[UK] O5-3 'The Zealot'

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Jun 3, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:444221713
Discord name: ionboy64
For how long have you played on CG SCP: ~2 years
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Scotland
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Steven Connor | Owen Marston | ‘Thistle’
Civilian name: Steven Connors
What server are you applying for?: SCPRP UK
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Site Advisor, Nu7 COM, A-1 CPT, IA Ambassador, Ethics Committee Assistant, OSA
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
- I am applying for the position of O5-3.

The reason I am applying for this role is because I have played the server for a decent amount of time and feel I have a large collective experience from my time as Super Admin (although on MRP) and several positions in SCP-RP which could help benefit Foundation across the board. It’s not unknown that some areas of the faction are suffering more than others and my primary goal would be trying to offer a hand to all those departments as best I can to ensure that proper measures are taken to get them back into place.

Due to my time in other positions, I’ve decided to take the step forward and throw my hat into the ring for Site Command. This would allow me to not only further aid departments as an individual but would also allow for a further level of Roleplay to be achieved that my other positions have not offered.
What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:

- I believe that I am a good candidate for O5 as I've got a lot of past experience in various positions across the entire server from various combative and non-combative sections. Previously when I played, I had been a Site Advisor and Ethics Assistant. These positions alongside my time as an OSA has given me a strong insight into different methods of approaching departmental issues, conflicts and other situations that an Overseer would be asked/forced to deal with.
My time in Alpha-1 and OSA have been good for me to get a better grasp of what O5 members do and different ways to approach the roleplay that the role offers. Additionally I’ve spoken with various members of O5 and have been able to give valued and experienced input on a few situations when asked.

Alongside my experience I’ve had various opportunities to create documentation which would help aid/create roleplay whether just from a report of an event, a review or a policy proposal. I would like to believe that my ability to roleplay is sufficient enough that I can uphold the role and keep interactions that would be fitting for an O5 in both In-Character and Out of character interactions.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
The O5 Council have many responsibilities whilst on the role. As Clearance 5 personnel, they are responsible for completing certain tasks specific to the clearance and mirroring certain Site Admin duties.

As CL5 they are responsible for:
- Ensuring that if ERT has failed, roleplay has been disturbed too long or a breach is unable to be contained, that Code Black and Alpha Warhead detonations are done to minimise impact on non-combatives or completely reset roleplay.
- Approving Tests which may require termination of SCP objects or which may not be entirely ethical but would benefit the goals of the Foundation.
- Update and enforce the Conduct aspect of the Foundation Legal Codex to ensure personnel are acting appropriately in various situations.
- Issue hearings or citations on personnel who have violated the Codex beyond the levels of a regular arrest.
- Ensuring their will/orders are carried out by their assistants or members of Alpha-1 through orders to these personnel directly.

To mirror Site Administration/CL4, O5 may be required to:
- Intervene in departments which are struggling with policies, competent leadership or other circumstances where their involvement is required.
- Authorise mass termination of D-Class or Advanced Armoury usage to help combative staff combat codes.
- Calling ERT to assist containment units if they’re struggling with a breach.
- Deal with GOI relations, typically GOC through meetings/negotiations or testing approvals, though this could extend to event GOIs.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
O5 are responsible for the appointment of various roles across the server such as:
- Alpha-1 Commander
- Overseer Assistants
- Site Director
- Directors of Research
Additionally giving their opinions on other O5 applications to ensure candidates are the most appropriate for the role.

Some things O5 do IC may bleed into some OOC situations such as their involvement of the FLC (alongside Ethics), demotion of players in leadership positions who are not living up to their expectations and handling demotion appeals as required.
Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Project Rebirth
Steven Connor's personal journal
Although I don’t have any plans or set examples of Roleplay and I understand there are large boots to fill from previous O5, I would like to think that my ability to create spontaneous RP and being a Gamemaster that I’d be able to create interesting scenarios with players.
Last edited:
Sep 24, 2022
Get more experience, maybe get a REGCOM position??? I think that'd be smart and stuff, anyways, until then,

- Support
Id say getting more experience is not necessary at all, mainly his character which is obviously held in high regard. SA and regimental commander positions are already great to display their character and abilities to everyone.
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