- Jan 8, 2023
- 378
- 63
- 111
What server are you applying for:
Your Username:
Your SteamID:
Discord Username:
What's your current playtime:
2D 14H 20M
Do you have a mic:
Your characters name:
Director of Research Vito 'Dusk' Sabbatini
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Yes for GameMaster
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
X1 Cheating
How many hours can you be on everyday:
2-5H Weekdays & 4-10H Weekends
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:
I want to take a more responsible approach to managing my department’s resources, ensuring its long-term stability. I believe stepping into a Game Master role would provide more flexibility in achieving that compared to a standard staff position. With the volume of ideas I have, it makes more sense to take the lead in developing events rather than waiting on others to bring them to life.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:
I have a strong expertise in crafting dynamic scenarios and excel in writing and documentation. With the right tools, I believe I would be an ideal fit as an RP Leader and Organizer, bringing structure and creativity to every event I manage.
Your Username:
Your SteamID:
Discord Username:
What's your current playtime:
2D 14H 20M
Do you have a mic:
Your characters name:
Director of Research Vito 'Dusk' Sabbatini
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Yes for GameMaster
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
X1 Cheating
How many hours can you be on everyday:
2-5H Weekdays & 4-10H Weekends
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:
I want to take a more responsible approach to managing my department’s resources, ensuring its long-term stability. I believe stepping into a Game Master role would provide more flexibility in achieving that compared to a standard staff position. With the volume of ideas I have, it makes more sense to take the lead in developing events rather than waiting on others to bring them to life.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:
I have a strong expertise in crafting dynamic scenarios and excel in writing and documentation. With the right tools, I believe I would be an ideal fit as an RP Leader and Organizer, bringing structure and creativity to every event I manage.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
1. Containment But With a Twist!
(A single SCP is loose in the facility, but for some reason, the normal containment procedures don’t work)
Security and MTF must recontain it using unconventional methods.
Example: SCP-173 refuses to stop moving unless you play music. Find a way to play music!
Example: SCP-999 now has a sugar rush and is bouncing everywhere. You need to calm it down, maybe by telling bedtime stories?
Saboteurs! Pick 1-2 random players who have a secret goal to accidentally make things worse without getting caught.
2. Ethics Committee Roast Session
(A mini-tribunal where players must defend ridiculous actions they definitely did or didn't do on purpose)
Pick three players at random (or take volunteers) to stand trial for hilarious Foundation-related crimes.
Example: Dr. ███ put a hat on SCP-173 and called it a ‘fashion experiment.’ Explain yourself.
Example: Security Officer ███ used a ‘trust exercise’ on D-Class that involved blindfolding them in SCP-914’s intake chamber.
Example: Site janitor ███ used SCP-999 as a pillow during their shift break.
3. D-Class Science Roulette
(A quickfire SCP testing event where the D-Class decide their fate!)
Three D-Class volunteers are lined up for scientific testing.
A wheel of fate (or a list of options) is spun to decide which SCP they must interact with.
Examples: SCP-914, SCP-999, SCP-173 (under safe conditions), or even a completely harmless yet ridiculous test.
The D-Class must choose how they want to interact with the SCP before they know what happens next.|
Example: You fed SCP-999 a donut, it now follows you everywhere and won't stop giggling.
Example: You touched SCP-914 on ‘Rough.’ Congratulations, you are now a low-poly version of yourself.
1. Containment But With a Twist!
(A single SCP is loose in the facility, but for some reason, the normal containment procedures don’t work)
Security and MTF must recontain it using unconventional methods.
Example: SCP-173 refuses to stop moving unless you play music. Find a way to play music!
Example: SCP-999 now has a sugar rush and is bouncing everywhere. You need to calm it down, maybe by telling bedtime stories?
Saboteurs! Pick 1-2 random players who have a secret goal to accidentally make things worse without getting caught.
2. Ethics Committee Roast Session
(A mini-tribunal where players must defend ridiculous actions they definitely did or didn't do on purpose)
Pick three players at random (or take volunteers) to stand trial for hilarious Foundation-related crimes.
Example: Dr. ███ put a hat on SCP-173 and called it a ‘fashion experiment.’ Explain yourself.
Example: Security Officer ███ used a ‘trust exercise’ on D-Class that involved blindfolding them in SCP-914’s intake chamber.
Example: Site janitor ███ used SCP-999 as a pillow during their shift break.
3. D-Class Science Roulette
(A quickfire SCP testing event where the D-Class decide their fate!)
Three D-Class volunteers are lined up for scientific testing.
A wheel of fate (or a list of options) is spun to decide which SCP they must interact with.
Examples: SCP-914, SCP-999, SCP-173 (under safe conditions), or even a completely harmless yet ridiculous test.
The D-Class must choose how they want to interact with the SCP before they know what happens next.|
Example: You fed SCP-999 a donut, it now follows you everywhere and won't stop giggling.
Example: You touched SCP-914 on ‘Rough.’ Congratulations, you are now a low-poly version of yourself.
Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
Temporal Distortion Event: “Echoes of the Past”
Something went wrong. A containment experiment triggered a rollback anomaly, reverting the entire site to an older build of the map. Hallways shift, rooms appear where they shouldn’t, and systems display dates that don’t match.
How It Starts
The signs are small at first, logs showing timestamps from years ago, doors locking and unlocking at random, PA announcements referencing long, gone personnel. Then, without warning, the entire map changes in an instant. Lights flicker, alarms distort, and when everything settles, the site is not the one people remember from yesterday.
The Aftermath
- The facility has reverted to a previous version, removing modern expansions and altering pathways.
- Containment protocols are outdated, causing certain SCPs to behave unpredictably.
- Security systems are inconsistent, requiring access codes and procedures that may no longer exist.
- Technology regresses, forcing personnel to adapt to older weapons, terminals, and equipment.
- Documentation and logs reference past events, some of which never happened, or maybe haven’t happened yet.
Fixing the Timeline
Somewhere in the facility, the key to restoring the site exists, maybe an old terminal, an anomaly that shouldn’t be there, or an experiment that needs to be completed or undone. Until it’s found, the Foundation is stuck in the past
The Outcomes
- Stabilization: The site returns to normal, but some changes remain, a misplaced hallway, an old log file that refuses to be deleted, a piece of tech that shouldn’t exist.
- Partial Failure: The rollback stabilizes halfway, leaving a hybrid of past and present.
- Collapse: The site keeps shifting, plunging everyone into an even earlier version of the facility, or worse, one that was never meant to exist.
List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
O-1 "Laws Left Hand" (Overwatch Security Detail)
Mission: "The Rogue Verdict"Briefing:
A high-ranking Ethics Committee member has disappeared while reviewing a classified Foundation project at Site-██. Intel suggests internal sabotage, and rumors circulate about a "secret tribunal" held at an unknown location.
Additional Details:
- The last known transmission from the missing Ethics member was abruptly cut off.
- Internal Security claims they have no leads, but some personnel may be covering something up.
- Your orders: Find the missing EC member alive or dead, uncover who orchestrated this, and if necessary, deal with the perpetrators.
- Expect Foundation personnel interference, not everyone wants the truth to come out.
A-1 "Red Right Hand" (O5 Council Guardians)
Mission: "O5’s Unwanted Guest"Briefing:
One of the O5 Council's classified safehouses has been compromised. The automated panic room defenses activated, followed by a distress signal, then silence.
Additional Details:
- The safehouse wasn’t supposed to be in use, who triggered the security measures?
- Possibilities: A rogue operative, an anomalous entity, or a rival faction infiltration.
- If it’s an enemy force, they cannot be allowed to leave with anything.
- If it’s an O5 member trapped inside, immediate extraction and damage control are required.
- Warning: The safehouse contains high-level data and classified tech, compromise is not an option.
Nu-7 "Hammer Down" (Military Response & Surface Operations)
Mission: "Hell from Below"Briefing:
An underground anomaly has awakened beneath Site-██ due to a failed excavation. Seismic activity threatens the stability of the tunnels, and hostile entities have emerged.
Additional Details:
- What Nu-7 knows: The dig site was kept off-the-record, and classified documents suggest anomalous activity was expected.
- Your orders: Deploy to the site, secure the tunnels, neutralize threats, and determine who authorized this excavation.
- Foundation personnel on-site are unresponsive, some may have already been compromised.
- Watch for CI interference, they may attempt to extract something before the Foundation can seal it off.
E-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" (SCP Containment Specialists)
Mission: "The Mobile SCP"Briefing:
A Foundation transport convoy carrying SCP-████ has gone dark. Satellite imaging shows the convoy stalled in an abandoned industrial sector, with no radio contact.
Additional Details:
- Scenarios: The convoy could have suffered a malfunction, enemy ambush, or SCP escape.
- SCP-████ is high-risk, and any exposure to the public would be catastrophic.
- Your orders: Locate the convoy, assess the situation, secure the anomaly, and retrieve any survivors.
- Complication: CI or GOC may already be aware of the transport failure and could be en route to steal the anomaly.
- Intel suggests that one of the convoy’s guards sent a distress signal before all communications ceased.
CI "Delta Command" (Subterfuge & Raids)
Mission: "Operation Data Wipe"Briefing:
A CI defector has gone rogue, leaking classified Insurgency intelligence and offering asylum to the Foundation. They must be eliminated, and all sensitive data erased.
Additional Details:
- The defector is hiding at a Foundation Site, negotiating for safety in exchange for intel.
- If successful, the Foundation will gain crucial CI secrets, this cannot happen.
- Your orders: Infiltrate the site, locate the traitor, terminate them, and destroy any evidence of their knowledge.
- Complication:
- The GOC is also interested, if they get to the defector first, they might distribute the intel globally.
- The defector has allies, expect resistance from Foundation personnel trying to protect them.
UNGOC-C "Iron Fist" (Global Anomaly Suppression)
Mission: "The Sleeping Giant"Briefing:
Satellite imaging has detected anomalous heat signatures beneath the Arctic permafrost. The GOC must secure or eliminate the threat before the Foundation or CI intervenes.
Additional Details:
- Seismic readings indicate something is shifting beneath the ice.
- Your orders: Deploy a GOC strike team, locate the anomaly, determine if neutralization is necessary, and prevent it from falling into Foundation hands.
- Complication: The anomaly is activating, it may not be a simple containment job.
- Foundation forces are en route, arguing for containment rather than destruction.
- Rumors suggest this may be one of the "lost anomalies" that disappeared from Foundation records decades ago
Foundation Staff (Research, Medical, External Affairs, Internal Security, etc.)
Mission: "The Unexpected Visitor"Briefing:
A civilian scientist has arrived at the Foundation’s front gates, demanding a meeting with Site Administration. They claim to have proof of anomalies existing in the outside world and threaten to go public if ignored.
Additional Details:
- The scientist holds data that appears legitimate.
- Your orders: Determine if they are a risk, asset, or threat.
- Possible solutions:
- Recruit them into the Foundation (if they prove useful).
- Amnesticize them (erase all memory of their research).
- Eliminate them (if their knowledge is too dangerous to leave unchecked).
- Complication:
- The scientist already shared their findings with an unknown party.
- GOC or CI may attempt to extract them first, turning them into a dangerous loose end.
- Are they really a civilian? Or could they be a plant from a rival group?
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