In-game name: Charlie
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:94814771
Age: 20
For how long have you played on our servers?: Recently only a month and a bit on the SCP Server but I used to play on the DarkRP back around 2016
What country are you from?: United Kingdom
Time Zone: GMT
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this your first application for Developer? If not, link previous ones: First application
Have you received any bans?: No
How confident are you with GLua? (Rate yourself 1-10 using rating guide): 5-6
Do you have any experience with Git?:
I have used git for the better part of 2-3 years, I personally use GitLab more that GitHub but I have used them both before. I have used CI/CD to automatically deploy any updates to a Git Repo over FTP to a server for updates and version control, this also would display the commit messages into a discord channel for the server they are linked to using a webhook.
Do you have previous experience as a Developer for GMod?:
I have been developer for a multitude of different GMod Servers before, many when I was very inept and a lot more in the recent years. They can range from DarkRP Servers to TTT Servers, with some other additional times where I was just practicing in my own time with a few different ideas that I had.
How many hours can you commit to developing per week?:
I can commit at least 4-5 hours a week this can change depending on how busy I am with University as I am on my last year and have my Dissertation etc.
Why do you want to be a Developer? What can you help us with?:
I wish to be a Developer as I feel I can help with back log of different changes and creations that are on the Development Tracker while also having used GLua for a good few years I feel I can improve my knowledge of GLua with the help from other members of the team which will improve the quality of work I produce.
As per the Application Format I have created a Simple Banking Addon, this addon contains an entity that when placed you can click E on it and then you can deposit and withdraw money from your "bank account" which stores the data in the sv.db file for the server.
Additionally, I have created a rework of the SCP-966 Swep based on one of the backlog #418 although it isn't perfect it is an example of the work I can do that may help with reducing the amount on the tracker. This swep makes the user invisible with some UI elements at the bottom of your screen showing if you are visible to other players or not. There is also another section that shows who the targeted player is and the % that the player has been stalked, once that reaches 100% they will come to a complete stop and their screen will go dark with text being displayed saying "You are unconscious" now the user with the Swep can attack the player killing them straight away. If the player using the Swep looses line of sight of the targeted player they will need to target that player again. To make the swep easier to use it has a Fov range where the player can target someone so they do not need to aim directly on the player they wish to target.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated and I will try my best to resolve any issues with the code as they are found.
Thanks for reading.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:94814771
Age: 20
For how long have you played on our servers?: Recently only a month and a bit on the SCP Server but I used to play on the DarkRP back around 2016
What country are you from?: United Kingdom
Time Zone: GMT
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this your first application for Developer? If not, link previous ones: First application
Have you received any bans?: No
How confident are you with GLua? (Rate yourself 1-10 using rating guide): 5-6
Do you have any experience with Git?:
I have used git for the better part of 2-3 years, I personally use GitLab more that GitHub but I have used them both before. I have used CI/CD to automatically deploy any updates to a Git Repo over FTP to a server for updates and version control, this also would display the commit messages into a discord channel for the server they are linked to using a webhook.
Do you have previous experience as a Developer for GMod?:
I have been developer for a multitude of different GMod Servers before, many when I was very inept and a lot more in the recent years. They can range from DarkRP Servers to TTT Servers, with some other additional times where I was just practicing in my own time with a few different ideas that I had.
How many hours can you commit to developing per week?:
I can commit at least 4-5 hours a week this can change depending on how busy I am with University as I am on my last year and have my Dissertation etc.
Why do you want to be a Developer? What can you help us with?:
I wish to be a Developer as I feel I can help with back log of different changes and creations that are on the Development Tracker while also having used GLua for a good few years I feel I can improve my knowledge of GLua with the help from other members of the team which will improve the quality of work I produce.
As per the Application Format I have created a Simple Banking Addon, this addon contains an entity that when placed you can click E on it and then you can deposit and withdraw money from your "bank account" which stores the data in the sv.db file for the server.
Additionally, I have created a rework of the SCP-966 Swep based on one of the backlog #418 although it isn't perfect it is an example of the work I can do that may help with reducing the amount on the tracker. This swep makes the user invisible with some UI elements at the bottom of your screen showing if you are visible to other players or not. There is also another section that shows who the targeted player is and the % that the player has been stalked, once that reaches 100% they will come to a complete stop and their screen will go dark with text being displayed saying "You are unconscious" now the user with the Swep can attack the player killing them straight away. If the player using the Swep looses line of sight of the targeted player they will need to target that player again. To make the swep easier to use it has a Fov range where the player can target someone so they do not need to aim directly on the player they wish to target.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated and I will try my best to resolve any issues with the code as they are found.
Thanks for reading.