Denied Add DBD-like perks.

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 11, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion adds a perk system to the SCP RP server. All human players (e.g., Class-D, Chaos, MTF) share a pool of unique perks, unlocked over time through RP milestones, applying to any human role. Each SCP (e.g., SCP-173, SCP-096) comes with 4 specific perks, but unlocking a perk on one SCP makes it available to all SCPs you play. These perks—offering subtle abilities, roleplay enhancements, or situational bonuses—persist across sessions, adding variety and customization without altering core mechanics.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
No, this has not been suggested before to my knowledge. While there may have been ideas for new mechanics, a perk system with a shared human pool and 4 SCP-specific perks that unlock across all SCPs is unique. It’s different because it mixes individual SCP flavor with universal access, rewarding roleplay progression in a fresh way.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  1. Relieves Veteran Boredom: For players who’ve been around a while, roleplay can get dull. Unlocking perks—like a Chaos operative’s knack for improvised traps or an SCP-049 perk boosting all SCPs’ eerie aura—keeps the server thrilling for long-timers.
  2. Boosts Roleplay Variety: A shared human pool (e.g., an MTF’s enhanced radio intuition or a Class-D’s knack for spotting weak locks) and 4 SCP perks unlocking across all SCPs (e.g., SCP-106’s corrosion trail usable by SCP-173) let players experiment, sparking wild and creative RP moments.
  3. Rewards Progression: Unlocking perks through RP milestones gives players a sense of growth, motivating them to dive deeper into human roles and SCPs alike.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  1. Balance Challenges: If a human perk like trap-making turns Chaos into a nightmare to fight or an SCP perk like corrosion makes containment a mess, it could throw off RP balance.
  2. Newcomer Disadvantage: Veterans with a bunch of unlocked perks might overshadow newbies who are still starting out, creating a gap.
  3. Development Effort: Crafting a varied human perk pool and 4 distinct perks per SCP, with unlocks shared across all SCPs, could demand serious staff time and tweaking.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This suggestion should be accepted because it tackles a real issue: things can get very repetitive and boring for players who’ve been in the community for a long time. A perk system with a shared human pool—like an MTF’s radio intuition—and 4 SCP perks unlocking across all SCPs—like SCP-049’s eerie aura—brings new life to the RP server, blending customization with progression. Sure, balance and staff effort are hurdles, but the payoffs—breaking monotony, spicing up roleplay, and rewarding dedication—make it worth it. Starting with a lean human pool and a couple SCPs’ perks, then building out with feedback, could turn this into a killer feature.

John Kild

Active member
Feb 14, 2025
+/- Support

I do not fully agree with this suggestion mainly because there is not really supposed to be competition or leaderboards in this server as there would be in Dark RP, like in Dark RP or some other game modes for RP they have perk systems but also the items they have are based off of how much money they have which with perks can make you even more overkill, but in SCP RP there is almost nothing like that besides cool looking permanent knives that almost do the same damage no matter what they are. I feel like a small perk system could make it fun but nothing that would be ability's during a roleplay experience, I would say something like maybe allowing a play to unlock different emotes and even different player models without the use of pac, and maybe also have something like perk points that follow with the levels that you can choose what you want to get with your rewards, kind of like a small menu in f4 that says your levels and available to use perk points with all the different perks you can choose from, but again like I said I do not agree with the perks your suggested mainly due to the fact it would ruin roleplay and might make a unbalanced experience, but the most I would suggest to have is similar to the two I said before and maybe even slight faster running speed or a slight higher jump and maybe even a slight permanent XP bonus that could be available.

But all in all I like the suggestion of a perk system but I do not agree with the perks you suggested.


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 11, 2023
The key here is avoiding permanent boosts like speed or damage increases. Instead, perks should offer slight advantages in specific situations, forcing players to strategize when picking their 4 active perks. Rather than a constant slight speed boost, it’d be smarter to have a perk that grants, say, a 40% speed burst for 5 seconds after taking a hit, or one that muffles your running sounds when you’re at full health. These situational effects keep things tactical and balanced.


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 11, 2023
Here are few perk examples:

For humans:
  • Muffled Stride - At full health, your walking sounds are dampened (90% quieter). Ends if you take damage.
  • Panic Surge - When your health drops below 50%, gain a 20% speed boost for 10 seconds. 90-second cooldown.
  • Card Glitch - When using a keycard, there’s a 5% chance it opens a higher-clearance door. Once per life.
  • Death’s Defiance - At 0-5 HP, press a key (e.g., E) for 1.5 seconds of immunity. 5-minute cooldown.
  • Miracle Pulse - When killed by a gunshot, a 3% chance revives you with 10 HP after 5 seconds. Once per life.
  • SCP Alert - When an SCP comes within 10 meters, a faint hum plays in your ears for 3 seconds. 30-second cooldown.

For SCPs:

  • Tesla Dampener - Tesla gate zaps deal 50% of their usual damage to you. 120-second cooldown
  • Predator’s Mark - When you hit a human, their outline glows faintly to you for 5 seconds. 30-second cooldown per target.
  • Gloom Shroud - While moving 5% slower, humans within 10 meters see their vision darken (20% dimmer)
  • Token Rush - Start a breach with 8 tokens; each token boosts your speed by 5%. Lose 1 token per human killed (max 40% boost at 8 tokens).
  • Depth’s Resilience - On the surface, your damage output drops by 25%, but inside the Foundation, you resist 15% of incoming damage.
  • Hunted Beacon - At the start of a breach, a random Foundation member is marked as your prey. Their aura glows brightly to you through walls (up to 20 meters), and a loud, ominous klaxon blares for 3 seconds, alerting them and nearby humans to their status. Killing this target grants breach tool.

It would probably be an NPC that you can choose perks from—for humans. For SCPs, it’s asked when they spawn in and also into the F4 menu or the TAB menu
Jan 27, 2022
For humans:
  • Muffled Stride - At full health, your walking sounds are dampened (90% quieter). Ends if you take damage.
  • Panic Surge - When your health drops below 50%, gain a 20% speed boost for 10 seconds. 90-second cooldown.
  • Card Glitch - When using a keycard, there’s a 5% chance it opens a higher-clearance door. Once per life.
  • Death’s Defiance - At 0-5 HP, press a key (e.g., E) for 1.5 seconds of immunity. 5-minute cooldown.
  • Miracle Pulse - When killed by a gunshot, a 3% chance revives you with 10 HP after 5 seconds. Once per life.
  • SCP Alert - When an SCP comes within 10 meters, a faint hum plays in your ears for 3 seconds. 30-second cooldown.

For SCPs:

  • Tesla Dampener - Tesla gate zaps deal 50% of their usual damage to you. 120-second cooldown
  • Predator’s Mark - When you hit a human, their outline glows faintly to you for 5 seconds. 30-second cooldown per target.
  • Gloom Shroud - While moving 5% slower, humans within 10 meters see their vision darken (20% dimmer)
  • Token Rush - Start a breach with 8 tokens; each token boosts your speed by 5%. Lose 1 token per human killed (max 40% boost at 8 tokens).
  • Depth’s Resilience - On the surface, your damage output drops by 25%, but inside the Foundation, you resist 15% of incoming damage.
  • Hunted Beacon - At the start of a breach, a random Foundation member is marked as your prey. Their aura glows brightly to you through walls (up to 20 meters), and a loud, ominous klaxon blares for 3 seconds, alerting them and nearby humans to their status. Killing this target grants breach tool.
Muffled Stride = Shitty Iron Will
Panic Surge = Shitty Overcome
Card Glitch = nothing dbd like this, I guess you could go for Wake up
Death's Defiance = Dead Hard but never gonna happen
Miracle Pulse = Delayed Mettle of Man
SCP Alert = Reverse object and worse

Tesla Dampener = Enduring but for dmg
Predator's Mark = Reverse Alien Instict
Gloom Shroud = Worse Dredge power but based on radius?
Token Rush = PWYF but 8 stacks
Depth's Resiliance = the weird chucky hex perk i forgot the name of
Hunted Beacon = the obsession mechanic with old object built in

i have 1k hours on dbd...
+/- Neutral
I find this interesting. But even though I know there is a desire to improve the breach experience, I also know that there is significant hesitancy surrounding adding passive perks to this aspect of gameplay, as well as any technical issue it could cause and limitations that may prevent this. I don't see this being accepted for those reasons.

EDIT: Oh yeah and balance upsetting, that might also be important. Tee hee.
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion adds a perk system to the SCP RP server. All human players (e.g., Class-D, Chaos, MTF) share a pool of unique perks, unlocked over time through RP milestones, applying to any human role. Each SCP (e.g., SCP-173, SCP-096) comes with 4 specific perks, but unlocking a perk on one SCP makes it available to all SCPs you play. These perks—offering subtle abilities, roleplay enhancements, or situational bonuses—persist across sessions, adding variety and customization without altering core mechanics.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
No, this has not been suggested before to my knowledge. While there may have been ideas for new mechanics, a perk system with a shared human pool and 4 SCP-specific perks that unlock across all SCPs is unique. It’s different because it mixes individual SCP flavor with universal access, rewarding roleplay progression in a fresh way.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  1. Relieves Veteran Boredom: For players who’ve been around a while, roleplay can get dull. Unlocking perks—like a Chaos operative’s knack for improvised traps or an SCP-049 perk boosting all SCPs’ eerie aura—keeps the server thrilling for long-timers.
  2. Boosts Roleplay Variety: A shared human pool (e.g., an MTF’s enhanced radio intuition or a Class-D’s knack for spotting weak locks) and 4 SCP perks unlocking across all SCPs (e.g., SCP-106’s corrosion trail usable by SCP-173) let players experiment, sparking wild and creative RP moments.
  3. Rewards Progression: Unlocking perks through RP milestones gives players a sense of growth, motivating them to dive deeper into human roles and SCPs alike.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  1. Balance Challenges: If a human perk like trap-making turns Chaos into a nightmare to fight or an SCP perk like corrosion makes containment a mess, it could throw off RP balance.
  2. Newcomer Disadvantage: Veterans with a bunch of unlocked perks might overshadow newbies who are still starting out, creating a gap.
  3. Development Effort: Crafting a varied human perk pool and 4 distinct perks per SCP, with unlocks shared across all SCPs, could demand serious staff time and tweaking.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This suggestion should be accepted because it tackles a real issue: things can get very repetitive and boring for players who’ve been in the community for a long time. A perk system with a shared human pool—like an MTF’s radio intuition—and 4 SCP perks unlocking across all SCPs—like SCP-049’s eerie aura—brings new life to the RP server, blending customization with progression. Sure, balance and staff effort are hurdles, but the payoffs—breaking monotony, spicing up roleplay, and rewarding dedication—make it worth it. Starting with a lean human pool and a couple SCPs’ perks, then building out with feedback, could turn this into a killer feature.
+Support, this would make the server MUCH LESS BORING. it has kind of no long term payoff, sure you can get clearance 4/5 roles but they're temporary and require activity and a lot of work to keep. Meanwhile this would make a LOT of things more entertaining. It also gives newbies something to be excited about, to gain. Instead of just levels. They could also rework thaumotologist again and give it a skill tree or something to unlock its abilities, or do that with SCP-22415's.
Conditional -Support
So this is actually probably one of the most interesting suggestions I've seen in a hot minute. Pretty creative idea too and you've clearly expanded on the vision, so credit where it's due. Unfortunately I think this is extremely impractical to implement. We're still fresh off the heels of minimal breach related changes that Yeke dropped, with to my knowledge some major ones still on the way, all with the aim of making breaches more manageable. This just takes us straight back in the opposite direction.

Allowing SCPs to move to another chamber to breach up to 40% faster, getting essentially a free run and gun access to wallhacks on a target they hit and nerfing tesla damage if selected? These are all majorly implicative to the balance of breaches and given how many times Content has denied changes to people like E-11 because they're happy with how player vs SCP is right now, undoing this will give everyone involved a headache.

As for the human perks; Some of these have far too many direct implications for raid combat. Imagine popping the immortality perk and in that time you've got a free window to go into your inv and pop a chem (people 100% can do that in this time window) and speed boosts would stack on top of chems and we'd see people whizzing around the map like they're on the Werewolf cocaine drug (those who know).

The reason my -support is conditional is because I think the idea on paper is actually REALLY cool and I'd be okay with seeing it in a different way on the server. I'd want the perks to be WAY more passive. Like, a small increase in chemical yield for reaching a high enough research level. Things that provide active QoL improvements to your game experience for playing it enough.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hi @"Businessman" ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Reasons for denying:
We as content feel that this is not needed as it is a role play sever at the end of the day. This takes away from the RP aspect of the server and makes it more like a game.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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