SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - ingame: Pyroe (main)

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Active member
Jan 24, 2025

What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: ingame: Pyroe (main)

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:530385323

Discord Username: Cooper2738

Age: 16

What's your current playtime: 4d 23h 16m

Do you have a mic: yes

Your characters name: Pyroe (foundation main)
Pyroe maine (civillian)
Billy Bogan (CI)

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: first

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: RDM [ i thought it was valid reason, it was not… ]

Inappropriate conduct | lying to blame others [ Not sure about this one ]

Severe toxicity / RDM [ same as first thought it was valid | the severe toxicity, No clue ]

ERP [ i said was it pink down there, it was a pink mannequin but i didn't clarify that in the sit ]

Minor [ AFK abuse ]

Kick [ ^ ]

LTAP [ this was appealed and accepted ]

Failrp | LTAP [i used cartographer to open a gate in D-block showers and then i left for a funeral]

Failrp [ no clue ]

But I can say I have read the rules and I'm trying to my hardest to follow them

How many hours can you be on everyday: 3 hours minimum on Monday to Friday (depending on if I'm going out) 6hours minimum Monday to Friday (no plans) 12hrs+ (Friday yo Sunday)

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: Snr moderator (Darkrp) i did basic Snr mod stuff such as Training, interviewing, and assisting Tmod and Mods in sits (2 months)
Super admin (Darkrp) I was head of the staff team for 4 months and dealt with server leadership reports, suggestions, ect (total 1 yr)
Owner (Darkrp) Pretty simple ( 1 month)
Manager (Darkrp) same as super admin but worded differently (total time in role 2 Months
Tmod (Darkrp) i thought staff would be fun, no it was not. (2 weeks)
Co owner (Darkrp) me and a friend started a server (1 month)
Community Manager (Darkrp) I dealt with suggestions and decided if the developers should work on it, I decided what type of event should be held for a month (seasonal events i.e. Halloween, Easter, etc.) I deiced on manager positions and who would be suitable to replace me when gone (3 months)

note: i used to lie about my age when i was 13

Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: GSD Sergeant

Why would you like to become a staff member: I believe I can contribute to the staff team by bring my prior experience from other servers and my patience to the team, as well as I want to be staff so I can help maintain the rules on the server so everyone can have a great experience on the server I have presumptively 1000+ hours of my 3300 hours on Gmod moderating servers, I will always try to go above and beyond the minimum sit count required to pass the week and I believe my skill set of leadership and teamwork would be useful to the server, I will most likely never decline a question or help a player as I believe that how you treat others is how you want to be treated, I understand the game mechanics, I would treat everyone fairly (I will also record everything) I got good problem solving skills, I'm very knowledgably with how your expected to act when you become staff

If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: More incentive to become staff, as most players see its as your a labor slave with no rewards
i would include the rewards and benefits of staff in the guidelines or even a different thread in sticky threads, that shows the rewards.

if there are none i would add some like
40 sits = 40 credits 30k ingame cash
80 sits = 60 credits, 50k ingame cash
100 sits = 85 credits, 60k ingame cash

staff of the week
a system for all members of staff (admin below)
to vote a staff member for staff of the week, this staff is given extra rewards (or even the 100 sit reward regardless if there not 100 sits)
staff of the month
a anonymous vote for (Server leadership to vote a single staff member below admin) for a staff to receive SoTM, the reward would be 2x rewards ( you cannot vote the SoTM for SoTW)


Active member
Jan 24, 2025
A bajillion active punishments
finding it hard to believe you were SMOD+ In previous communities, yet fail to format your app to look nice.

i cant deny, my effort to make it look nice is non existence, but if you are looking for a nice looking app i will not be that person i go for results not appeal on design


Active member
Jan 24, 2025
Also with my active warnings, i did not follow the rules for a little while since i only hopped on to have fun and not care about the rules, i am currently revising over them.
Aug 27, 2022
Hey @Pyroe,

I appreciate you being interested in becoming a staff member for the community,

But you have too many active warnings and severe bans reasons that are all within 2025 this exceeds at least 8 different bans/warnings

I suggested first prove to us that you have changed this by playing for a somewhat long duration and don't get warned or show behaviour that is unfit for a staff member.

Your last warning was 12 days ago but I still believe you need to show us more.

-Support, For now

best of luck,


Active member
Jan 24, 2025
You are not fit to be staff, you act very inappropriately and as the person you made the 'pink' comment to, you knew what you where doing...

truth be told i only said that cus it your character was pink and a mannequin
i didnt think
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