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  1. Johnson J. Marauder

    [UK] Steven Connor - GM Demotion Appeal

    +Support Also stop coping in the TS mid AO war bro 😭
  2. Johnson J. Marauder

    Blue's goodbye

    o7 my friend
  3. Johnson J. Marauder

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Tay

    +Support I wonder if this had to do with the 4 hour conversation you had with @Auburn last night... 🤔
  4. Johnson J. Marauder

    [UK] Broda's Ethics Committee Member Application

    +Support This man is over qualified get him in!
  5. Johnson J. Marauder

    Denied Omega-1 Officer/Commander Gun change.

    dawg the stats are the exact same 😭 if what is said about the hitreg being better with the raijin is true then i agree
  6. Johnson J. Marauder

    im back?

    ranklocked hmod?
  7. Johnson J. Marauder

    [UK] Kake's Site Admin Application

    +Support good to see that you are actually taking feedback into account
  8. Johnson J. Marauder


  9. Johnson J. Marauder

    What is the rarest achievment?

    nah read it bro im unkillable get on my level
  10. Johnson J. Marauder

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Remmy 'Brightside' Marshall

    +Support Bro did not lie.... (he said "Should i apply for staff" at 3AM in the TS...) I need Super Admin Remmy to drive SCPRP into the ground just like he did with DarkRP!
  11. Johnson J. Marauder

    Cheesy is going..

  12. Johnson J. Marauder

    auburn smells

    idc if he's NL fuck him (this is sarcastic btw if any of the US players are reading)