What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: Jackson Phillips
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:592069099
Ban Reason: Stacked Bans | FailRP
Date of ban: 3/2/2025
Who banned you: Merrick Travolta
Ban length: 4 days
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will stop printing and making SCP-008 documents, and i will stop giving them to D-Class & Gensec.
Why should you be unbanned: This was a very stupid thing to do, but i was bored and i made a very stupid decision by making an SCP-008 document and giving it to D-Class and Gensec. And of course i have read the rules of the server but it was boring and i thought "Why not do something that no one is probably trained for." I did not know how serious this was at the time, and when i was doing something i got brought to a staff room and they told me how bad it truly was. and then i decided to lie to staff to try and talk my way out of it, and it did not work. I had apologized to the staff member right before i was banned. And the way that i've been going ( my warning and ban records ) i do not want staff to look at me this way. I have made very stupid decisions today and i wish to take them all back. I had also thought that no one had bodycam footage of this, and when I saw it it scared me. I love civil networks, it is my favorite server to play ( it's all i do.) I am politely asking for another chance. And trust me, this situation will NEVER happen again. And while i am banned, i will be reading the rules. So, i can ensure professionalism all the time! : )
Your in-game name: Jackson Phillips
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:592069099
Ban Reason: Stacked Bans | FailRP
Date of ban: 3/2/2025
Who banned you: Merrick Travolta
Ban length: 4 days
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will stop printing and making SCP-008 documents, and i will stop giving them to D-Class & Gensec.
Why should you be unbanned: This was a very stupid thing to do, but i was bored and i made a very stupid decision by making an SCP-008 document and giving it to D-Class and Gensec. And of course i have read the rules of the server but it was boring and i thought "Why not do something that no one is probably trained for." I did not know how serious this was at the time, and when i was doing something i got brought to a staff room and they told me how bad it truly was. and then i decided to lie to staff to try and talk my way out of it, and it did not work. I had apologized to the staff member right before i was banned. And the way that i've been going ( my warning and ban records ) i do not want staff to look at me this way. I have made very stupid decisions today and i wish to take them all back. I had also thought that no one had bodycam footage of this, and when I saw it it scared me. I love civil networks, it is my favorite server to play ( it's all i do.) I am politely asking for another chance. And trust me, this situation will NEVER happen again. And while i am banned, i will be reading the rules. So, i can ensure professionalism all the time! : )
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