Partially Accepted Anomaly Extraction for MC&D

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Apr 2, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

It adds the ability for MC&D to extract anomalies out of Pinewood.

Sometimes there are situations where CI or MC&D have an anomaly captured but Foundation/GOC refuses to buy them off. Even after raiding and failing to get back the anomaly by force, they still often refuse to pay the ransom for their anomaly even if it contradicts their goals and ideas, and we get it!, no one likes to pay with their own wallet while working for a secret, multibillion dollar anomalous organization, but. With this suggestion, if negotiations and even force fail or simply no one wants to buy the anomaly and selling to civs is out of question due to obvious reasons, MC&D will be able to contact server Staff about anomaly extraction, if accepted by Staff to avoid mass kidnappings and such. Using a command, a mission similar to regular surface missions like briefcase capture and terminal hack will start, and after a few seconds it will be active for all MC&Ds. The goal of this mission is to move a cuffed anomaly to a red zone at the exit from Pinewood between the lakehouse and the Foundation. After successfully bringing the anomaly to the zone and holding it there for a couple of seconds, the anomaly will be removed, similar to escaping by F2. When an anomaly is extracted, a mission is complete and all MC&Ds get a small XP bonus and the MC&D holding the anomaly cuffed gets the money for it. How much money may be up for debate, but I think -50% from all hostage negotiations guide prices would be fair. With safe class anomalies like 999 being extracted for $2,500, Euclid class like 049 for $10,000 and Keter like 682 for $17,500. If you think it's too much, just remember the money split that will most likely happen after. This will give a more in character way for CI and MC&D to get rid of anomalies, since in the end, leaving CI and MC&D with no choice but to destroy the anomaly, leaves both groups at a loss, giving other factions like Foundation and GOC an instant win, with the anomaly being recontained/destroyed. "Why should we buy it back? They will have to destroy it or let it go at one point. "I'm not losing my money". With this, MC&D/CI can profit and anomalies still get recontained. To possibly make it even more fair, all factions CI/SOP/GOC could get a notification when an extraction mission is starting to give them a chance of getting the anomaly while its being moved to the zone. If a cuffed anomaly is not moved into the zone, the mission will fail after a few minutes.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Dont think it was, at least not recently. Correct me if Im wrong.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

-It will give a more character/lore friendly way to get rid of anomalies for MC&D and CI.
-Gets rid of a stalemate after failed negotiations/raids.
-Gives both CI and MC&D a way to benefit from captured anomalies if all ealse fails.
-More interaction between GOIs. (especially MC&D and their top clients CI)
-More reasons to flag on MC&D or ask for MC&D to flag on.
-More activities for MC&D to hop on and off for.
-More surface action.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

-Increase in SCP kidnappings.
-Issues with making this suggestion work in the game and the time it could take.
-Quicker/Fewer negotiations with this as an option.
-With Factions being able to sell anomalies to the server, there is even less reason to buy them off.
-Issues with Factions splitting money after the mission.
-"MC&D is fine as it is" , "CI don't need more buffs".

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

I think this suggestion will take a lot of frustration off GOI anomaly ransom negotiations and will most importantly bring a more fun way to get rid of anomalies for these groups while promoting interactions between them. After all, GOC has their ADB and Foundation, well it's their anomalies. No more will CI be left in a situation of "well we can't weaponize or sell it, so what now?" and MC&D wondering "You want to tell me in the whole world outside of Pinewood, no one would want to buy this?", cannot miss the fact that having to need Staff authorize this would take care of a lot of problems, they can deny the mission if the kidnappings happen too often or MC&D/CI go straight to asking for a mission instead of normaly trying negotiations or just simply farming money. I am using CI and MC&D as main examples, but extraction missions can also be used by other factions like GOC or even Foundation, after all, if you really need to safely and secretly move an anomaly somewhere, who has more experience than MC&D?
Examples :
-Foundation may want to move captured surface SCP like 323 to another Site for testing/containment.
-CI may want to sell/move captured anomalies to another Cell/Some Dictator or PMC.
-GOC may want to move an anomaly to another base for liquidation/testing.
and MC&D is there for all 3 to help with moving those anomalies, for a small fee.

Also, it really hurts to have to destroy something you know you could have profited from.
All of the above up to change and debate, it is a suggestion after all.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Partially Approved

Hi @Arion ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to partially accept your suggestion for the following reasons.

Reasons for Denial:
We as content want to look into how this would be used as a whole, as we feel that this could possibly be abused.

Reasons for Acceptance:
We as content like the idea to give MC&D more options to extract SCPs. This gives MC&Ds more options on Surface other than just Negotiations or being Raided.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as partially accepted.​
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