[USA] Steve "Driver" Reddingtons Letter of Interest for Site Advisor

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:530693319
Discord name: sstff
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 and 1/2 years
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: Romania.
Time zone: GMT+2
Character name(s): "Driver" (Foundation) | "Jägermeister" (CI)
Civilian name: Bob Salesman
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

MTF Nu-7 SGT [SAD-LTCOM] (3rd time)

DEA Special Agent


MTF Alpha-1 LT (3rd time)
MTF Nu-7 LCPL (2nd time)
GSD Captain
Overseer Assistant
DEA Manager
DEA Special Agent

Chaos Insurgency Gamma
MTF Alpha-1 CSG (2nd time)
MTF Alpha-1 CPL

MTF Nu-7 CSG (Was Sergeant Major, a role between CSG and LT)
MTF Epsilon-11 LT
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Yes, 3 warnings that expired a long time ago.
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?:

I am applying for Site Advisor because I want to try another side of the server. From the moment I joined, I've only played combative roles (apart from OSA) and I already got very fed up with how combat works on this server. Quite recently I found out that RP probably fits me better, as I actually enjoy interacting with other people.
My interest in joining Site Administration also revolves around the concerning problems with some departments/MTFs that, hopefully as a Site Advisor, I could help fix. One of such problems are the duties of MTF Units around the site (E-11 and Nu-7), that some people don't seem to understand.
I would also like to have an influence on surface RP, such as keeping up relations with GOIs or even involving the Civilians of Pinewood in some of my roleplay.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:


During my two and a half years spent on this community I've learnt a lot of things from the people around me, one of such things is professionalism. When on-site, doesn't matter which job I am on, I hold the highest professionalism and show seriosity.
I have been in almost every position on the server, meaning that I have experience in every domain. I have also held a bunch of Cleareance 4 jobs such as: OSA, Special Agent, GSD Captain, E-11 LT, A-1 LT, etc. aswell as a Sr. CL4, DEA Manager.
Roleplay Skills
I try my hardest to create high-quality roleplay whenever I am on-site. In my time as an A-1 LT, OSA and Manager, I've always tried creating roleplay with people around me, and I'm more than sure they enjoyed it.
Overall experience on the server
I have been a member of Civil Networks for an entire 2 years and a half now and I've met a lot of great people on this community, aswell as on the server. I've been through almost every department and I've enjoyed every single one of them.
I consider myself a very active person on this server, averaging ~5 hours per day helping people out and trying my hardest to keep an enjoyable atmosphere around.
Document Creation
During my time as A-1 LT I have created multiple documents and orders that can still probably be found in my cabinet or on SCIPNET, orders that have been successful and entertaining. I have also been Special Activities Division LTCOM for ~ 1 week now and during this week I have created the SAD Internal Roster, SAD Codeword Index, SAD Recruitment Sheet and reworked the SAD Tryout, all documents can be found in the discord channel.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

- Appointing department leaders for all departments and appointing MTF Commanders for Nu-7 and E-11.
- Reviewing and managing departments to keep up their performance.
- Keeping up relations with GOI's.
- Managing Site wide policies along with Site Command.
- Organizing tribunals.
- Authorizing Advanced Armory during breaches.
- Managing On-Site emergencies.
- Being the first point of contact for all departments.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Lore document

Last edited:
Apr 5, 2024
I would like to know when I was ever toxic? I can't recall anything besides small jokes I make around ya'll which should be clear that they are jokes.
your behaviour is generally pretty condescending. You had your comments removed from a pac3 approval post due to general toxicity and i doubt they were meant as a joke. You slandered O-1 multiple times on discord which altough can be seen as a joke, it gets unoriginal and lame really fast and sometimes annoying. I also don’t remember any meaningful rp you have conducted.
your behaviour is generally pretty condescending. You had your comments removed from a pac3 approval post due to general toxicity and i doubt they were meant as a joke. You slandered O-1 multiple times on discord which altough can be seen as a joke, it gets unoriginal and lame really fast and sometimes annoying. I also don’t remember any meaningful rp you have conducted.
I am not going to talk about my "toxicity" on forums, you know too well the PAC3 forum post was a joke itself, Slandering O-1 is interesting to say the least, considering you guys do the exact same thing to your counterpart, About the roleplay I barely see you on so probably timezones 🤷‍♂️
If you actually have a problem with me please DM me on discord so we can talk about it there. Have a good one and thank you for your feedback (y).
Nov 16, 2024
+/- Support, leaning +Support
You have plenty of CL4 experience, and your app is decent, lore is good, but I can't recall interacting with you or if you have created any RP for your departments. If you would list some RP you have led or created, I would change this to a +Support gladly!

Also, if you wouldn't mind, could you include your Vtime?
+/- Support

You are great to talk to and I don't have any issues with you or have had many bad interactions (Besides just the old AO beef but that was LARP)

I have not seen much RP from you recently (Dont see you often so that makes sense)

I can see you do a great job but don't have enough RP interactions with you to leave a +support. Either way good luck
+/- Support, leaning +Support
You have plenty of CL4 experience, and your app is decent, lore is good, but I can't recall interacting with you or if you have created any RP for your departments. If you would list some RP you have led or created, I would change this to a +Support gladly!

Also, if you wouldn't mind, could you include your Vtime?
+/- Support

You are great to talk to and I don't have any issues with you or have had many bad interactions (Besides just the old AO beef but that was LARP)

I have not seen much RP from you recently (Dont see you often so that makes sense)

I can see you do a great job but don't have enough RP interactions with you to leave a +support. Either way good luck
You probably don't see me roleplaying because of the different timezones (GMT+2) but I'd consider I roleplay quite often, as I already said in my application, as A-1 LT/CSG I tried my hardest to bring some roleplay elements to the MTF, creating documents such as the A-1 - Nu-7 Chemical Contract which is still on-going to this day, but while creating that document I had to roleplay out a reason, for more details you can ask Nu-7 LTCOM Napkin (was MAJ at the time), he can tell you how much I had spoken with him about this. I also roleplay on surface quite often with civilians, but I had done that much more as a DEA Manager. Not to mention my time as OSA, where I had different orders assigned to me, one of them that I still remember was interviewing Sr. CL4s and CL5s, which I did with great success.
These examples are all from the past, to give you some from the present, I have re-worked SAD and now our sub-division lead is thinking about some orders we could give our operatives that will have them roleplay instead of just shooting mindless. SAD also deals with torturing GOIs, if you want more information about how I roleplay them out you can ask any Nu-7 CO, most of them saw me.
Also added my vtime, was on LOA at the start of this month.
Nov 16, 2024
You probably don't see me roleplaying because of the different timezones (GMT+2) but I'd consider I roleplay quite often, as I already said in my application, as A-1 LT/CSG I tried my hardest to bring some roleplay elements to the MTF, creating documents such as the A-1 - Nu-7 Chemical Contract which is still on-going to this day, but while creating that document I had to roleplay out a reason, for more details you can ask Nu-7 LTCOM Napkin (was MAJ at the time), he can tell you how much I had spoken with him about this. I also roleplay on surface quite often with civilians, but I had done that much more as a DEA Manager. Not to mention my time as OSA, where I had different orders assigned to me, one of them that I still remember was interviewing Sr. CL4s and CL5s, which I did with great success.
These examples are all from the past, to give you some from the present, I have re-worked SAD and now our sub-division lead is thinking about some orders we could give our operatives that will have them roleplay instead of just shooting mindless. SAD also deals with torturing GOIs, if you want more information about how I roleplay them out you can ask any Nu-7 CO, most of them saw me.
Also added my vtime, was on LOA at the start of this month.
True, the different time zones are a bit of a bust. Even with your LOA you are active. Seems like you have a good repertoire. Looks good to me! If you get accepted, I look forward to seeing what you can do!
+ Support
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Apr 5, 2024
I am not going to talk about my "toxicity" on forums, you know too well the PAC3 forum post was a joke itself, Slandering O-1 is interesting to say the least, considering you guys do the exact same thing to your counterpart, About the roleplay I barely see you on so probably timezones 🤷‍♂️
If you actually have a problem with me please DM me on discord so we can talk about it there. Have a good one and thank you for your feedback (y).
I don’t have a problem with you i just don’t think you are fit. But regardless good luck on your app!
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