Network Leadership required Create an Event Server to be used for Major Events.

Requires Network Leadership to review
Apr 6, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion calls for the adding of an event server. It would have player cap set around 40 - 80 and could only be used with Event Team Leadership Permission ( for the server they are on ). This server could be duel use as both a Content Team Testing Server & An Event Server Split between SCP-RP UK & SCP-RP US so that we could get the most use out of it for the cost of it. The Server would have all SCP-RP Addons on it and maybe a few extra ones that would be done by decision of the Lead of the Event.

Additionally, There could be a new ULX Rank Given to GMs on that server only that would allow them nearly unrestricted access to the means to do events.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I have suggested this server to NL Members in private but I figured it would be best to make an Official Suggestion so it can be given some more time of day.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
This would help solve a few issues which currently plague SCP-RP Events;

1. It would cause the server to experience less lag during events which would raise player retention as Lag has been a significant cause of Players Leaving the Server.

2. It would allow for GMs to create more fun and engaging scenarios which would draw more players to join the server looking to join said scenarios. I have seen it that newer players stay around if something cool happens to them at the start that hooks them. I believe this would raise the player count overtime.

3. Regiments would feel like they are actually within SCP. This server is too focused around our one area for anyone to experience real meaningful RP. I feel that an event server would help with this.

4. The Events could cause a lot of people to join Civil networks in order to Experience events. It would take a single Youtube Video with around 100k views with some cool Gameplay shown of our events to get the server popping off, in my opinion.

5. GMs could be given Unrestricted Access to pac3 without he fear of them abusing it. The Major Events done on the server would be so high profile that anyone who did attempt to use pac3 to kill people as an example would be banned before it did any real damage.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
I will address some of the arguments against this which could be raised here;

- " It would lower our ranking on the Game Tracker "

I would first like to say that people join the server mostly not off the Game tracker but even if it were the case that the game tracker draws in a significant player count, We are the biggest English Speaking SCP Roleplay Server, The only runners up are French, Russian & Chinese. I firmly believe we hold a pretty big hegemony over English Speaking SCP Roleplay in not just Content, But Roleplay and Events.


- " Player base would be lowered during event times getting less people to join "

While the possibility is there, I feel that if the event server was used sparingly and for specific regiments instead of the entire server it would have a negatable impact compared to the good impact that is done by increasing the quality of our events.

- " This could create a barrier of entry for newer players to see the roleplay that is done on the event server, therefore giving the illusion that the server is not as fun as it would be with all the events done on the main servers. "

Events would still be done and primarily done on Site-65 by Trial-GMs & Regular GMs but an Event Server would allow players to enjoy better quality RP & Dupes without creating as much as it would if done on Site-65. Additionally, Strict use of the Event Server would assist in this not being an issue.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I understand that content team will likely not be the ones in charge of accepting or denying this suggestion so I will address a small bit here to Network Leadership as well as Ventz.

The State of the Gamemaster & Event Team on SCP-RP is that we are restricted in what we can do. This Server that I propose would allow us to fully unleash our creativity in events and create a fun and more importantly 'lag free' experience for the rest of the server. I think that the money that would be sunk into this Event Server could be gotten back fairly easily by just giving it multiple roles as a Dev Server, As a Content Team Testing Server or As an Event Server. Additionally, The money gained from players who decide to stay due to these High Quality Events and Less Lag on the Server would more than make a significant mark-up on the cash invested into it.

Outside of that, If you would want so that you could prove what we would do with the server - I would recommend to ask any Gamemaster Past or Present what they could do with a Server Like that. Trust me, I have a lot of Ideas that could be brought to life by this server and I think many many more GMs would love the opportunity to be fully Free.

Have a great day and please consider this proposal.
Apr 6, 2023

I don't know specifically how it works, but even if you properly schedule these things ahead of time, my understanding is that NL can't just... Pay for the use of the hardware expressly on the occasions that they're being used, if they're going to be used basically randomly and haphazardly. I mean, that might be possible, I don't know.

It does make sense as a business model from a host standpoint to be like "Here's this server hardware you can rent out for whatever periods you want and then only pay for those periods," but my observation of how server providers have been thus far is that they are not particularly... I want to say something along the lines of 'not in touch,' 'ignorant' or 'incompetent', but that feels too aggressive/accusatory of something that's not necessarily their fault in this case - ...Closer to 'unaware' of this particular consumer need (That and it's also very niche)? That I would not put it past them for this to just be not reasonably arrangeable and the setups are more like a "You need to pay for renting the server hardware for these explicit blocks of time in a year," which means that without doing a whole bunch of events in that time period, you'd essentially be paying for a server that isn't being used.

One particular exception that sticks out to me is the Dev server? That's an example of something that we only spin up when it's needed, but I feel like there's something there that I'm unaware of, which NL is and they would reasonably be able to assert the relevance of how that works. And I imagine the Dev server is used more often than an Event server would be anyway.

Maybe I'm just wrong on this, idk. I'm open to the prospect.
They seem to be able to turn on and off the Dev Server Seemingly at will. So I don't think my idea is outrageous. Also It can be given other uses. Let me say now that MRP has an event server and it's not at a great cost to the Network.
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Feb 19, 2023
New york, USA
I think you've misunderstood this a lil

This would be for major events that would require a different map for a handful of players etc. This would not replace events normally and all build up would be done on the primary server. Just bigger, exciting and more creative ways to indulge in better RP experiences if this goes ahead
OHHHHH I did misunderstand I apologize. Thank you for clarifying. I would love to see this but NL would most likely say no
Jan 6, 2023
They seem to be able to turn on and off the Dev Server Seemingly at will. So I don't think my idea is outrageous. Also It can be given other uses. Let me say now that MRP has an event server and it's not at a great cost to the Network.
turn mrp into the event server
I do wonder though, what region will this be hosted in? The more populous USA region or the more rp based UK region? (roughly, not always accurate)
Better yet, we should be contemplating how it will be hosted. Server hosting isn't free, and I highly doubt you'd be able to maintain acceptable performance across both servers with a shared processor.
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+ Support

Would solve so many issues that both the GM and staff team continue to struggle with, the endless tire from SL pushing the event team to try and run an effective map change event would be over and the content that certain departments and MTF's lack would be fulfilled without the concern of increasing the never ending lag on the server
Jan 27, 2022
it would be so based and cool +support

But in all seriousness, having a different server for major/map change events is a good idea and I personally think it would make map change events actually feasible. This server has had 1 map change event for the entire time it has been running, and that was when SCP-9k was released. I want to witness another similar event as it was really cool to go to a different map entirely (if someone can link me the map that was used for it that would be fire). I feel like a 2nd server might make it more common.
Aug 27, 2022
This server could be duel use as both a Content Team Testing Server

Just as a perspective from a content member, there would be almost no use for an event server - for Content purposes as we have the Dev-server where we already test New or existing content/bugs, if we talk about map changes or custom content for a certain event, that would mostly be event team testing and requesting differents things. ( I will never expect that custom content (addons) will be added to a event server)

I don't know specifically how it works, but even if you properly schedule these things ahead of time, my understanding is that NL can't just... Pay for the use of the hardware expressly on the occasions that they're being used, if they're going to be used basically randomly and haphazardly. I mean, that might be possible, I don't know.
See it as you pay for 1 device , it doesn't matter if it is on or off you still pay for it, the server isn't a device but a thing within the device.
see it as renting a house, but you don't live in it you still pay for it :D

All servers can be turned off and on at will.

Another thing would be that I believe the current host doesn't provide any plans for a custom event server for the scale we need, it would mean we pay full price for the same performance as Uk and USA ( I know they differ but it's almost the same ). Dev server can't run massive events trust me xD.

^^^( I can be fully wrong about he above but this is just *common logic* without any deals CN has with the host etc)

I like the idea + support

But the implementation and things needed to execute this plan don't seem easy.
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Jul 1, 2023
Map Change events have supposedly always been an option.
It requires an absolutely monumental amount of setup, and requires someone with permissions to do so. I am unsure if this guide is visible to the entire playerbase, but there is a "Guide to Map Changes" for this purpose. However, there are some problems.

First, converting the main server to an event server leaves a massive part of the playerbase unable to participate if the event isn't meant for them or their faction, not to mention it would be difficult to restrict who joins during that time period.
Second, nobody has done a map change event on the SCP server in such a long time, I am pretty certain that very few people in current event team even know what needs to be done. The guide is useful, but not descriptive about specifics.

If we had an event server, with a method of transferring people from the main to the event server, even a small 40 player one would be excellent given interesting maps and permaprops.
However, the limitation here is that can we afford another server, even if its offline most of the time? That I am not so sure (I know nothing about server hosting).

In conclusion, something something Site-9 blah blah.
+support but am doubtful it'll be accepted.

Keep in mind a dedicated event server is probably only ever going to be used for massive combat/training events or a map-change event; I imagine it wouldn't be used often enough to justify however much it'll cost SL. Not saying I don't support the idea, but I don't know if there's enough incentive to justify another event server (which, unless 2 servers are bought, would be hosted only in EU/USA causing annoying ping for like half of the players on it).

For those who know about previous GM business iirc they planned on using the dev server to host map changes at some point (which would require them to temporarily pull out all indev shit from said server, a hassle which I imagine would be a good reason to push for an event server) but my memory is hazy so don't take my word as 100% truth. Regardless, repurposing an existing server is probably cheaper for running a map change/major than to buy an entire new one for hosting rare but massive events if we don't consider everything else they'd have to do about unreleased content.
I see NL are already deemed as required for this, but, in the interest of additional feedback;


Let's just put this into a POV, map changes on a full server are VERY risky to do. Your event has to have justifiable scope to involve the full server at present so that a large playerbase chunk aren't just disrupted and go "wtf why am I here now", OR you also have to trust that the map change is going to go smoothly and not break everything with the sheer content load we have. I don't even think 5 map changes have happened in the 2 years I've been here, on UK at least.

An event server lets targetted groups involved in an event go to the server, have a lot less restrictions to enjoy the event due to content limits being lessened and oriented solely around optimal server running and the event itself, and is overall just more accessible for GM's and would let their creative limits exponentially increase.

10/10 suggestion, please add.
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Alex/John Dingle

Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 7, 2022

I feel like the one thing that MRP has over SCP-RP is that there are possibilities for map change events and such, ofcourse i understand this isnt possible for SCPRP to do due to its diversity in roles and conflicting RP styles. I do believe that this server could also be used for possibly cross server events between MRP and SCPRP. Also this would allow for events like excursions to new anomolouse sites or raids on runover sites. I do actualy believe this has potential.

My only negative is that this might still cause performance issues for SCPRP due to the fact that they would both have to be run from the same server otherwise HELL YES (This might make me apply for a reg)