Search results

  1. Nate Mercer / 'Tactician'

    Nate Mercer's TGM Demotion Appeal

    Name: Nate Mercer Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:581568489 Previous Rank (convert if required): Trial Gamemaster Who demoted you?: Jason Taylor/Scotsman Date of demotion?: June/July (Unsure of the date) What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK What is the case against...
  2. Nate Mercer / 'Tactician'

    Accepted Faction Vehicle Addition

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: - This suggestion would give all factions (F, UNGOC, CI) their variety of unturreted armoured vehicles. CI = BTR90 HQ | UNGOC = LAV HQ | F = LAV HQ Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: - To my...
  3. Nate Mercer / 'Tactician'

    Denied SOP-C TeamSpeak Channel Addition

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion would add a SOP-C channel to SCP-RP section of the TeamSpeak. Possible Positives of the suggestion: - A channel for MTF Nu-7 and DoEA to met - Stops one part of SOP-C having to intrude on the others channel - Allows for better...
  4. Nate Mercer / 'Tactician'

    Denied DoEA Spawn Armor Points Increase

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion will increase the Armor Points (AP) of all the jobs within the Department of External Affairs (DoEA) which would be Agent, Operative, Senior Agent, Special Agent, Agency Manager, Dep. Director, and Director of DoEA. Possible Positives...
  5. Nate Mercer / 'Tactician'

    [UK] Nate Mercer's DoEA Special Agent Application

    How long have you been a Senior Agent for? - I've been a Senior Agent for 4 days. Why are you applying for Special Agent? - The Department of External Affairs has been a real interest to myself as it has the lots of potential from my perspective and I would like to help future endeavours that...
  6. Nate Mercer / 'Tactician'

    Accepted DoEA Surface Missions

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: While on any Department of External Affairs job you will be able to see Surface Missions. Possible Positives of the suggestion: - Gives DoEA access to Surface Mission rewards (e.g. Weapon/Hacking Upgrades, Money, and XP) - Allows DoEA Operatives...
  7. Nate Mercer / 'Tactician'

    Accepted SCP-049 "Cure" Swep Rework

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: - Reworking SCP-049 swep. After the limit of SCP-049-2 are produced instead of the swep doing nothing at all it could poison players making them slowly take damage until death. Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): - QOL for SCP-049...
  8. Nate Mercer / 'Tactician'

    Accepted CM and Intel Operative Spawn Room Equipment Change

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Remove NVG and Scramble spawns in Combat Medic and Intelligence Agent/Operative Spawn Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): - Turning off LCZ lights off will be effected. - D-Class can take advantage of power outages without CM having...
  9. Nate Mercer / 'Tactician'

    [UK] Nate Mercer's Executive Researcher Application

    Why are you applying for Executive Researcher? Since first joining the server in March (Month may be different isn't relevant) when only being Jr. Researcher and attending a lecture held by DoR Shady Dave it gave me some real interest in the conduction of tests and pushing the limit to my...
  10. Nate Mercer / 'Tactician'

    Denied Train Tunnel Vents Fix

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Fix the teleport point when you enter vents in Train Tunnel. Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): - Makes entering Foundation through the vents system more enjoyable and less of a hassle. - Stops the halt of raid forces that are stopped...
  11. Nate Mercer / 'Tactician'

    [UK] Nate Mercer/'The Tactician' Gamemaster Applications

    Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?: - I've had experience in assembling events and setting up events on various RP servers, but many don't have the same capability and creative that Garry's Mod has. Do you have any previous experience with serious...
  12. Nate Mercer / 'Tactician'


    IT'S CONFIRMED OMG!!! :eek: I've been waiting my whole life for CivilGamers Hogwarts RP ?
  13. Nate Mercer / 'Tactician'

    [UK] Nate Mercer's 096 Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:581568489 Discord name: o0Thefirebird0o #5270 For how long have you played on CG SCP: 433 Hours Age: 16 In what country are you located?: England Time zone: BST (British Summer Time) Character name(s): Nate Mercer "The Pimp Daddy" Civilian name: Huell What server are you...
  14. Nate Mercer / 'Tactician'

    [UK] Nate Mercer's Chief of Security Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:581568489 Discord name: o0Thefirebird0o #5270 For how long have you played on CG SCP: 425 Hours Age: 16 In what country are you located?: England Time zone: BST (British Summer Time) Character name(s): Nate Mercer "The Pimp Daddy", [REDACTED] “Phoenix” Civilian name: Huell...
  15. Nate Mercer / 'Tactician'

    [UK] Nate Mercer's Security Captain Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:581568489 Discord name: o0Thefirebird0o #5270 For how long have you played on CG SCP: 290 Hours, almost 3 months. Age: 16. In what country are you located?: England. Time zone: BST (British Summer Time) Character name(s): Nate Mercer "The Pimp Daddy". Civilian name: Arthur...