to make a tangible and positive impact on the server. This is the same reason I am filling out this application for Site Advisor; I want to contribute in site affairs again, and make a positive impact from an administrative perspective by applying my former experience. The second reason that I wish to become a Site Advisor once more is because I want to participate in, revise, and correct mistakes made by the Summary Tribunal in the Court of Appeals, which members of Site Administration are permitted to do. From the position of Site Advisor, my contributions to tribunal RP would continue to elevate, and I believe that I could make a positive impact in this area. I invite and encourage the current SA to give me a chance in this regard.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:

Experience: Obviously, the largest incentive for the acceptance of my application is that my experience in Foundation leadership knows little limit. Having led both parties of Site Command in my tenure I am well versed already in SA+ concepts including but are not limited to: running of the site during code emergencies, tribunals and Foundation legal codes, leadership of departments/regiments, management of SrCL4/CL4 positions, well-thought-out roleplay decision making, and and the maintaining of the complicated SC relationship intertwined with SA. My time as Director makes me an asset in the management and running of departments, my time as Ethics makes me an asset in the understanding of in-character Foundation law, and my time as O5 makes me an asset in Foundation Faction administrative action. Also, I've been a Site Advisor before, and I left the position previously on good terms, so I am very familiar with all of Site Administration's duties, and will do my best to faithfully execute said duties. Put simply, my experience in these categories put me above and beyond all the other applicants. At the moment, with the departure of Walter Unrich, SA will need an individual with the kind of experience to fill his large shoes in his recent resignation.

Roleplay: Put simply, I understand SCP lore very well, and can apply concepts of Foundation lore to RP circumstances. I would consider myself to be above average in the skill of playing a character both due to experience in character and my experience as a former GM that compounds that fact. I am adept in many aspects of roleplay on the server and would continue to RP to the best of my ability in any position I acquire. This includes SA where I would, undoubtedly, continue to push forward tribunal RP and attempt to make the Foundation Justice System a more widely used tool. This would be not only for arrests, but for civil disputes between Foundation Staff on a regular basis.

Writing Capability: Since the beginning of my time playing seriously on the Foundation Faction, one of the biggest strong suits I have maintained is my excellent ability to write. With 20+ excellent documents from my time in research, many hours reviewing and revising Foundation Law, and from my writing of plans for events as a former Gamemaster, my writing skill has certainly surpassed the criteria required to become a member of Site Administration. This writing skill also enhances my ability to communicate effectively using the English language for application reviews, and departmental disputes that might need solving. This skill also enhances my ability to argue in tribunals in addition to the experience I have in their participation, which is a skill that I would offer to Site Administration should I be made a member again.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?

The responsibilities of a Site Advisor include but are not limited to:

-Leading of the Site through certain emergencies by authorizing AA and KOS past airlock
-Management of departments in the inability of their regular leadership
-Solving base level administrative problems for departments/regiments
-Maintaining communication between themselves and Department leads
-Voting on certain SrCL4 positions
-Voting on site policy change
-Signing D-Class work permits
-Maintaining communication inter-site administration
-Management of GOI relations and authorizing GOI raids
-Authorizing tests and enabling roleplay throughout the site

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
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