Partially Accepted Filing Cabinet Access Rework

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Reworks document cabinet access to work via VKeycards, with all of its options available. Meaning:
  • Cabinets can have varying clearance levels, as they already have
  • Cabinets can be biometric or not - so stealing documents might sometimes be actually possible
  • Job overrides are an option - e.g. a cabinet could be CL4, with overrides for Senior Doctor, Combat Medic, etc. for a medical cabinet
    • Have the visual element for the cabinet clearance level be editable or something, to indicate this more clearly - e.g. a cabinet might say "Medical" in red text, instead of "CL4", if the cabinet was set to the above example
To clarify: you wouldn't need to hold out your keycard to open the cabinet, it would just open based on what keycards you had on you.

Separately, but related, two additional changes to the cabinets:
  • Better cabinet name editing
    • It can currently be made too long, in which case it goes out of the text box and looks stupid and unreadable
    • Possibly either a name length limit in the editor, or some kind of text wrapping or something for longer names (e.g. text goes onto up to 3 lines, rather than one small-ass line)
  • Allow individual drawers in the same set of cabinets to have different clearance levels
    • Currently, to my knowledge, you can only change the clearance level by the cabinet, not per drawer

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not that I am aware of. The forums are also extremely broken right now, so I'm not even going to try to search for it.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • If non-biometric cabinets exist, they can actually be feasible to steal from by opposing factions
    • Right now, this is literally only possible via kidnapping someone and forcing them to do this
  • By using specific job overrides, different cabinets can be restricted to specific departments and the like, preventing snooping and document griefing/theft
    • Right now, literally any Foundation job can just walk into any room with a CL1 filing cabinet and steal every single document in it. This is absurd, and the only current way to prevent this is to make the cabinet a higher clearance and have a higher job deal with moving things in and out of cabinets.
  • If multiple clearance level drawers are needed, you only need to have the number of drawers/cabinets that you actually need, rather than at least one full cabinet per clearance level
  • Better drawer naming/customisation prevents broken text labels, and allows better clarity
    • E.g. a drawer might now be labelled "Incident Reports" without it turning into something like "dent Repo"
  • Better document features -> more document creation -> more RP

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Allowing non-bio cabinets would make document stealing/griefing easier
    • This would simply be an option - it might not be used, or it might only be used for certain cabinets
  • Cabinet access might become confusing if job overrides are used a lot
    • This is why I mentioned allowing the clearance tag to be customised - to provide clarity as to who can open a drawer

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Document cabinets are currently very simple and way too open. Anyone on any job, regardless of department, can just wander in and steal all your documents or fill your cabinets with rubbish if they're the right clearance level. This is especially bad on cabinets with low clearance levels like CL1/2. Improving them like this would reduce this issue, and also just generally make them a lot more usable for everyone.
document stealing could be only authed by SL+ or something.
We have perfectly fine, existing rules on document stealing. This is not necessary.

Sanctioned intrafaction document stealing generally only happens in specific RP situations and usually by roles that wouldn't be mechanically frustrated from doing so. Unsanctioned intrafaction document stealing is, could and should remain mechanically frustrated to the highest possible degree.

Raids are are expressly authorised by specific RP positions under specific conditions. And the condition of a raid is pretty much the only condition a faction may steal another faction's documents. A faction may not destroy another faction's documents. If someone in a faction steals documents from another faction outside of a sanctioned raid, as @Niox said, it is directly FailRP.

The big problem that keeps intel RP from going anywhere (aside from the fact that, yes, there are a lot of cases where it's not really particularly interesting) is that as I said before, cross-faction document stealing is mechanically frustrated. You have to Class F someone to get them to do it. Once again, the solution I have put forth would satisfiably solve that, provided it is feasible.

I'm in agreement with the belief that moderating all unsanctioned document stealing is too unreasonable of a task for Staff - But moderating all cross-faction unsanctioned document stealing is reasonable. I think there would be far less incidences and opportunities this way, which would result in decreasing the volume of actual FailRP occurrences and thus make it bearable to deal with.
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Reactions: Niox and Zack Baker
May 29, 2024
Reworks document cabinet access to work via VKeycards, with all of its options available.
While abusing the ability to empty out filing cabinets would typically be FailRP and whatnot (or maybe not, who knows), I currently don't trust the more combative of roles who would do things along these lines to not do it, causing massive headache for entire departments that ultimately hinders their RP for no good reason
Better cabinet name editing
Allow individual drawers in the same set of cabinets to have different clearance levels
  • Sad
Reactions: Emilia Foddg


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Partially Approved

Hi @Zen ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to partially accept your suggestion for the following reasons.

Reasons for Accepting and Denying:
We as content like the idea of changing filing cabinets to allow for more RP with them. For example, allowing more infiltration RP with cabinets.

We as content however disagree with some of the points in the suggestion.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as partially accepted.​
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