What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)
Your in-game name: Mr Bob Woodall
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:61176278
Ban Reason: i believe it was, (Ban evade+ Long history of banned and many MRDM/Mass random death match, and has no intend to get better
Date of ban: Tuesday august 29 21:39:58 2023/1 years, 6 months and 5 days ago
Who banned you: Rushi
Ban length: perma
What will you do to stop this from happening again: How will i stop this from this changing is by: Letting my anger not get out of control, and at the time I was playing I had really bad anger control which had led me to find ways to control it, and I have matured & better over the last time I was banned from (SCP-RP UK), and it really gave me time to think about my actions, and I want to apologize to the server members and staff that I have annoyed over the time period I was on the server.
Why should you be unbanned: Why should i be unbanned:
I would like to ask for another chance, I have matured over time I was gone and plus I have learned to respect people and learned where my place is and not to talk smack to people online because one day it could backfire and you could run into the wrong person and I did that plus all the mass RDM'ing I did on the server. I played that server because it was fun and I still played GMOD after I was banned to try other servers and the only server I liked was Tits-RP and it still wasn't as good as (SCP-RP UK) and I had fun on the server and spent one of my birthdays on this server and my birthday is coming up again, I'm turning 14. I'm going to high school in August and I want to feel welcome on the server during the Summer or before the summer and get back to streaming on the server and continue where I left off, and I'd love to apologize to the members and staff that I have upset and annoyed during the time I was on the server.
Note: I also want to fix everything that I have done on this server plus to be better member in this community.
("Remade texted because of bad grammar, also rule 6 of making ban appeal.")
Your in-game name: Mr Bob Woodall
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:61176278
Ban Reason: i believe it was, (Ban evade+ Long history of banned and many MRDM/Mass random death match, and has no intend to get better
Date of ban: Tuesday august 29 21:39:58 2023/1 years, 6 months and 5 days ago
Who banned you: Rushi
Ban length: perma
What will you do to stop this from happening again: How will i stop this from this changing is by: Letting my anger not get out of control, and at the time I was playing I had really bad anger control which had led me to find ways to control it, and I have matured & better over the last time I was banned from (SCP-RP UK), and it really gave me time to think about my actions, and I want to apologize to the server members and staff that I have annoyed over the time period I was on the server.
Why should you be unbanned: Why should i be unbanned:
I would like to ask for another chance, I have matured over time I was gone and plus I have learned to respect people and learned where my place is and not to talk smack to people online because one day it could backfire and you could run into the wrong person and I did that plus all the mass RDM'ing I did on the server. I played that server because it was fun and I still played GMOD after I was banned to try other servers and the only server I liked was Tits-RP and it still wasn't as good as (SCP-RP UK) and I had fun on the server and spent one of my birthdays on this server and my birthday is coming up again, I'm turning 14. I'm going to high school in August and I want to feel welcome on the server during the Summer or before the summer and get back to streaming on the server and continue where I left off, and I'd love to apologize to the members and staff that I have upset and annoyed during the time I was on the server.
Note: I also want to fix everything that I have done on this server plus to be better member in this community.
("Remade texted because of bad grammar, also rule 6 of making ban appeal.")
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