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  • Tay
    Is this REALLY the type of attitude we expect to see from a Super Admin???

    I think NOT! A Super Admin should be a paragon of morality! An upstanding member of the communtiy. Witnessing THIS type of thing disgusts me to no END and is proof, without question, that this Super Admin CANNOT be trusted with holding this esteemed position!

    This is public admittance to an illicit mindset! We cannot trust a man such as this to lead our valiant community. And it is without doubt, that I demand an immediate amendment to this vile post. A benefit to the server, is most certainly not what this is.

    I ask all loyal and just members of this community but one thing, can we truly trust a Super Admin who plays... and may God forgive me for uttering this phase... "anime games".

    I say no, and thus, my closing statement can be nothing else but this:

    Delete this
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