Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:104145642
Discord name: Somemate
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I started around June 9th of last year(going by my oldest screenshot)
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): ‘Bygone’ & Helios Dawkins
Civilian name: Delios Hawkins
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Ye
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Gensec SGT (Held)
E11 CSG (Held)
Investigator (HOLDING)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Jun 12 ARDM - Honestly forgot what happened, probably rdm'ed a d-class as a cadet or someshit (don't blame me I was a lee lad who didn't know shit.)
Aug 15 RDM - Killed an officer who was being a massive douche to me (Looking back yes I shouldn't have done this. I merely should've gotten off if it was really troubling me.)
Sep 17 Metagaming - Tired telling my fellow E11 to stop following the red cable that was floating around but admins saw that I was also walking with the cuffs
Nov 12 Cooldown Violations - Before getting this warning what I used to do with respawn timer is simply mark out what time it was and add a minute to that and once it got to that time I would walk out. Of course after this warning I no longer do this and now just open the clock and set a timer.
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
I have been playing this server for quite some time now, nearly 9 months in that time I have played nearly every department. The only real expectations being SOP and kinda medical. This gives me a pretty good knowledge base over most aspects of the foundation. I am also pretty well liked among the foundation soo my ascent shouldn’t cause too much conflict. Due to my time as an investigator I have experience for some of my duties as OSA. I also have senior CL4 experience from my time as a BCOM.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
A OSA is to act as a bridge from the O5 to the lower ranks among the foundation. This usually means you are going to be their face soo you are expected to act respectful and professional. (to a degree, it's still a game.) A bad look upon you is a bad look upon the O5’s name.
As an OSA your job primarily is to be well an assistant. This often means doing tasks set out by the O5, ensuring secrecy, making sure that the code of conduct is being followed, and generally making sure the foundation is running fine. This often has an OSA performing checks around the site from interviewing CL4s and doing department reviews. Of course if things go bad you have a few courses of action to help ease things such as calling code blacks, KOS past airlock, AA usage, and etc. If an OSA is taskless however they generally act as ISD and auth tests.
OSAs generally rank pretty high in the chain of command being higher than junior level 4s but do not go past this unless of course being directly ordered by O5 which makes you the secondish most powerful person in the site this of course is pretty rare but usually you do gain a bit of power during orders. The only few groups that are outside your grasp during this are Ethics and A-1 who will most likely have the same authority.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Just gonna casually link this:
Obviously as an Anomaly the O5 could approve testing upon my character or other similar fun things! Ethics would probably disapprove but that's even more RP to do. Speaking of Ethics due to the ascension of Jay Rowling to ECM there could be some mix-up where Ethics thinks Helios is actually Bygone in “disguise”, DEA could even get involved as well.
Now onto some of your issues with my last app soo I decided to address some of those issues.
(not Don but the last -4)-4 : I would recommend playing your foundation character a little more, it shows us that you can both create larp for for the foundation and shows that you will be able to balance both roles
-3 : you don't play foundation a lot
-2 : First off, the application did not pass a Council vote, which is the most important factor. Second, we were unsure about your current on-site presence, such as projects or stories you've recently participated in that could speak to your competence and ability. If you don't tell us, we won't know. Third, there were concerns about your demeanor and understanding of OSA, which your warn history partially contributed to.
-1 : Refer back to -2
First: Demeanor and understanding of OSA. While before, the only thing I had to go by was what I saw ingame (as a CL3) and looking at other applications. This time however I actually interviewed some current OSAs to figure out the details of OSA to have a better idea as to the duties of the title. Onto demeanor as you might have noticed but there hasn't been any additions to the warn history which I hope no longer reflects upon myself and my character.
Second: On-site presence. At the time I had hardly played my foundation character and instead played my CI character for most of my time. I have gotten a wee bit better at using both instead of one or the other. As for stories I have been in? Hard to say- I hardly consider myself simply doing my duties as true noteworthy RP but you all might think differently. Before going into the stuff I have done however I just want to add: It's kinda hard to find decent roleplay scenarios as E11 nor ISD hence why I haven't anything to show on my last application. The reason behind this is that ISD tends to deal with more minges rather than actually valid rule breakers which makes it very hard to get good RP done. E11 gets to sit in a hole for 3 hours before dying 20 times against a brick wall of an SCP.
Regardless I shall tell some of the things I have been a part of.
I acted as a plaintiff for 2~3 trials as ISD.
Done a number of interviews of CL4/CL3s for a ISD project.
Done 2 interesting cross tests (Reality Escape and Interdimensional Spores)
Did my job as E11 and helped with 008 testing as well lead my team during an O5 approved training against 008. (-4/-3 you might remember these) (yes this is the most noteworthy RP I have gotten out of E11 hence why I left)
The truth is the reason why I want to become an OSA is mainly me wanting to do more interesting roleplay and engage in more eventful stuff.
It took me months to make myself write this
Discord name: Somemate
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I started around June 9th of last year(going by my oldest screenshot)
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): ‘Bygone’ & Helios Dawkins
Civilian name: Delios Hawkins
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Ye
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Gensec SGT (Held)
E11 CSG (Held)
Investigator (HOLDING)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Jun 12 ARDM - Honestly forgot what happened, probably rdm'ed a d-class as a cadet or someshit (don't blame me I was a lee lad who didn't know shit.)
Aug 15 RDM - Killed an officer who was being a massive douche to me (Looking back yes I shouldn't have done this. I merely should've gotten off if it was really troubling me.)
Sep 17 Metagaming - Tired telling my fellow E11 to stop following the red cable that was floating around but admins saw that I was also walking with the cuffs
Nov 12 Cooldown Violations - Before getting this warning what I used to do with respawn timer is simply mark out what time it was and add a minute to that and once it got to that time I would walk out. Of course after this warning I no longer do this and now just open the clock and set a timer.
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
I have been playing this server for quite some time now, nearly 9 months in that time I have played nearly every department. The only real expectations being SOP and kinda medical. This gives me a pretty good knowledge base over most aspects of the foundation. I am also pretty well liked among the foundation soo my ascent shouldn’t cause too much conflict. Due to my time as an investigator I have experience for some of my duties as OSA. I also have senior CL4 experience from my time as a BCOM.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
A OSA is to act as a bridge from the O5 to the lower ranks among the foundation. This usually means you are going to be their face soo you are expected to act respectful and professional. (to a degree, it's still a game.) A bad look upon you is a bad look upon the O5’s name.
As an OSA your job primarily is to be well an assistant. This often means doing tasks set out by the O5, ensuring secrecy, making sure that the code of conduct is being followed, and generally making sure the foundation is running fine. This often has an OSA performing checks around the site from interviewing CL4s and doing department reviews. Of course if things go bad you have a few courses of action to help ease things such as calling code blacks, KOS past airlock, AA usage, and etc. If an OSA is taskless however they generally act as ISD and auth tests.
OSAs generally rank pretty high in the chain of command being higher than junior level 4s but do not go past this unless of course being directly ordered by O5 which makes you the secondish most powerful person in the site this of course is pretty rare but usually you do gain a bit of power during orders. The only few groups that are outside your grasp during this are Ethics and A-1 who will most likely have the same authority.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Just gonna casually link this:
Obviously as an Anomaly the O5 could approve testing upon my character or other similar fun things! Ethics would probably disapprove but that's even more RP to do. Speaking of Ethics due to the ascension of Jay Rowling to ECM there could be some mix-up where Ethics thinks Helios is actually Bygone in “disguise”, DEA could even get involved as well.
Now onto some of your issues with my last app soo I decided to address some of those issues.
(not Don but the last -4)-4 : I would recommend playing your foundation character a little more, it shows us that you can both create larp for for the foundation and shows that you will be able to balance both roles
-3 : you don't play foundation a lot
-2 : First off, the application did not pass a Council vote, which is the most important factor. Second, we were unsure about your current on-site presence, such as projects or stories you've recently participated in that could speak to your competence and ability. If you don't tell us, we won't know. Third, there were concerns about your demeanor and understanding of OSA, which your warn history partially contributed to.
-1 : Refer back to -2
First: Demeanor and understanding of OSA. While before, the only thing I had to go by was what I saw ingame (as a CL3) and looking at other applications. This time however I actually interviewed some current OSAs to figure out the details of OSA to have a better idea as to the duties of the title. Onto demeanor as you might have noticed but there hasn't been any additions to the warn history which I hope no longer reflects upon myself and my character.
Second: On-site presence. At the time I had hardly played my foundation character and instead played my CI character for most of my time. I have gotten a wee bit better at using both instead of one or the other. As for stories I have been in? Hard to say- I hardly consider myself simply doing my duties as true noteworthy RP but you all might think differently. Before going into the stuff I have done however I just want to add: It's kinda hard to find decent roleplay scenarios as E11 nor ISD hence why I haven't anything to show on my last application. The reason behind this is that ISD tends to deal with more minges rather than actually valid rule breakers which makes it very hard to get good RP done. E11 gets to sit in a hole for 3 hours before dying 20 times against a brick wall of an SCP.
Regardless I shall tell some of the things I have been a part of.
I acted as a plaintiff for 2~3 trials as ISD.
Done a number of interviews of CL4/CL3s for a ISD project.
Done 2 interesting cross tests (Reality Escape and Interdimensional Spores)
Did my job as E11 and helped with 008 testing as well lead my team during an O5 approved training against 008. (-4/-3 you might remember these) (yes this is the most noteworthy RP I have gotten out of E11 hence why I left)
The truth is the reason why I want to become an OSA is mainly me wanting to do more interesting roleplay and engage in more eventful stuff.