[USA] Sky Johnson's Site Advisor Application

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Sky Johnson

Well-known Member
Jul 10, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:550357759

Discord name: thelunchbox9898

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2m 15d 23h = 1460 hours [Current VTime]
newer vtime fr.PNG

Age: 21

In what country are you located?: U.S.A

Time zone: MST

Character name(s): Sky Johnson

Civilian name: Sky Johanthan

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP U.S.A.

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes I do

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF Nu-7 Captain [Holding]
Medical Consultant [Holding]
DEA Senior Agent [Holding]
GSD Sergeant [Holding]
Overseer Assistant [Holding]
ISD Agent [Holding]
Combat Medic [Holding]
MTF E-11 LCPL [Held]
CI-A x2 [Held]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I do not have any Kick/Bans/or warnings [Current Warnings List]
newer warnings fr.PNG

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
- I have worked closely with a few people in Site Administration. I am really interested in the job. One of the things I'm mainly applying for is to help other departments that may be struggling. I really like helping others to the best of my ability, experiencing more RP, interacting with more people on site, and making the site great for everyone.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
- I think I'm suitable for Site Administration because I am very committed to both the server and several other departments, mainly one being medical since it is the first department I ever joined, and with my dedication being noticed, I was given the medal for Foundation Service Commendation. I'm currently involved and working on a project aiming to revive Gamma-1, which is still a work in progress. I'm also dedicated to the server being online and putting in a lot of hours. I do have CL4 experience, but I may not have Sr CL4, but I do fully understand the responsibilities and the importance of t professionalism and fulfilling the duties

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
> Authorizing Advance Armory during breaches and KOS past airlock
> Signing off / Approving on research documents for testing or sampling
> Making sure that people are properly follow site policies
> Enforcing FLC, CoC, CoE
> Communicating / Assisting different departments
> Authorizing raids against GOI's
> Hosting / Attending Meetings with all departments or GOI's
> Signing off / Approving Dclass work permits
> Authorizing GOI's to assist in breaches if needed
> Authorizing passive breaches
> Help creating RP in all departments
> Help appointing new MTF Commanders
> Help appointing new Department Leaders

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
After a mysterious two-year hiatus, Sky Johnson has returned to the Foundation with a newfound determination to excel in the medical field at Site 65. His absence from the Foundation has left colleagues and superiors curious and cautious, with whispers circulating about encounters with anomalous phenomena outside of Foundation oversight. Now back in the fold, Sky Johnson navigates the challenges of resuming his career, re-establishing relationships, and proving himself capable of handling medical emergencies and anomalies. However, his time away has also brought unexpected skills and perspectives, garnered from experiences beyond the Foundation's walls. In the last few months of working in the medical department, Sky Johnson has worked up in the medical hierarchy performing all malpractice and honing his skills. Sky Johnson finds himself bored of his Sr Doctor role and is told to apply for Medical Consultant, he does and gets accepted within the week. During his Medical Consultant training learning his role and the duties that come with the CL4 and during the month of Sky Johnson being a Consultant applied for ECA but it gets denied, he then moved one to other departments such as General Security excelling and became a Sergeant wanting more combative experience he joins E11 and that doesn't work out and resigns from E11 and transfers to Nu-7 and little over a month of hard-working and filling out paperwork becomes a Captain. Still wanting the assistant experience leaves an application on Floor 3. After getting interviewed and waiting for some time finally gets accepted for [REDACTED] Assistant Sky Johnson is closely working with a few people in Site Administration when being a Nu-7 Captain and Assistant is really interested in the job and how it works wish to apply one day but must wait for a position to open up. He keeps working and is tasked to revive an old escorting sub-regiment for the medical department. After some time, I heard an announcement that a position had opened up in Site Administration. Seizing this opportunity leaves an Application for Site Advisor at the Site Administration reception desk in hopes to get the position.


Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jul 11, 2024
A message has been received from the Site-65 Administrative Department
The Site Administration Verdict Report
REGARDING: Sky's Site Advisor Application


Hello Sky, first I would like to take the time to thank you for putting in your application to become a Site Advisor. Secondly, I am pleased to announce that your application has been pushed to an interview. Don't hesitate to contact any Site Administration member to move forward with your application process. Good Luck.


Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jul 11, 2024
A message has been received from the Site-65 Administrative Department
The Site Administration Verdict Report
REGARDING: Sky's Site Advisor Application


Hello Sky, First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to apply for a position in Site-65's Administrative Department. Unfortunately, Site Administration has decided to DENY your application. Feel free to reach out to any member of Site Administration if you have any questions regarding your denial. You may re-apply in two weeks.
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