The below guide will assist you in setting up Steam Game Recording in order to assist you with recording any of your game clips ranging from funny moments to important clips of rule breaks
Table of Contents
1. What is Steam Game Recording
2. What does Steam Game Recording offer and...
Community Awards 2024 - Results!
Hello, Civil Networks!
What a year it has been! We've experienced ups, downs, and everything in between, but one thing has remained constant: YOU, our incredible community. Your passion, dedication, and support have made 2024 an unforgettable year for Civil...
Hello Civil Networkers! we are pleased to announce the Christmas 2024 Weapon Skin Competition! The Weapon Skin Competition is your chance to submit your own skin to be accepted & used in-game. Each season, we select 10 skins and add them to a new crate which will be available in-game on both...
Civil Networks Discord Server General Rules
All decisions made by staff are to be respected. If you disagree with the decision, or believe that the situation was handled incorrectly, then you must make a forum complaint or a ban appeal. Being rude or disrespectful about it may...
The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure that responses to Developer Applications are thoughtful, constructive, and contribute meaningfully to the discussion.
Please adhere to the following rules when responding to any application.
Understand the Subject Matter
Before posting, make sure...
Purpose of this thread
The purpose of this thread is to highlight and provide transparency how the SCP-RP Content team works, in order to reduce misunderstandings and complaints whilst also highlighting the reason for the ever-growing backlog of suggestions.
Content Team
The SCP Content...
SCP-RP Resignation Appeal
1. Appeal rules
Follow the format. You must provide all information.
Don't bump your resignation appeal unless you are responding to a question / disputing a staff comment.
Don't advertise your appeal (contacting staff about it).
Don't lie in your appeal.
Trial Mods...
MilitaryRP Resignation Appeal
1. Appeal rules
Follow the format. You must provide all information.
Don't bump your resignation appeal unless you are responding to a question / disputing a staff comment.
Don't advertise your appeal (contacting staff about it).
Don't lie in your appeal.
SCP RP Demotion Appeal
1. Appeal rules
Follow the format. You must provide all information.
Complaints against staff should be made in the Complaints section.
Don't bump your demotion appeal unless you are responding to a question / disputing a staff comment.
Don't advertise your appeal...
Posting on Ban Appeals
Don't post on appeals you are not involved in. You're only involved if it's your appeal or you're a staff member involved in the ban.
Please edit posts rather than making multiple in a row. You're allowed to give your side but posting 5 times in a row makes you look...
Ban Appeals
If you are reading this, it is very likely that you have received a ban from the server and now you're wondering on how to get yourself (possibly) unbanned. First things first, it is very important that you go through our rules to familiarize yourself with them and to prevent any...
Ban Appeals
If you are reading this, it is very likely that you have received a ban from the server and now you're wondering on how to get yourself (possibly) unbanned. First things first, it is very important that you go through our rules to familiarize yourself with them and to prevent any...
Blacklist Amnesty
Blacklist amnesties are a method for players to have their blacklist lifted. You are not eligible to make an amnesty request if you were blacklisted for;
a) causing serious damage to CG, e.g. serious exploits,
b) compromising personal information,
SCP-RP Gamemaster Application
The GM Team are an integral part of the server, responsible for excellent roleplay that is carried out on a day to day basis. Their main job is to ensure people are having fun on the server at all times, and to assist in creating roleplay situations...
Application Guidelines
1. Recruitment rules
You must read these recruitment rules, or you may have your application denied. You may also fail your interview.
You must be at least 15 years old before creating a moderator application. 14 year olds who have played for a long time and feel they...
Application Format & Guidelines
1. Recruitment rules
You must read these recruitment rules, or you may have your application denied. You may also fail your interview.
You must be at least Junior Lieutenant before applying for Stavka of the Supreme High Command (and held that rank for at...
Application Format & Guidelines
1. Recruitment rules
You must read these recruitment rules, or you may have your application denied. You may also fail your interview.
You must be at least Second lieutenant before applying for NATO High Command (and held that rank for at least 2 weeks)...
1. SCP-RP Recruitment Rules
1. You must read these recruitment rules, or you may have your application denied.
2. You may not bump, advertise, or lie in your application.
3. Don't reference servers outside of the Civil Gamers community when applying, this will result in edits being made to your...
1. SCP-RP Recruitment Rules
1. You must read these recruitment rules, or you may have your application denied.
2. You may not bump, advertise, or lie in your application.
3. Don't reference servers outside of the Civil Gamers community when applying, this will result in edits being made to your...
1. SCP-RP Recruitment Rules
1. You must read these recruitment rules, or you may have your application denied.
2. You may not bump, advertise, or lie in your application.
3. Don't reference servers outside of the Civil Gamers community when applying, this will result in edits being made to your...
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