What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
There's 2 points that i want to address in this post
1. Any SCP queue should be just like Surface SPC's queue, i think this would improve a lot the current experience of both SCP's and researchers, first of all for you to breach as a SCP you need to wait minimum 2 hours as an SCP, inside your chamber, mostly doing nothing, so most people just AFK playing something else or just putting a timer and leaving their computer, this is not great because once a reseracher actually wants to do a study the SCP is just AFK.
2. With the first change i think that you should be put as a random SCP that you have the correct requirements, with breaches its usually the same SCP's, and you rarely see some of the SCP's because people just want the SCP that can do the most damage, and not something that would be fun to play as or contain, as an example i dont i have ever seen a 939 or 9000 breach
Players would still be able to flag on as SCP's to RP, Sample and researchers
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I've searched for it but could not find something similiar, but it's very probable someone mentioned this
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Players that do want to wait 2 hours for a Breach can play as another role while they wait
A more diverse SCP's breaches would happen
The server would have "more" players that would be otherwise wating for a breach
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Some players would not breach as the SCP they want to
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I belive this would improve the experience of SCP
There's 2 points that i want to address in this post
1. Any SCP queue should be just like Surface SPC's queue, i think this would improve a lot the current experience of both SCP's and researchers, first of all for you to breach as a SCP you need to wait minimum 2 hours as an SCP, inside your chamber, mostly doing nothing, so most people just AFK playing something else or just putting a timer and leaving their computer, this is not great because once a reseracher actually wants to do a study the SCP is just AFK.
2. With the first change i think that you should be put as a random SCP that you have the correct requirements, with breaches its usually the same SCP's, and you rarely see some of the SCP's because people just want the SCP that can do the most damage, and not something that would be fun to play as or contain, as an example i dont i have ever seen a 939 or 9000 breach
Players would still be able to flag on as SCP's to RP, Sample and researchers
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I've searched for it but could not find something similiar, but it's very probable someone mentioned this
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Players that do want to wait 2 hours for a Breach can play as another role while they wait
A more diverse SCP's breaches would happen
The server would have "more" players that would be otherwise wating for a breach
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Some players would not breach as the SCP they want to
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I belive this would improve the experience of SCP
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