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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 11, 2023
Your Discord name & tag: kaisar3169

What server is this for, Network, DarkRP, SCP or MRP?: SCP

Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help): 330017089576501252

Date of ban (if known):

12/22/2024 9:13 PM

Reason for ban (if known): making a 9/11 joke

Who banned you?: I don't know

Prior to this, have you ever been banned off Discord?: Yes

Why should we remove your ban from Discord? (50 words minimal):
I won't be using this discord for anything other than just following tryouts, rank requests, essential stuff. I have been banned multiple times and its very annoying at this point. As i said i will stop making jokes like these, i wont be even chatting at this point if its not for something important. No more femboy fridays, no more offensive jokes, no more weird stuff.
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