Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:196545607
Discord name: a1fyy
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I've played on UK since December 2023
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): 'Sceptre' - 'Signalist' - Sion Llewellyn - Andrew Whitaker - Bartholomew O'Keefe
Civilian name: N/A (used for events)
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What are your total levels?: Total Level 182 - Combat 58
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF O-1 Captain
- MTF O-1 Lieutenant (Current)
- MTF Nu-7 SGT
- Ethics Assistant (Current)
- DEA Senior Agent (Current)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
See [here] (none active)
How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
I've held the Senior Agent whitelist previously for approximately 3 months. Currently, I have held it for a week or so.
I have permission to waive the requirement of being a Senior Agent for a period of 2 weeks.
Why are you applying for Special Agent?
My gameplay for a while has been centered around the Ethics Committee, serving as both an Omega-1 Commissioned Officer and also an Ethics Assistant. I've found great enjoyment and opportunity whilst playing on DEA as of recent and I feel that the department needs dedicated individuals to assist in their CL4 ranks to be able to provide quality Roleplay to others. Surface Roleplay could be massively improved on and I think I may be able to provide insightful Roleplay to try and improve the quality of RP being conducted which hopefully will spill onto other factions and other players.
What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
My experiences as a CL4 and also a Gamemaster puts me in a unique position to be able to help the Department with my expertise, bringing valuable Roleplay opportunities to the department with the hope of attracting more individuals to play DEA. I have a very strong understanding on how to make gameplay and roleplay engaging for different individuals, and with DEA being a core department in GOI interactions, I feel I can facilitate unique and engaging Roleplay both for DEA and other Groups of Interests (incl. Parawatch, MC&D) which has not been seen before.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I've written several documents before with varying purposes. A good example of one that applies here is an Incident Report document I wrote on DEA detailing a surface anomaly breach and the co-operation between the Foundation and GOC to capture the anomaly against all odds from the Chaos Insurgency. For a document to be good, it's purpose should be clear and precise. The document at the minimum should include a title, good SPaG and a clear objective. Documents don't always need to be extremely fancy with cover pages, tables of contents and indexes - it all depends on the document's purpose. A simple and short incident report may only need to be a single page or two.
Optional features of a document may include:
- Cover page
- Images
- Table of Contents
- Headings
- Indexes
- Conclusions
- Signatures
What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
Special agents are a Jr. CL4 position in External Affairs and their duties can be varied. Naturally in a leadership position, they are expected to lead the players in their department and set an example for them, also handling any misbehavior that arises.
Furthermore, they are responsible for:
- Training new agents
- Authorising raids
- Coordinating SOP responses to surface occupations by hostile groups of interest and also site incursions
- Participating in diplomatic meetings and events and coordinating them
- Handling or supervising negotiations between factions (which may include approving MC&D's entry on-site)
Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Discord name: a1fyy
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I've played on UK since December 2023
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): 'Sceptre' - 'Signalist' - Sion Llewellyn - Andrew Whitaker - Bartholomew O'Keefe
Civilian name: N/A (used for events)
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What are your total levels?: Total Level 182 - Combat 58
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF O-1 Captain
- MTF O-1 Lieutenant (Current)
- MTF Nu-7 SGT
- Ethics Assistant (Current)
- DEA Senior Agent (Current)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
See [here] (none active)
How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
I've held the Senior Agent whitelist previously for approximately 3 months. Currently, I have held it for a week or so.
I have permission to waive the requirement of being a Senior Agent for a period of 2 weeks.
Why are you applying for Special Agent?
My gameplay for a while has been centered around the Ethics Committee, serving as both an Omega-1 Commissioned Officer and also an Ethics Assistant. I've found great enjoyment and opportunity whilst playing on DEA as of recent and I feel that the department needs dedicated individuals to assist in their CL4 ranks to be able to provide quality Roleplay to others. Surface Roleplay could be massively improved on and I think I may be able to provide insightful Roleplay to try and improve the quality of RP being conducted which hopefully will spill onto other factions and other players.
What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
My experiences as a CL4 and also a Gamemaster puts me in a unique position to be able to help the Department with my expertise, bringing valuable Roleplay opportunities to the department with the hope of attracting more individuals to play DEA. I have a very strong understanding on how to make gameplay and roleplay engaging for different individuals, and with DEA being a core department in GOI interactions, I feel I can facilitate unique and engaging Roleplay both for DEA and other Groups of Interests (incl. Parawatch, MC&D) which has not been seen before.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I've written several documents before with varying purposes. A good example of one that applies here is an Incident Report document I wrote on DEA detailing a surface anomaly breach and the co-operation between the Foundation and GOC to capture the anomaly against all odds from the Chaos Insurgency. For a document to be good, it's purpose should be clear and precise. The document at the minimum should include a title, good SPaG and a clear objective. Documents don't always need to be extremely fancy with cover pages, tables of contents and indexes - it all depends on the document's purpose. A simple and short incident report may only need to be a single page or two.
Optional features of a document may include:
- Cover page
- Images
- Table of Contents
- Headings
- Indexes
- Conclusions
- Signatures
What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
Special agents are a Jr. CL4 position in External Affairs and their duties can be varied. Naturally in a leadership position, they are expected to lead the players in their department and set an example for them, also handling any misbehavior that arises.
Furthermore, they are responsible for:
- Training new agents
- Authorising raids
- Coordinating SOP responses to surface occupations by hostile groups of interest and also site incursions
- Participating in diplomatic meetings and events and coordinating them
- Handling or supervising negotiations between factions (which may include approving MC&D's entry on-site)
Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Full Name: Bartholomew Cornelius O'Keefe
Age: 31
Current Occupation: External Affairs Senior Agent (#503)
Civilian Occupation: Security Service Case Officer
Date of Entry: 14/08/20##
- 5 FOOT 8 INCHES in height
- 175 POUNDS in weight
- BLACK BRITISH in ethnicity
Specialty: Covert Surveillance & Reconnaissance
Notable Operations:
Age: 31
Current Occupation: External Affairs Senior Agent (#503)
Civilian Occupation: Security Service Case Officer
Date of Entry: 14/08/20##
- 5 FOOT 8 INCHES in height
- 175 POUNDS in weight
- BLACK BRITISH in ethnicity
Specialty: Covert Surveillance & Reconnaissance
Notable Operations:
Taking part in an operation ran by External Affairs Senior Agent H. 'Orion' alongside the 'Hit & Run' Squadron and Director Jeremy Bennett, O'Keefe partook in an infiltration on the Pinewood Chaos Insurgency cell whilst posing as an Insurgent himself. After his squad-mates became compromised and had to exfiltrate, O'Keefe managed to hold back and rescue two captured agents who were being held by insurgents in, what O'Keefe described as, "the greatest duke of the century". O'Keefe was commended for his valiant effort, although was reminded on proper decorum when addressing investigators who were recovering post-operation documents.
Working alongside Director Jeremy Bennett, O'Keefe and JB had succeeded in infiltrating the Pinewood Insurgency Cell. Against all odds, they succeeded in destroying compromising documents that were stolen from Site-65 whilst simultaneously blowing several doors open within the bunker without any trace of resistance from CI. Despite CI being set up in raid-defence positions, they both managed to exfiltrate the bunker with valuable recovered intelligence marked as DEA-RCVRD-UNK-85, an encrypted drive awaiting investigation by intelligence teams.