[UK] Tiago's Ethics Committee Assistant Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:639436394
Discord name: flash.___
For how long have you played on CG SCP: November 2024
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Portugal
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s):
Foundation: Tiago 'Wolf' Lobo
CI: Tiago
Civilian name: Tiago Alexandre
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF E-11 Lieutenant
Security Captain
ISD Investigator
DEA Senior Agent
Security Sergeant
SCP-096 Whitelist
CI Delta


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:

I believe I am the best candidate for ECA for multiple reasons. One of them being that I am dedicated, I have shown dedication to the multiple roles that I have held in the server and professionalism throughout my whole tenure in the server. I have also shown in multiple occasions maturity, I believe that I am capable of carrying out ECA duties and responsibilities onsite and assisting people whenever necessary. I also believe that my experience helps me because of the 2 CL4 positions I'm currently holding, one of them being a Senior position. I have great RP skills and can lead multiple RP scenarios whenever It is necessary. I am a known player around the server as proved by my Vtime. I want to be able to complete more non-combative Roleplay and be a good asset for roleplay in this server. If I gain the position, I believe I could learn more and gain even more experience in a role like this, which involves non-combative roleplay.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
ECA's have multiple responsibilities in RP, which I will now list:
- Conducting assigned projects by Ethics Members
- Authorizing AA when requirements are met.
- Assisting in judging Tribunals whenever requested and filling tribunal requests.
- Organizing MTF Omega-1 when necessary/asked by an Ethics Member.
- Enforcing the FLC by working together with ISD in investigations.
- Creating Roleplay/Projects
- Creating/Approving and signing certain documents related to the Ethics Committee
- Being the first point of contact to issues that require Ethics assistance.
- Conduct assessments and interviews onsite.
- Spectate tests to make sure nothing unethical is going on.
Multiple examples from roleplay from an ECA could be creating roleplay for a tribunal, or just creating roleplay for O-1 and most of the site to get involved.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Name: João Pedro

Blood Type: B-

Age: 25

Height: 190cm

Weight: 73 kg

João's ChildHood

João Pedro, a 25 year old aged male, from around the Great Lisboa area, in Portugal, born to his father named Tomás Pedro and mom Maria Pedro on the 9th of January 2000, his father was an English Teacher and his mom a Kindergarten Teacher. He had a beautiful life growing up, supported by lots of his family members, he had a dream of being a lawyer when he reached the age of 18, in the University of Lisbon and go to Law School, which was hard back then due to how many people tried to enter, he was a very intelligent boy, he could solve any problems that came through his mind, hence why he scored alot of perfect grades in his tests..

When he was around the age of 15, one day in school, he was told by one of his teachers that some lawyers would come to school and spread the word about Law School, which obviously interested João alot. He asked the lawyers that were walking around the School asking questions and speaking to people: "What are the main concerns when you become a lawyer? I am interested in joining law school and I think with my intelligence and skills I could make up a pretty good one." One of the lawyers, which was named Lourenço answers the question: "I don't think being a lawyer has any concerns other than when you have hard cases to deal with, since you need to look perfectly into evidence and it is quite difficult when you also have multiple cases to deal with, I have been informed by one of your teachers that you are very intelligent and I wish you good luck when trying to enter Law School." João thinks that one of his main dreams can finally come true when he reaches the age of 18.. 3 years later, he finishes school and applies for Law School and manages to enter because of his high grades from High School.. Enjoying what he did, he managed to get a degree and finally had the chance to become a lawyer, which was his biggest dream back when he was 3 years old.

Interactions as a Lawyer and main storyline into the Foundation

João after getting his degree in Law School, he is interested in joining this specific Lawyer Company, which looked very famous because of It's success in completing multiple cases, he applies for a position in the company and is invited for a job interview, the manager, named Pedro Silva, started asking him about Law questions and why did he want to specifically become an Associate for the Company, João answers the question: "I want to become an associate because I am passionate in Law, I had great grades in school and Law School, you could see that also in my background check, I believe I'm also very intelligent and can benefit as an Associate for your company." Pedro agrees and has a talk with other Associates, which after a little bit of a discussion, all of them agreed for him to become an Associate for the company.

João's first case was an Attempted Murder case, which the client, named Chris, a man from the United Kingdom that was on vacation in Portugal, was accused of said crime because he was spotted on CCTV leaving the crime scene, João's reviews said CCTV Footage and thinks that his client was just passing by and did not look suspicious at all. However, a knife was left on the crime scene, which Police looked for DNA evidence, and found someone else's DNA, this evidence gave some hope to the young lawyer because there is no way that the Court could provide evidence that Chris did infact commit the crime. 4 days later, It's the date for the court session which João with his client provides all required evidence to the Judge and Jury, which come to the conclusion that Chris was found Not Guilty of Attempted Murder.

His second case was a little bit more harder, his client was accused of Murder after his brother was reported dead in his house in Lisbon, on the 30th of June, the Police believe that João's Client was in his brother's house because of CCTV Footage sees him entering the house and leaving the house in the night that It's assumed the brother was killed and found dead in the morning by a neighbour. João asks for an opinion from the Associates and one of them says: "If CCTV shows that his brother was killed, then I believe there's no way for you to save him from being sentenced to murder." João agrees with the Associate and he thinks there's no way to save him, however, an outstanding piece of evidence comes through, showing that the person leaving the house was not actually the client, which is named Thomas, It is actually his father leaving the house because both look similiar, after a review of the CCTV Footage, João thinks that Thomas is clear of the crime. The court day arrives, the judge and jury are ready for the evidence to be presented. After a review of said evidence provided by João, the jury and judge come to the decision that the brother is not guilty and an Arrested Warrant is placed on the father, which Thomas recognized and it was searched on the Police Database.

He worked on more cases and this caught an eye of the SCP Foundation, which were highly interesting in knowing the young lawyer, he was approached by a man on a highly fashioned suit and asks João to follow him.. He follows the man and they stop, the man asked this following question: "Mr. João, you caught an eye of us because of your outstanding work as a lawyer, especially with your age, since your very young, would you like to join us? Please do believe that if you do not accept this position, future opportunities will not arise very soon. Make your choice very wisely."

The Final Decision

João gets very nervous on what decision to make, since It could be either a bad decision or a good decision, but since the young man is strong and intelligent, he decides to accept the job position offer in the SCP Foundation.

He is brought to Site-65, in Canada, where he is approached by Ethics Members and questioned why would he benefit this position. He is briefed on what the position does, It's duties and why his Law Degree could help him.
João answers: "As you have said, I believe I would be a good asset to this said position because of my Law Degree, I could be a great asset to the Ethics Committee because I have handled multiple cases like this, and law is my favourite thing, I would also love to cooperate with ISD to catch people who break your laws, I believe you said It's called the FLC? Foundation Legal Codex? Well, I'm up for it." The Ethics Member agrees and welcomes him to the position of ECA where he is further briefed about the site.
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When you talk about RP what examples of RP creation do you have?
Most of my RP creation has been with myself and E-11, for example, evaluating SCP's containment chambers and evaluating their mental health, even though It sounds not alot of RP creation, I believe it adds alot of immersion to roleplay, since SCP's are not included enough.
Most of my RP creation has been with myself and E-11, for example, evaluating SCP's containment chambers and evaluating their mental health, even though It sounds not alot of RP creation, I believe it adds alot of immersion to roleplay, since SCP's are not included enough.
really what you are talking about from the sound of it is an SA project which really isn't so much RP creation. For that reason I will be giving you a -/+ Neutral support
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Reactions: Flas4hPT
+/- Support

Your application leaves something to be desired
You have not had many non combative experiences
You have not done sufficient RP from the sounds of things
Hello Ace.

Regarding the "not doing sufficient RP", unless you mean creating it, I have been participating alot in those, like GM's Events and some pretty decent RP, and I'll be looking to improve my application.
Thank you for your opinion and I will be correcting some things in my application.


Blacklisted Player
May 28, 2024
- Support
When I was E11 commander you didn't create any RP or at least I wasn't witness for any RP you made.
Managing E11 you didn't change anything which should make you a good co. you were ok.

My suggestion to you try to reduce the number of jobs you are playing in parallel.
Your application is lackluster and does not demonstrate much knowledge of what RP an ECA would be engaging and leading (e.g. what type of projects would you be partaking in)

I don't think some of these comments are completely fair compared to other comments they've left on other applications, admittedly. Play whatever roles you want and demonstrate your RP ability throughout.
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Reactions: byebye
Aug 13, 2023
+/- Leaning towards +Support
I feel like you could add more to the responsibility part like some other people have said. It just feels like something is missing in your application. As for you editing your app. I'd suggest you ask ECA's what they do and what people are getting themselves into, and put that in your app instead of focusing much on lore. Lore is always great but we'd love to know what you know about being ECA. Then again, you've only got combative experience but its always great to start somewhere as a non combative and you're trying to dive into that, love to see it. Unlike some people that are hostile over you trying out something new.

Good luck.
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Reactions: Flas4hPT
+/- Leaning towards +Support
I feel like you could add more to the responsibility part like some other people have said. It just feels like something is missing in your application. As for you editing your app. I'd suggest you ask ECA's what they do and what people are getting themselves into, and put that in your app instead of focusing much on lore. Lore is always great but we'd love to know what you know about being ECA. Then again, you've only got combative experience but its always great to start somewhere as a non combative and you're trying to dive into that, love to see it. Unlike some people that are hostile over you trying out something new.

Good luck.
Thank you for your opinion.

I'll be updating the responsibility part soon and I'll be taking into note the parts you mentioned.
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