Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CN SCP:
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
J. 'Lawman' Dredd
Civilian name:
W. 'Wilhoff' Tarkin
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Regiment/Rank | Name | Status |
Site Advisor | J. 'Lawman' Dredd | HELD |
Internal Security Department Commissioner | J. 'Lawman' Dredd [PURGE-RS] | HELD |
Overseer Council Assistant | J. Dredd | HELD |
MTF E-11 Sergeant | J. Dredd [FR-NCO] | HELD |
Chaos Insurgency Beta | R&D John Stinger | HELD |
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
No, appealed
Why are you applying for Director of Internal Affairs?
I am applying with my return to the site, I was a dedicated member of the ISD, also known at the Internal Affairs, and held extreme Integrity and Loyalty to the ISD even after reaching Site Advisor. I show care for all members of the community and kept a level head, showing the empathy required to rectify any actions someone had made and wanted to help them in the right direction, rather than jailing and ignoring.
What makes you suitable for Director of Internal Affairs?:
I believe my time within the Foundation has served well to align myself for this position. I've taken on the role within Internal Security Department (Formerly Internal Affairs) from the first chance I was eligible to apply for Agent. From that point of joining Internal Security Department, known as Internal Affairs, rose the ranks by showing my dedication to upholding the Foundation Legal Codex, Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics and general professionalism.
I have made great connections with my time in Internal Security Department to other Departments and feel confident that I could continue my expansion of professional networks to keep the Foundation members happy with their roles and departmental activities.
I have large amounts of experience with the Tribunal processes and participated in all aspects of a Tribunal; Prosecution, Defence, Head Bailiff and Judge.
Training new members of ISD was a great experience, even just helping out regular members with tough situations that needed a little outside help but show full encouragement at all times, this did help with being Staff. I'd love to branch out ISD and bring player activity up, other regiments feeling secure with communicating towards the ISD members and keep an open-door policy. I take great pride in serving Under Strekel and Barney, forever a pinnacle of IA and ISD.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Internal Affairs in RP?:
There are a lot of responsibilities required for the DoISD, some that stepped outside of the role of Commissioner were;
> Attending all Security and CL4 Meetings
> Authorising AOS past Airlock during times of crisis in Dblock
> Authorising Advanced Armoury for Combatives
> Stepping in if anyone requires an assistance, Internally or externally
> Liaising with Internal/External Affairs/SA/Ethics
> Passive Investigations to uphold the Code of Conduct/Ethic and FLC
> Liaising with Departments and their running conditions, help out if needed
> Ensuring that GSD are supported and Dblock in good condition
> Ensuring CL4 personnel are posted near AA/Bulkheads
> Observing that CL1 to CL3/4 are supported with their duties
> Observing that Researchers and compliant and watching that ISD are observing actively
> Tribunal of staff for lower-level offenses and impartial judiciary on behalf of ISD for investigations.
> Management of Site Wide Policies liaising with Site Command
> Enforcement of Audits into Departments
> Keeping active with Commissioners
Please give some lore about your Director of Internal Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Commissioner J. 'Lawman' Dredd, as known by the site, was just another member who got fixated on the promises of a better tomorrow whilst looking down at his dirt and blood covered combat gloves in a country far away from his own. Ears ringing loudly whilst still being muffled, the explosive echoes forcing his chest and head to move at each ringing note. The small bunker made of sandstone and wood, shaking and letting in small glimpses of light and dirt whilst being the middle of the night, but you the sounds made it feel like it was a city alive of activity. The smell of gunpowder and "metal" overwhelming the brain, causing the panic to become clear and not look at the floor. The memories flashing like the area around his direct views, pulsing with each boom. The memory of a man in a suit, not an average man, this was clear after the talk but at the time, it felt like an insurance salesman, but this made no sense where we were. The immediate reaction to ask for his military ID or pass was clear when he flashed a badge, it looked strange but powerful, like the first time a police officer does it when you are young and afraid. The man never said his name, however, he didn't need to for me to remember him at this moment before death. The man asked if I wanted to protect more people and do better for humanity than be in a camouflage uniform, I was complexed as this, how could you achieve a higher goal than the military? It's the thought that kept me awake for many nights until the morning of boarding the plane, headed to where we do our work to prevent the evils, looking back, this wasn't evil we should have worried about, they weren't the evil that goes bump in the night, not even close...
It was many years before J. Dredd had to remember that time where death was upon himself, the whole unit was over-ran and pinned down for hours, all but a handful making it back, slightly more alive than dead but that's not where to story ended.
J. Dredd made it to the place where the man in the suit spoke about, it was remote, fortified, a fortress of size he had never seen constructed. The man chuckled and said, that's only the levels above the ground for show. Steel doors that would fit a small building blared alarms and armed mercs stood at attention, the loud crackles of steel gears moving the gates, making it almost unbearable to keep your eyes opened. A smile on his face, suit clean with some snow still on the shoulders, we walked in. The look of a military facility and hardware was shocking to be non-military, but it was all in-front to be seen, tanks of different countries, ammunition of every kind, just stacked all over, like a war was waiting.
The site was scary at first, being a Security Cadet and seeing the faces of convicted murderers, crimes that feel too harsh to even bring back to memory, those guys were all there, for a shot of redemption to enter back into the world like nothing happened. This felt like evil, again, I was wrong. Dredd had a personal distaste for the sheer promise to those "D-Class" but he remembered the words from the man in the suit, "they'll always chase the bread, not what is chasing them" - these words were confusing at first, as anyone would be with hearing them, but soon they would make sense and show the true Evil hiding away.
Time flew as did the promotions, soon an Officer of the D-Block, routine riots, routine spitting and non-compliance, not just from the D-Class. J. Dredd knew people were always watching D-Block but he was very unaware of who and why, but he knew. A Cadet would step out of line and take his hate for the D-Class too far, that Cadet wouldn't be back, well, not in a Security uniform, but on the other side of those cells. Someone was making the calls.
Bright white lights and the smell of disinfected surfaces, a headache to follow and the pressure on his chest that he couldn't remove from breathing, the sharpness of breathing brought forward the panic. Looking around in a panic and seeing more. Monitors, IV lines, cables to his chest and a curtain. More panic.
A nurse, someone he has briefly seen before in the lunch lines showed her face, alongside a doctor who was unknown. The generic question asked, pain, remembering the "incident", all the confusing questions that didn't make sense, no answers to be provided. This felt like it was just yesterday, but it's been even more time since it happened. The man in the suit, he was back again, making time feel like it hadn't passed. The man instructed another to walk into the room and explain what happened, and what will happen. The pain in the chest felt like it stopped, and everything was hyper focused, in walks another man, dressed in a suit but not as fancy, still sharp looking but more, "welcoming" would be the feeling, in comparison to the other man suited up. The introductions were quick, and the point was made, he was from Internal Affairs and knew more than I ever imagined, this included footage of nearly every angle in D-Block, he even showed me the live footage, it was harrowing. As you can assume, this was my introduction to joining Internal Affairs, it aligned with how I felt and the footage of a Cadet shooting at a D-Class without reasoning and my large body being thrown Infront to protect, well it showed Internal Affairs I was serious about the Codes within the Site.
J. 'Lawman' Dredd was now an Ambassador of Internal Affairs, and the goals remained, faces came and gone, the same purposes and goals remained even with the change of Internal Affairs to now Internal Security Department. It was some years, and everything was changed within Internal Security Department, including the ranks. Dredd was an Inspector with the still gleaming goal to progress inside the Department. It didn't feel long but soon a new office and the rank of Commissioner of Compliance and Discipline was observed on the desks name tag and wall plaque. Even with all the changes and time passing on, It still only felt like yesterday when the predictable summary of who would walk back into Dredd's life. The man strolled into the Internal Security Departments reception area looking for Dredd. The man in the suit back, looking older, wearing more gold, he looked well. The Internal Security Department reception area was empty, the man pulled out a tablet and all the cameras went down, this was nerve racking, was something bad going to happen? Was this the end? We heard the stories, but they were stories, right?
The conversation was short, but the point was made, this man was always watching, all these years, and now 'Lawman' knew who he was and where he was in the whole picture, the man in the suit, he was "Site Command" and requested for Dredd to follow him...
This is J. 'Lawman' Dredd's next chapter to Director
It was many years before J. Dredd had to remember that time where death was upon himself, the whole unit was over-ran and pinned down for hours, all but a handful making it back, slightly more alive than dead but that's not where to story ended.
J. Dredd made it to the place where the man in the suit spoke about, it was remote, fortified, a fortress of size he had never seen constructed. The man chuckled and said, that's only the levels above the ground for show. Steel doors that would fit a small building blared alarms and armed mercs stood at attention, the loud crackles of steel gears moving the gates, making it almost unbearable to keep your eyes opened. A smile on his face, suit clean with some snow still on the shoulders, we walked in. The look of a military facility and hardware was shocking to be non-military, but it was all in-front to be seen, tanks of different countries, ammunition of every kind, just stacked all over, like a war was waiting.
The site was scary at first, being a Security Cadet and seeing the faces of convicted murderers, crimes that feel too harsh to even bring back to memory, those guys were all there, for a shot of redemption to enter back into the world like nothing happened. This felt like evil, again, I was wrong. Dredd had a personal distaste for the sheer promise to those "D-Class" but he remembered the words from the man in the suit, "they'll always chase the bread, not what is chasing them" - these words were confusing at first, as anyone would be with hearing them, but soon they would make sense and show the true Evil hiding away.
Time flew as did the promotions, soon an Officer of the D-Block, routine riots, routine spitting and non-compliance, not just from the D-Class. J. Dredd knew people were always watching D-Block but he was very unaware of who and why, but he knew. A Cadet would step out of line and take his hate for the D-Class too far, that Cadet wouldn't be back, well, not in a Security uniform, but on the other side of those cells. Someone was making the calls.
Bright white lights and the smell of disinfected surfaces, a headache to follow and the pressure on his chest that he couldn't remove from breathing, the sharpness of breathing brought forward the panic. Looking around in a panic and seeing more. Monitors, IV lines, cables to his chest and a curtain. More panic.
A nurse, someone he has briefly seen before in the lunch lines showed her face, alongside a doctor who was unknown. The generic question asked, pain, remembering the "incident", all the confusing questions that didn't make sense, no answers to be provided. This felt like it was just yesterday, but it's been even more time since it happened. The man in the suit, he was back again, making time feel like it hadn't passed. The man instructed another to walk into the room and explain what happened, and what will happen. The pain in the chest felt like it stopped, and everything was hyper focused, in walks another man, dressed in a suit but not as fancy, still sharp looking but more, "welcoming" would be the feeling, in comparison to the other man suited up. The introductions were quick, and the point was made, he was from Internal Affairs and knew more than I ever imagined, this included footage of nearly every angle in D-Block, he even showed me the live footage, it was harrowing. As you can assume, this was my introduction to joining Internal Affairs, it aligned with how I felt and the footage of a Cadet shooting at a D-Class without reasoning and my large body being thrown Infront to protect, well it showed Internal Affairs I was serious about the Codes within the Site.
J. 'Lawman' Dredd was now an Ambassador of Internal Affairs, and the goals remained, faces came and gone, the same purposes and goals remained even with the change of Internal Affairs to now Internal Security Department. It was some years, and everything was changed within Internal Security Department, including the ranks. Dredd was an Inspector with the still gleaming goal to progress inside the Department. It didn't feel long but soon a new office and the rank of Commissioner of Compliance and Discipline was observed on the desks name tag and wall plaque. Even with all the changes and time passing on, It still only felt like yesterday when the predictable summary of who would walk back into Dredd's life. The man strolled into the Internal Security Departments reception area looking for Dredd. The man in the suit back, looking older, wearing more gold, he looked well. The Internal Security Department reception area was empty, the man pulled out a tablet and all the cameras went down, this was nerve racking, was something bad going to happen? Was this the end? We heard the stories, but they were stories, right?
The conversation was short, but the point was made, this man was always watching, all these years, and now 'Lawman' knew who he was and where he was in the whole picture, the man in the suit, he was "Site Command" and requested for Dredd to follow him...
This is J. 'Lawman' Dredd's next chapter to Director
I do apologise for my absence, I can't explain exactly what had occurred as it was Veteran related and gets down a dark place for myself. I missed you all and happy to explain to anyone in a VC. Lets make Internal Affair.. I mean Internal Security Great again!