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  1. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Michiel signing out

    Hello everyone today marks my last day as Super within MRP. I have been playing this community an month after MRP's launch. since my last gmod break over 2 years ago i have been playing consistently since and in that time i became an gamemaster again worked my way up to Senior Gamemaster and...
  2. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Denied Ground Conquest war type

    ]What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This nadds a new war type called Ground Conquest this means it will be a war with no Armoured vehicles(no tanks and IFV's) and no armed Helicopter/cas. I played this 1st war within the New update and I had a blast on ground when it was just boots on...
  3. Michiel Hoofbabski

    1stAL COL Michiel Hoofbabski's Supreme Council Application

    1stAL COL Mrs 'M' Hoofbabski SC application Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:139613847 Discord name: Dries De Shooter#7833 For how long have you played on MRP: November 2020 Age: 17 In what country are you located?: Belguim ?? Time zone: CET UAN name (regiment and rank): Pvt 17thAR COL Michiel NWO name...
  4. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Denied Replace K17 with the BMP

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Replace the K17 with the BMP cause its apperently unfixable to fix the dmg on the ATGM's. The ATGM's are very inconsitent they do from 300 to 3k dmg and in some spots you cant even dmg an tank. On the dev tracker its been put on the canceld section of...
  5. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Accepted New faction wide updated medals

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This adds new medals for the new campaign we are allready over an month in and I believe we don't have updated versions of the old medal and it would be cool if we get new medal types that people can work for. I don't know why this isn't really been...
  6. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Denied Put the Radar flak cannon back on the old spot

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This puts the radar flak cannon back on the old spot. The flax cannon on radar has been put on an new spot and its not really balanced towards SWB. The flak cannon is placed on the position next to the radar building so it used to be that you can...
  7. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Accepted Removing bleeding when you are in an tank

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This would will make it so you don't get an bleeding effect while you are in tanks Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): This will make tanking in general more enjoyable its annoying that you can just get an bleeding effect from RPG's or...
  8. Michiel Hoofbabski

    You guys should check out Keno Beats

    Hey guys @Kenan is an GOATED producer and he made this beat and iam additicted to KENO BEATS. Honestly Keno beats is just an lifestyle to me now like I just put it on repeat.
  9. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Michiel's Resignation Appeal for Gamemaster V2

    Name: Michiel Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:139613847 Previous Rank (convert if required): Gamemaster Who demoted you?: I Resigned Date of demotion?: 29/11/2021 What is the case against you?: I left on good terms but the only thing Iam sorry for is that I haven't put an resignation notice/date Is this...
  10. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Michiel's MRP Gamemaster Demotion Appeal

    Name: Michiel Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:139613847 Previous Rank (convert if required): Gamemaster Who demoted you?: I believe Millar or Pasi (I resigend but i think they removed my perms and stuff) Date of demotion?: 29/11/2021 What is the case against you?: I resigend Is this true?: Yes its true. I...
  11. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Leaving this great community for now.

    Hello everyone. Today i will be leaving this great community. I joined MRP somewhere in november 2020 and i absolutly loved it. I joined 17th on MRP and had a blast and the people were great. I got MAJ in 17th first after i took a break and then came back climmed up the ranks and got COL on...
  12. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Michiel's Gamemaster Application V2

    Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Crazym36 For how long have you played on CG MRP: I have been playing on the server since 06/11/2020 Age: 16 In what country are you located?: Belguim Time zone: MET NATO name (regiment and rank): 17thAR LTCOL Michiel USSR name...
  13. Michiel Hoofbabski

    Michiel GM application

    Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):Crazym36 For how long have you played on CG MRP: 06/11/2020 Age: 16 In what country are you located?: Belguim Time zone: CET In-game name and Previous Names: Michiel v and I changed it to just Michiel Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:139613847...