Denied Remove peoples ability to force bleed out.

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Dec 25, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Removes the ability to force bleed out when downed, preferably only when people are within 10ft~ of the downed person.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Perhaps. Unusre

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Force bleeding out during RP active situations, such as when a person is being kidnapped or being arrested by ISD, would no longer be possible. Allowing for the RP of those situations to continue.
- More realistic? People don't really have the ability to force bleed out in 5 seconds - esspecially when downed and maybe even in cuffs.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Being unable to do anything while you slowly bleed out, which is why it would be preferred if you could still bleed out if no one was nearby.
- More kidnappings / ISD arrests (not bad imo, but could be seen as so)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Simply put, RP (in the form of kidnappings / ISD arrests/investigations, etc) are cut down because people force bleed out. Which is bad RP and a thing I personally believe should be FailRP anyways (although after small yapper with people I believe it has not been confirmed as such). I believe this could easily be done as a rule if code changing the system itself would be too hard.
ALTERNATIVE: make it so when you bleed out, your body is still there/you ragdoll out on the ground so you can be defibbed still. When this happens, make the respawn timer longer to give a chance for medics to revive the suspect.

ALTERNATIVE 2: make it so bleeding out takes longer (15-20 seconds?) to give a chance for medics to pick em up

alt 1 doesn't fix the problem for kidnapping but most people dont like kidnaps anyways. alt 2 is a bit better kidnaps and for ISD but is less radical of a change


SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Jan 13, 2023

I think many players without cyanide/bleach will be too scared to leave their base and even partake in whatever happens on surface!

I think especially newer players, will not enjoy constantly getting kidnapped and being sold for money as in reality they don't usually ever get interrogated as lower ranks have a lack of information and are just forced to sit there and be sold off for money. It could create some RP and allow for easier kidnaps but I don't think this is going to benefit the majority of players in any form. Kidnaps are still regularly done by all factions quite effectively!

Maybe the alternative suggested above could work but I really don't think this needs changing.
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Jan 27, 2022
I remember at some point in the past it was FailRP to give up while someone was actively healing you & saying something along the lines of "don't give up". I'm unsure of why this ruling was changed outside of reducing kidnappings, since back then you could also revive kidnap. Would make more sense to make people be punished more for not carrying cyanide / going out isolated.

I feel like the MRP down system would work quite well, takes longer to bleed out but you can still shoot sidearms 🤷‍♂️
I asked some people from MRP of their opinion of if it would be taken well if they added this to SCPRP, and they didn't like the idea but I don't see why it would be such a bad addition.

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