Sean "fearless" Farewell for now

Alright everyone, it's time for me to pack up my props and noclip out of here. I've had an amazing time playing, creating, and—let’s be honest—probably causing more problems than I solved. But hey, best if we don’t speak too loudly about that. 😉

Big thanks to the moderators, the regulars, and even the troublemakers who kept things interesting. Keep the laughs coming and the roleplay just chaotic enough. Who knows? Maybe we’ll cross paths again in another game, another server, or a whole new universe or maybe when Star Wars RP drops, huh, Yeke? 😉

Stay awesome, and for the love of all things holy, save your work before the next unexpected map reset. Dont end up like me, using 2-3 hours on making a prop just for the map to be reset, it sucks ;(

Now, if I were to list everyone who’s made this server special, I’d be here all night. But I’ll keep it simple and shout out the people I’ve gotten to know best:

@Yeke – This man gets DMs 24/7, even in the middle of the night, but still takes time for everyone. Nothing but pure respect for you, Yeke. (Hope you and Cece name your baby soon—inside joke, not real 😂)

@Auburn – Careful not to burn too bright; you’re doing way too good. (But to be honest, the first time I met you, I saw your name and thought, ‘Yep, this guy’s gonna spontaneously combust one day.’ Stay cool, man. 😆)

@Canoon – Well, looks like I left before you could get me, Canoon. You won’t be taking me today. ( Still not sure if your name is a typo of 'cannon' or if you’re just secretly an artillery piece in disguise. Either way, I’m dodging your hammer )

@Requis – Try staying awake in meetings, sleepy boy.

@Sven Sky – I swear, even if I were dead, you'd still DM me asking, "Can you import this model for me?" 😂 But I love ya, lazy man.

@Naffen – You made one hell of a comeback from just being an SGM (if I remember right). I’ll miss your harsh comments, blunt humor, and just being so straightforward about everything.

@Snake – Thanks for helping me get into Content, even though it took forever to get access. 😂

@Dennid – Well, Dennid is just Dennid. No explanation needed.

@Johnson J. Marauder – The richest man on the server, yet somehow, I never got a single dime from you. :mad:

@Verlocity Your doing great man, you will reach SL one day, i believe

@Cheetah you know you already left, But you beat me in the long run, and you were always the better of us two,

and you Blue ( sorry could not find your tag ) Blue you were one of the best buds me and cheetah were with, you may have been mean at sometimes, but heyy your still growing up, and if this is how you are when you are young, you are going to kickass when you are older, ( in a good way )

This is just a small but meaningful list—if I could, I’d tag nearly everyone on the server. But I also kinda want to sleep tonight. but your all great in your own always

Civil Networks, thanks for all the memories. It’s been a great 1-2 years. or even more, i dont know i never was good at Math

Toodles! 🚀
Last edited:
Jul 23, 2022
@Canoon – Well, looks like I left before you could get me, Canoon. You won’t be taking me today. ( Still not sure if your name is a typo of 'cannon' or if you’re just secretly an artillery piece in disguise. Either way, I’m dodging your hammer )
I am an artillery piece in disguise.

Thank you for your service o7

Sven Sky

Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Feb 8, 2022
o7 my friend.

My Model Admin is leaving me behind. Cant believe this. Sad days are ahead of us.

Let me pull out my Wanderers Library skills for this farewell:

Farewell, Wanderer. You have found your way to us, read many stories, and even penned a few of your own. May your journey ahead bring forth countless tales of adventures beyond these shelves, where the whispers of the Library will always await your return.