Blacklist Amnesty - Galiger Richmen | Jester "Kissper"

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Mar 14, 2022
Your in-game name: Galiger Richmen | Jester "Kissper"

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:55854535

Your steam community link:

Date of blacklist: 05/09/24

Who blacklisted you (if known): AntiCheat

To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted: I have explained this 2 times and NL still doesn't believe me. Anyway what happened is I had 2 game folders of Gmod on my HDD and Nvme the HDD version was my steam while my Nvme version had the old Sandboxie-Plus which i no longer had for over a year but in that Sandboxie I messed with cheats that I had forgot to delete. So the cheats sat there dormant for over a year without my knowledge. I then notice one day that my Gmod was on my HDD and my first thought is lets move this to my Nvme because you know i will load faster and maybe a bump in lack there of performance in this game. I move it then I hop back on the server and I started transferring chems because i had just bought chem bank. After a while of messing with it i go afk to take my brother to school ~6-6:30a.m. MST and hangout with my dad till he got off work so id say 1-2h of afk after that i come home to see i was blacklist.

List any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP: None Used here

List any alt accounts:

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted: Banned once for Racism warned 3 times for Failrp.

What will you do to stop this from happening again: Look I don't know what to say anymore but I did not cheat and I will stand my ground as this is just a fact, I love this server and nothing will change that. What happened was a simple mistake and wont happen again as i don't plan on messing with them again.

Why should you be unblacklisted: Well im sick of being told "doesn't match up with detection". I simply did not use any and must of auto-loaded once it detected that Gmod was open. I love the Community and sick of being treated like a cheater. I play ci and was hoping to climb my way back to B/MCOM and was having so much fun with everyone doing R&D the chemical system or just grabbing D-Class for experiments and just for it to go horribly wrong this server is so fun to grind. The experience i get from this server are permanent and I wish to some day to play again. This isn't my first time on this server i have played a lot of back when the Usa server had just open and had played for a long time and only really stopped playing when my PC had died.
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