SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Riley "Rockin" Newman

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Jun 17, 2022

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Riley "Rockin" Newman

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:613060540

Ban Reason: Leaking (Contact SSL)

Date of ban: 0/2/08/2025

Who banned you: Matthew Recker (STEAM_0:1:70404419)

Ban length: (Permaban)

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will no longer share any information that I know unless I know for sure that said information is public. I will also no longer share old information even if it can not be used due to the fact it is outdated. I truly am sorry for what I did and it wont happen again the information

Why should you be unbanned: I never meant to purposely share this information in the first place, plus when I did share it, these codes were old and not usable by anyone. I contribute almost every day to attempting to make the general security department a better place for everyone in it. I make documents for the server for the department I am in. I also never wanted to hurt the GOC or any other department. I am no longer involved with the GOC after past experiences. The only other issue I have is that no one is sending me exactly what I sent to someone else, so I'm not 100% sure what's going on, as I have not sent what I'm being accused of in a while, plus it's all old information that can't be used, as the codes are no longer the same, and they were changed about three weeks ago to my information... I just want to enjoy the server, and I know I have had a lot of mess-ups, but I genuinely just want people to have fun and make the departments for the foundation better. I try my best every day, even while I'm on ROA or LOA, to assist the best I can in my division. I know I mess up a lot, and I truly am sorry, and I try my best, but sometimes things happen that I don't think would be a huge deal when they are... I hope that someone can see what I try to do every day for the division and for RP recently, as I now hold a position that holds responsibility, and I am trying to do the best I can with it by helping the foundation and my department the best I can.
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