Partially Accepted reword ideas for Scrap Trader and Dodgy Dave (US)

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New Member
Feb 23, 2025
What does this suggest change/add/remove:
This suggestion plan is to change, add, and remove things. Toward both Scrap trade and Dodgy Dave (quest giver). First one being Scrap Trader.

1. remove randomization and modify order of quests
- scrap trader quests should be completed all at once. Instead of one at a time.
- There should be establish quests given. In place of randomization. example below
Craft # items
Kill # Foundation Personal
participate in # Test
Dodgy Dave Quest done # (new Idea)
Donate # Scraps

- Randomize quests ruin the flow of d-block sometime. especially certain time and day. if the quest your currently on is like do # test. I don't like doing test that much and I'm not affectation for less RP. Its just this I should be able to kill foundation for the quest. at the same time if a player decide to rp with a researchers. their choice along with mind should matter. we shouldn't change just to complete quest. This also fix getting repeated quest back to back

2. Weapon changes
- both menu including scrap pile (option) has duplicated guns type. Which shows no difference from each other. Each pair have 3 guns that serve the same. Purpose but different scrap range. not suggestion on price change (kinda) but this. Remove both M9/ak-47u replace them with a shotgun (likely nova). If you make the shotgun more then uzi or akm. Thats fine with me it is a shotgun.
* my reasons are for this is the m9 is only 20 scrap of off mp443. so you either decide to spend the extra 20 or save literal 20 scrap. also prokolot even if it does less is superior cost wise. The ak-47u is easy you have two aks' in the same gun pool. also its better saving 100 scrap with mp7. You might ask why I don't bring up deagle. That is because deagle has a alternative of being a sniper.

3. McDonald Burger
- make it an actual food item.
*imagine wasting 5000 just for a burger you can actual make.
- increased states then the original burger
* A lvl 30 average burger states are 39 4 8. I bought one and got a perfect lvl 10 burger 34 3 7.
- make it dclass aternative to scp 500
* let it fully heal you like. how old scout used to spawn with the pill.

- decreased speed
* all the grease and fat went to your legs
- repulsive system for current life
* can only eat things related to mcdonalds
- 30 min cooldown every purchase
* food needs to digest
- spawn in scroll menu instead on the floor
- cant drop or share

This one im going to talk about each quest and point. out things that should change/be added

1. Kill contracts
- Rename kill a researcher, officer, and mtf. into Kill non-combative/combative
* this would make it simpler. combative contract will work with gensec (combat medics), all mtf, -isd, thaumalogist/cartographer and dea. The other one will work with researcher, doctors, ethics committee, site safe, and 05 council.
- have the contract auto complete like scrap collector
* with you having to go back to Dave. You have to have insane luck. with killing one on catwalk and hoping another one doesn't come out. or this hoping a researcher just walks into dblock. and not have to rely and risk one in testing line.

2. Identity Theft
- boost xp gain depending on card request
- add rewards depending on card request
* im going to say my stance for both up top. like why do you only receive a messily 400 xp. For sending in a lvl 3 including a flipping lvl 4. like i know lvl 3 aren't technically hard to get. but what do we gain for screwing over dclass for just a messly 400 xp. Even if you increased xp received to a perfect amount. that doesn't compute with a lvl 4. a high number wont suffocate a card that high up. I propose rewards like guns for sending in lvl 3/4. A random gun from Armour weapon pool for lvl 3 and heavy weapons for lvl 4.

- Increases cool down between each quest to 15 mins
* added this as a balance measure. I'm well of aware of manly lvl 3 *cough sergeants/officers* walking on catwalk by themselves. even in a group still find a reason to die. not even lvl 4 are immune sometimes. A captain risking to kill a te-5 hacker or literal on dclass with a knife. Even high ranking mtf suffer this.
- Make one-time use weapons

3. Trade Secrets (kind of the same as Identiy Theft)
- nothing really different with this one. has the same problems with Identity Theft. I'll say change the reward or a chance to keep the document for info breaches.
(Unsure you can info breach with computer documents)

The other quest like anomaly informant, scrap collector, and d-class assassination I have no problem with. Unlike one quest called Scrap Crafter. Its kinda useless quest. which makes the player waste scrap. overall bad design in general better wise farming scrap then wasting. I offer a solution removed Scrap Crafter and introduce an old friend. The cooking quest and how to fully utilize it.
4. cooking quest re-addition + Cooking skill Change
- let players produce higher quality food depending on cooking lvl
0 - 9 = Average
10 - 19 = good
20 - 29 = perfect
30 = excellent
if you ever farmed scavenging to around lvl 15 to 20. you would start to notice. decrease chance of getting bad, average, and good quality food. higher chance at getting perfect/excellent foods. thats what cooking skill should be higher lvl means better quality. Thats one of the reason why this quest failed miserable. How to fix

- any quality food should complete the quest
* if i remember correctly on how you completed. The quest back then was to cook any thing above average. You starting to see the problem now. The only way to get anything above average. Was playing civilian and scavenging but why. dclass should be able to get the job done at their location and kitchen.

- xp gain depending on food quality turned in
100 for bad
200 for average
300 for good
400 for perfect
500 for excellent
- To turn in the food. The food has to be actual cooked meals. made at least with 3 or more ingredients.
* can't have people chasseing it. by cooking basic stuff like a single cooked meat or fish.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I don't know

Possible Positives of the suggestion:
- higher chance of a riot
- better quest organization for scrap trader
- bully gensec more
- more motivation and Acquisition for cooking

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- mental health of gensec + developer
- xp farm (possibly)
- decrease of RP including for researchers
- Chief mafia

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I feel this suggestion or parts of certain segments. Should be added for better flow for riot quest and quest giver. including the fact bring alive too Three quests. However, there are side effects I am well aware of. with this suggestion give dclass equpiment to more guns. with over all Roleplay for research. Don't know about gensec they get xp and kinda their job. other thing is a chance of xp farm. really don't know if it even matter but it is something. Nonetheless, I hope this reaches the development team. and make dclass great again.
Even though the title says 'reword', but a lot of what's suggested here seems to be about function. The title also says '(US)' and
Server Specific Suggestions: Due to the way Content works in Civil Networks, the content syncs and must be as close to 1:1 as possible (Permaprops etc. are exempt), however we cannot add just a set of models to one server and not the other or server specific content for USA that does not appear on the UK.
So this may be denied on that basis.
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no, just no. this is basically just mixing, no one would actually refer a researcher or a tech expert as a non-combatative, only the rules do that. if your gonna rename something atleast make it make sense in character
...? Since when were 'combative' and 'non-combative' strictly OOC terms? I thought it was based on the real-life terms applicable to actual members of staff you would find in... An actual military research facility, which are things that do exist. And have both combative personnel and non-combative personnel (There's also sometimes 'Civilian personnel with security clearance') - That doesn't make sense. Who told you this?

But I suppose it wouldn't make sense for D-Class to call them it IC.
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Partially Approved

Hi @Blackdiamonddam ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to partially accept your suggestion for the following reasons.

Reasons for Accepting:
We as content like the ideas of:
- Make Quests for riot occur simultaneously
- Replace m9 with Nova
- Add a quest for Non-combatives / combatives
- Make assassinations auto-complete
- Increase the XP rewards from the d class idenity theft quest
- Increase the reward for the Trade secrets quest
- Replace scrap crafter with a cooking quest.

Reasons for Denial:
We as content feel that the other stuff is unneccassary for the server as a whole, and is not needed.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as partially accepted.​
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