Denied findable/craftable radios and radio finder

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Apr 23, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
its ads for d class/ci craftable/findable radios and give foundation/ci/goc a device called radio finder or sumtting like that can be dispense by dispenser

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
jes by me but i did the format wrong rip and it also ads radio finders

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
it gives d-class/deep cover ci an beter change at survival wile disguised. it give d class an beter idea wen the best time to riot is wen the foundation is the moth oqupid whit other stuf

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
if there is a disguised d-class/ci deep cover that has ben found out to be disguised they can be very easily trackt whit the radio finder that u can get via dispenser

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
it would give d-class mains and disguised ci beter survival changes then whit out an radio
sorry for bad English i had to teach my self English by washing a lot of vids
interesting idea for CI, not so much for d class - maybe could be a part of the upcoming "CI/F warfunds update" dropping in 2028 to access each others comms for very expensive and for a limited time perhaps. Or maybe theres a server room in each faction's base that has a hackable pad or stealable device to access enemy comms. Although theres probably a design reason why we can't already access enemy radios, considering realistically we could pick them off of dead bodies.
...As in giving comms? Mechanically?

Inter-faction comms such as F-CI, F-GOC, CI-GOC, giving any faction's comms to D-Class or allowing them to be naturally obtainable? If so, no. I think that would be too abusable. I can understand the RP purpose and I think there some interesting cases where comms could be given to D-Class - CI having the ability to give D-Class comms would be fire, honestly - It'd make sense, may potentially give more use to CI's internal comms (I know that on UK, they're somewhat criminally underused as a byproduct of preferring TS), but also would give justification to that weird thing that happens sometimes during D-Block raids where after killing a bunch of CI, suddenly a bunch of new, competent D-Class appear, who immediately move in concert with the CI participants of the ongoing CI raid. Real strange, that one
With other circumstances potentially being things like D-Class work programs, GOC stuff, etc. etc.

But otherwise, while there is obvious purpose, I think that both the difficulty of implementation, the sheer abusability of it and the degree of unbalance it would cause, would render that idea something that would not be accepted under any circumstances. I believe there've been discussions about it before that reached this conclusion.

But that's assuming that's what you were asking for, which isn't immediately clear. Another interpretation of radio could be the radio SWEPs that were recently removed from the server for good reason. That one's kind of an easy no. Another would be the radios that chefs can spawn... We don't really need more sources of those. But I'm fairly confident that the comms interpretation is correct as what you suggest evokes the thought of a 'police scanner' and when I think about that in context with what you're suggesting, that's the clearest concept that comes forth.

It's difficult to understand, but I understand that English is difficult for a lot of people, especially for anyone who is ESL - I myself would not even know where to begin when it would come to trying to communicate an idea to a foreign community, in a language that I don't understand, so IMO it's certainly impressive that you were able to convey what you were able to. I hope I was able to interpret this correctly, but unless you were meaning something else, which again, is entirely possible, I don't think this is feasible.

interesting idea for CI, not so much for d class - maybe could be a part of the upcoming "CI/F warfunds update" dropping in 2028 to access each others comms for very expensive and for a limited time perhaps.
I do like this idea, though.

-Support on the assumption that my interpretation of what was suggested is correct
Last edited:
Aug 27, 2022
FYI as im understanding the suggestion now this means the following :

Adding a new entity or system that allows the user to see certain communication paths (c1 /c2 /c3 /c4 /GSD etc)

Updating the weapon checker to include this entity / system to be able to remove those communications devices,

Another entity to locate "radios" users. ( Hmm more like a person finder tbr)


Adding a radio addon (different system) properly won't happen as they severely contribute towards general lag. As seen in the past


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Brigitt_the_octoling ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Reasons for Denial:
We as content feel that this would be used in order to minge around. Furthermore, the radios are quite load and if there is a lot of them then it could possibly disrupt rp.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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