SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - bob 'Irishpotato'

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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 17, 2023

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)

Your in-game name: bob 'Irishpotato'

Your SteamID: 76561199188844875

Ban Reason: ERP Stacked Bans

Date of ban: 26/2/2025

Who banned you: John. J .Banana

Ban length: 1 week 1 day

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will ignore him if he does it again

Why should you be unbanned: I didn't do anything a guard wanted to fuck a d class so I cuffed him and I was going to put him in the padded cell but a agent stopped me and asked what I was doing and I told him and he told me to get the guard some help so I did.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Jan 16, 2024
Hello @Irishpotato

I issued your ban due to the comments you made in chat just before I was about to pull you into a staff room, but unfortunately, you flagged off, so I couldn't talk to you. After discussing the matter with other staff members, it was decided that your comments/messages were considered ERP, which is not something we permit on the server.

Regards, Banana.

Walter Unrich

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Feb 9, 2023
Appeal Accepted

Hello @Irishpotato,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

I've chosen to accept your appeal, by lowering it to a 3 day ban, followed by a change of the ban reason to "inappropriate conduct"

This will leave 19 hours left on your ban.

The reason I choose to do this, is due to the fact that you didn't intentionally violate the rules of ERP, but instead tried to deal with someone doing this in roleplay, next time Bob, I want you to make a staff ticket instead, as the person who was doing this cannot ever be handled in any Roleplay, but must always be handled by staff for this kind of thing thats an instant ban, remember Bob, let staff help.

Kind Regards
Walter Unrich, Server Leadership.​
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