SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - Fanta

What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: Fanta

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:209209774

Discord Username: ryannnn2023

Age: 19

What's your current playtime: 13d 7hrs

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: Crush

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is my first.

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: Feb 12th 2024 - Got kicked for having a turn bind to not go AFK whilst on SCP.
Feb 14th 2024 - FearRP warn I did not abide by the FearRP rule during my early days of the server.
March 19th - Metagame I accidentally metagamed a TB disguised and was not aware until after a mistake that I have since understood and learnt from.
May 21st 2024 - FearRP [A] - This event I don't particularly remember though I have gotten a stronger knowledge on when I would be under the correct FearRP guidelines (I have since learned to abide by such rulings)
June 29th - [Ban] Redistributing Puggo Doxes | Lying to Network Leadership. This particular ban was quite a large case during it's time though since the issue has occurred I have further progressed within the community and developed a stronger love within the community and want to do more in it.
Sep 26th - NLR During an event in which senior admin grizzly ran I ran out of Omega-1 bunks before the cooldown of which is placed against Omega-1 During hostile raids on ECW.
Jan 15th - Toxicity For this warning I mentioned in response to someone being fairly toxic towards myself and other Omega-1 in OOC in which I stated "You are a perma Delta" In reference to him being a CI but Since such case I have become closer with that member and are now friends.

How many hours can you be on everyday: 6 hours or more.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: No.

Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: Since being banned (June 29th 2024) I have come back to the server and put countless hours into the community I have gotten to the position of Omega-1 Commander as well as a few medals within Omega-1 and an addition of a Commendation medal. I have a counted towards multiple RP scenarios most of such being based around Omega-1 protecting the Ethics Committee though at times when required have made additions or helped other RP leads of departments to know the rules/Regulations behind the CoE allowing them to further the RP scenarios within guidelines. In addition of Omega-1 Commander I have gained the roles of OSA and ECA allowing me to be more Non-combative and focused on the Research/Medical aspect of RP which has allowed me to connect with the community more.

Why would you like to become a staff member: I personally would like to become a staff member to further my knowledge and potentially help support the community more while I am on the server. I believe I hold a strong position in which I feel comfortable and am able to help the community more by becoming a staff member and aiding players in situations with a more neutral position.

If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: I can improve the Community to Staff communication and further work closer with the community and help support them when there is not as much going on with the server, To complete the task I'll be more open to explaining my POV to players and staff and explain why such rules are in place further allowing all sides to know why/why not something has been decided. I have played the server for now a year and believe I have learnt to communicate well within my positions and will continue to do so within a staff position.


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Aug 20, 2023
Crush/Fanta has always been a really nice person to be around, and I think they would mesh perfectly into staff. They have a strong understanding of the rules on the server, and a calm demeaner to back it up with. I would be happy to staff alongside them.
Aug 27, 2022
+Support leaning towards neutral,

Application is good.
You are a kind person.
Valuable member of the community.
Showed he wants to improve.

I did notice some "weird" behaviour during one of our TeamSpeak talks, and for some reason, I can't have a good feeling around you. Please don't take it as an insult; it is just that we haven't really spoken to each other more than once.

Anyways, I wish you the best of luck,