SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - "Night"

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Dec 14, 2023

What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: "Night"

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:183711933

Discord Username: crimson___shadow

Age: 17

What's your current playtime: 07d 00h 07m 29s

Do you have a mic: Yes.

Your characters name: "Night" (Foundation) Fred Smithers (Civilian)

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is my first Gamemaster application.

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: I have not received any kicks, warns, or bans.

How many hours can you be on everyday: My activity ranges depending on how available I am. I might be able to play for at least two+ hours on most days. On 2/22/2025, I played for about twelve hours.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: I do not have any previous experience as a Gamemaster or Event Manager.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I have wanted to assist in the creation of roleplay for a long time. I have done a few events with the assistance of GMs/Staff and have been told that I should consider applying for Gamemaster.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I believe I have what it takes to make interesting, thought-out events for players to enjoy. Events are a great way to enhance and create new roleplay, which is something I have been aiming to do for a long time. Gamemaster systems such as GMObjectives interest me in the way they can be customized for storytelling purposes.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server): Research Department Event: A new, currently unclassified SCP object has been shipped to Site-65 for review. The object appears to be a normal globe. If a person touches the globe, they become fully convinced that the Earth is actually flat. People who have touched the globe will grow increasingly agitated if others try to convince them that the Earth is not flat.

Technical Teams Event: A broken power box and other electrical systems are in the HCZ Reactor Closet. These power systems are connected to an old terminal with information inside. Information would range from random facts about SCPs to information about on-site electrical equipment and systems.

SCP-8656 Event: SCP-8656 manifests in the Site-65 Cafeteria. (SCP-8656 is a pocket dimension that contains a restaurant titled “Serving Culinary Pleasures.” The food is SCP themed and certain clearance levels get price discounts. I implore you to read SCP-8656 for more information on the SCP. If this event were to happen, people would most likely not be allowed to eat the food outside of the restaurant to prevent people from abusing what happens if you do.) (This is an event I would like to see done.)

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server): SCP-939 Nest: A seemingly abandoned SCP-939 nest is discovered. Mobile Task Force agents would be dispatched to the nest to investigate. (They would go to the opening of the wooden fence and be teleported.) Agents would carefully search the cave system for any signs as to why the 939 instances abandoned the nest. During the investigation, however, one SCP-939 instance is discovered to still be living in the nest. Agents must either sneak around and out of the cave or kill the last instance. (The SCP-939 instance could possibly release aerosolized Class C amnestics during non-combat portions of the event.) (This is an event I would like to see done.)

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff): A-1 Mission: The Overseer Council tasks Alpha-1 with the primary mission of capturing or killing high-level agents of the Chaos Insurgency in an attempt to hinder the Chaos Insurgency’s growth. Alpha-1’s secondary mission would be to secure SCP objects from the Chaos Insurgency’s custody. These custom SCPs would probably be based on technology. If Alpha-1 succeeds, site staff would be able to interact with them inside of Heavy Containment Zone. (This event could be done in a custom CI base.)

O-1 Mission: A Researcher has conducted unethical testing on Class D personnel. The Ethics Committee has ordered Omega-1 to detain the researcher. While this may seem easy, the researcher has used his unethical testing to enhance himself in an attempt to avoid arrest.

Nu-7 Mission: A Foundation satellite has crashed on Surface. Mobile Task Force Nu-7 is tasked with salvaging the classified technology before the Chaos Insurgency or Global Occult Coalition can.

E-11 Mission: Unusual noise is coming from SCP-860. Epsilon-11 is tasked with going in and investigating. Halfway through, another door would be found inside of the dimension. This door would lead to yet another forest. An abandoned notebook with interesting data could be found within the inner forest.

CI Mission: A Foundation airdrop has been struck down in the region. Chaos Insurgency operatives are given the directive to secure the sought-after goods before the Foundation can retrieve the items.

UNGOC Mission: A weakened Type-Green entity is detected on Surface. UNGOC agents are tasked with hunting it down and destroying it. The Type-Green would appear to be a normal man who stops at nothing to evade termination.

Site Staff Mission: A cooking competition is held for the culinary staff of Site-65. Whoever can produce the best food in the highest quantity wins a cash prize. After this, another competition is held. Site staff are given the challenge to perform some kind of theatrical act of their choosing. The winner would also receive a cash prize. Both of these would take place in the Media Room.

Julien White

Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
May 11, 2024
Event team slop factory
= Feedback

This application is pretty lacklustre,

With an application this bland and simple, it shows absolutely zero creativity, the event ideas could easily be expanded upon, write about how the events would go with an OOC section. The map change idea is just boring, you could use a custom wiki SCP instead. Having no warns is something noticeable, just a bonus and helps out.

> I suggest you expand on everything, format the application so it isn't just a white wall of text.

Good luck,

- Julien White
current state of the app:
map change event is not a map change and i doubt it'd even be a major event, it's just something for e-11 to do
some ideas have promise or sound like they'd be fun (globe scp, restaurant, 860)
some are not feasible/ considered well (tech team, map change, A1 & O1 events, site staff, GOC)
out of pure bad luck some of the events you've suggested have already been done before as well lol (nu7 and CI events in particular)

overall the entire app is so brief and bland atm which is a shame since i think some of the ideas could be fun- as for the others i think you should defo reconsider those events since a lot of them are just things that will happen normally w/o GM intervention
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server): Research Department Event: A new, currently unclassified SCP object has been shipped to Site-65 for review. The object appears to be a normal globe. If a person touches the globe, they become fully convinced that the Earth is actually flat. People who have touched the globe will grow increasingly agitated if others try to convince them that the Earth is not flat.
Interesting idea. This could be good, fun and last awhile. Although it is kinda 1 noted, so its effects may neer expanded, but it would work great either way.

Technical Teams Event: A broken power box and other electrical systems are in the HCZ Reactor Closet. These power systems are connected to an old terminal with information inside. Information would range from random facts about SCPs to information about on-site electrical equipment and systems.
This to me just sounds like a noting burger. It'd be really easy to do, place a prop, do a CSay, do some /it's, but its just a bit bland of an event. That and you're relying on a techies ability to RP.

SCP-8656 Event: SCP-8656 manifests in the Site-65 Cafeteria. (SCP-8656 is a pocket dimension that contains a restaurant titled “Serving Culinary Pleasures.” The food is SCP themed and certain clearance levels get price discounts. I implore you to read SCP-8656 for more information on the SCP. If this event were to happen, people would most likely not be allowed to eat the food outside of the restaurant to prevent people from abusing what happens if you do.) (This is an event I would like to see done.)
Some elaboration on how you would do these effects for the meals would be nice. Elsewise very good event, I don't see any issues with it and it'd be big cool.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server): SCP-939 Nest: A seemingly abandoned SCP-939 nest is discovered. Mobile Task Force agents would be dispatched to the nest to investigate. (They would go to the opening of the wooden fence and be teleported.) Agents would carefully search the cave system for any signs as to why the 939 instances abandoned the nest. During the investigation, however, one SCP-939 instance is discovered to still be living in the nest. Agents must either sneak around and out of the cave or kill the last instance. (The SCP-939 instance could possibly release aerosolized Class C amnestics during non-combat portions of the event.) (This is an event I would like to see done.)
Ok so: A map change event is where you take the entire server, and put it onto another map. This map is up to your choosing. You can do whatever you want with jobs, roles, etc for it. These are usually planned to last 2-3 hours. This isn't a map change event. If you could update it that'd be p cool big man. Also the idea itself is pretty small and could be much bigger, or unique than an SCP already on Site.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff): A-1 Mission: The Overseer Council tasks Alpha-1 with the primary mission of capturing or killing high-level agents of the Chaos Insurgency in an attempt to hinder the Chaos Insurgency’s growth. Alpha-1’s secondary mission would be to secure SCP objects from the Chaos Insurgency’s custody. These custom SCPs would probably be based on technology. If Alpha-1 succeeds, site staff would be able to interact with them inside of Heavy Containment Zone. (This event could be done in a custom CI base.)
"probably be based on technology". This is your event, what is "probably"? What would these SCP's be? How would the event end, would they stay with F, would CI steal them? Would they be transported to another site?
More elaborate would be cool, otherwise this event would be vibing.

O-1 Mission: A Researcher has conducted unethical testing on Class D personnel. The Ethics Committee has ordered Omega-1 to detain the researcher. While this may seem easy, the researcher has used his unethical testing to enhance himself in an attempt to avoid arrest.
How would they of enhanced themselves? How would O-1 find this out? And why would they of tipped off Ethics, and not ISD? More elaboration. Idea is good though, as long as it isn't too annoying or shooty that is.

Nu-7 Mission: A Foundation satellite has crashed on Surface. Mobile Task Force Nu-7 is tasked with salvaging the classified technology before the Chaos Insurgency or Global Occult Coalition can.
SOP events never were my sauce, but yep this is fine. I'll say it again, but elaborate more on what'd they find. And why is the technology classified, is it Paratech? Do they just want it? What will it do for them?

E-11 Mission: Unusual noise is coming from SCP-860. Epsilon-11 is tasked with going in and investigating. Halfway through, another door would be found inside of the dimension. This door would lead to yet another forest. An abandoned notebook with interesting data could be found within the inner forest.
ELABORATE, thats like the only thing holding this back, it's a good idea that would probably go well, but you leave it so open ended idk what to think of how it'd go.

CI Mission: A Foundation airdrop has been struck down in the region. Chaos Insurgency operatives are given the directive to secure the sought-after goods before the Foundation can retrieve the items.
Very similar to the Nu-7 one, somehow even more generic. CI is a whole GOI, and you make them scavenge an airdrop? Very lame event, that also doesn't contain much elaboration.

UNGOC Mission: A weakened Type-Green entity is detected on Surface. UNGOC agents are tasked with hunting it down and destroying it. The Type-Green would appear to be a normal man who stops at nothing to evade termination.
So a Type Green breach on surface? I'll be honest I don't have much to say about this, it's just a Type Green breach on surface from the sounds of it. I mean, you could do anything from a Type-Red, to a Type-Green still understanding their powers, and GOC have to respond before they start using them. This is just lame, again for a whole entire GOI.

Site Staff Mission: A cooking competition is held for the culinary staff of Site-65. Whoever can produce the best food in the highest quantity wins a cash prize. After this, another competition is held. Site staff are given the challenge to perform some kind of theatrical act of their choosing. The winner would also receive a cash prize. Both of these would take place in the Media Room.
This seems like a thing a SA could do IC, with more so a GM tagging along as an RP enhancement


Anywho, that's my feedback. I've heard good things about you, and how you actually RP and what not, so although I don't normally respond to US apps, I do want to see you pass, and believe you have great potential.
Best of luck big man.


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Dec 15, 2023
Application Accepted

Hi @"Night" ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application.

After deliberation, I have decided to accept your application, congratulations!

Please wait in TS Interview Waiting Room at your earliest convenience, change your name to "GM waiting for interview" and get in contact with me (Grizzly) on discord.
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