Denied Remove peoples ability to force bleed out.

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Dec 25, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Removes the ability to force bleed out when downed, preferably only when people are within 10ft~ of the downed person.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Perhaps. Unusre

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Force bleeding out during RP active situations, such as when a person is being kidnapped or being arrested by ISD, would no longer be possible. Allowing for the RP of those situations to continue.
- More realistic? People don't really have the ability to force bleed out in 5 seconds - esspecially when downed and maybe even in cuffs.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Being unable to do anything while you slowly bleed out, which is why it would be preferred if you could still bleed out if no one was nearby.
- More kidnappings / ISD arrests (not bad imo, but could be seen as so)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Simply put, RP (in the form of kidnappings / ISD arrests/investigations, etc) are cut down because people force bleed out. Which is bad RP and a thing I personally believe should be FailRP anyways (although after small yapper with people I believe it has not been confirmed as such). I believe this could easily be done as a rule if code changing the system itself would be too hard.

I think many players without cyanide/bleach will be too scared to leave their base and even partake in whatever happens on surface!

I think especially newer players, will not enjoy constantly getting kidnapped and being sold for money as in reality they don't usually ever get interrogated as lower ranks have a lack of information and are just forced to sit there and be sold off for money. It could create some RP and allow for easier kidnaps but I don't think this is going to benefit the majority of players in any form. Kidnaps are still regularly done by all factions quite effectively!

Maybe the alternative suggested above could work but I really don't think this needs changing.
I agree with Trickl
Huge -Support from me
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Reactions: Doug 'TrippleD'

Doug 'TrippleD'

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Apr 19, 2024
Just RP out kidnaps more smh, put people on trial for their crimes, yap to them, idk. Kidnappings shouldn't be boring :|
Honestly, this seems more like a "wait till site 9" post. People only like 30% of the time properly rp out interrogations and like 5% of the time they are fun and entertaining for both sides.
Honestly, this seems more like a "wait till site 9" post. People only like 30% of the time properly rp out interrogations and like 5% of the time they are fun and entertaining for both sides.
this is NOT a wait till site-9 post

Krill diff (I didn't actually mean for bro to do it alone, I recognise it's a bigger issue with people, but I still don't think kidnappings should be boring and lack RP.)
why are you telling it to them like its a problem for them to fix. hell, you said how to make it better, please, fix it I beg!
Except no. I've had CI kidnapped who have had a less than pleasant time with the GOC, and I can assume the same for Foundation who have been kidnapped by CI, etc.
Force bleeding out during RP active situations, such as when a person is being kidnapped or being arrested by ISD, would no longer be possible. Allowing for the RP of those situations to continue.
This is easily resolvable with the introduction of a log that shows whether the player forced the bleedout or the timer ran out naturally, allowing abuse of the mechanic to be properly treated as FailRP - However this kind of log would need to take into consideration specific contexts regarding this interaction; For example, players could maybe accidentally tap the button for a brief moment if they use the opportunity to very quickly stand up and grab something - But recording the metric of having forced bleedout as a threshold or percentage is abusable in the fact that players could adopt a method of doing a few light taps to force it faster, but not force it to completion and allow it to naturally run out the last little bit.

I can't reasonably think of a solution that would reasonably reconcile these factors, but I hope my point about how sticky this issue is gets across well.

What if the log represented it as a similar kind of bar that roughly showed where it naturally progressed and where it was force-progressed? This would probably be awful to try and reasonably implement, especially in a way that wouldn't produce false positives, but the more exact information there is on this allows for better moderation.

More realistic? People don't really have the ability to force bleed out in 5 seconds - esspecially when downed and maybe even in cuffs.
I get it, but also somewhat disagree. If you're bleeding, you could realistically hyperventilate and try to thrash about, which would reasonably exacerbate the bleeding out issue; Granted, not to the extent of acceleration that the mechanic allows for and definitely not as much while potentially bound. I suppose the compromise there is to nerf the bleedout mechanic to some degree (That also further conditionally decreases forced bleedout while cuffed/leashed) that is sensible both roleplay-wise to try & mitigate the above issue and balance-wise to not detract too much from combative gameplay?

Based on what I have put forth,
+Light Support
Last edited:
Jun 3, 2022

This has to be one of THE biggest cope suggestions of all time. Making it against the rules or removing the function to force bleed out doesn't only affect kidnappings, it affects SCPs and D-Block gameplay.

No one wants to be kept in a room for 30 minutes while CI Delta Shit fuck negotiates over comms to buy more chemicals, no one wants to wait a whole minute to die naturally in the middle of a breach nor is it good for RP and certainly, no one wants to wait a minute to go back to D-Block in order to get their combat XP up. This suggestion fucks over every aspect of the server.

It would be a much better idea for you as Server Leadership to sit down with the people who do interrogations and encourage them to RP, as daft as it sounds. People can always say "remove this for RP purposes" "this aspect of RP is shit" and continue the loop of complaining. Removing functions of the server or rule playing to force people to sit in a room for 30 minutes is not the way about it. Talk to Kvarkar and the content team and see about getting MRP's downing update.

Jimmy Special

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Sep 1, 2023

This has to be one of THE biggest cope suggestions of all time. Making it against the rules or removing the function to force bleed out doesn't only affect kidnappings, it affects SCPs and D-Block gameplay.

No one wants to be kept in a room for 30 minutes while CI Delta Shit fuck negotiates over comms to buy more chemicals, no one wants to wait a whole minute to die naturally in the middle of a breach nor is it good for RP and certainly, no one wants to wait a minute to go back to D-Block in order to get their combat XP up. This suggestion fucks over every aspect of the server.

It would be a much better idea for you as Server Leadership to sit down with the people who do interrogations and encourage them to RP, as daft as it sounds. People can always say "remove this for RP purposes" "this aspect of RP is shit" and continue the loop of complaining. Removing functions of the server or rule playing to force people to sit in a room for 30 minutes is not the way about it. Talk to Kvarkar and the content team and see about getting MRP's downing update.
I agree with what steven said, Kidnaping isn't rlly that hard.


Head Moderator
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SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hi @YandereMuffin ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Reasons for Denial:
We as content feel feel that this is not needed as it would need a siginificant time increase to make a difference. Furthermore, the Community is not in favour of this suggestion and clearly does not want it added to the server.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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