Search results

  1. jane "puddles" whitlock

    were back in business people

    hai am jane nice to meet you if i haven't already some people know me from when i played on here before safe to say am back for a while :3 (idk what to put in a intro post so ima just put random stuffs like: auburn smells/j but anyway if anyone needs me my name is Jane"puddles"whitlock and...
  2. jane "puddles" whitlock

    [UK] SCP-22415 application - jane"puddles"whitlock

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:237913177 Discord name:jane_3 For how long have you played on CN SCP: since september 2021 Age:19 In what country are you located?:UK Time zone:BST/GMT Character name(s):jane "puddles" whitlock(foundation), Jane"trickster"(Civilian) Civilian name:Jane"trickster" What...
  3. jane "puddles" whitlock

    putting this all to rest finally

    hey guys jane here. ik i said in the past i was leaving and then came back a few weeks later (bc i missed everyone) but this time is different. this time i wont be coming back. this community has shown me 2 sides and i have experienced both sides of my 3 years of playing with you all. most of...
  4. jane "puddles" whitlock

    (UK) Jane "puddles" whitlock Director of Medicine Application

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:237913177 Discord name:jane_3 For how long have you played on CG SCP:since 16th october 2021 Age:18 In what country are you located?:UK Time zone:GMT Character name(s):jane "puddles" whitlock(foundation) Civilian name:Jane"trickster" What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP...
  5. jane "puddles" whitlock

    jane "puddles" whitlock Director of medicene app [UK]

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:237913177 Discord name:jane_3 For how long have you played on CG SCP:since 16th october 2021 Age:18 In what country are you located?:UK Time zone:GMT Character name(s):jane "puddles" whitlock(foundation) Civilian name:Jane"trickster" What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP...
  6. jane "puddles" whitlock

    medical consultant app (UK)

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:237913177 Discord name:jane_3 For how long have you played on CG SCP: i have been playing since october 16th of 2021 and have been playing full time since april of 2022 Age:18 In what country are you located?:UK Time zone:GMT Character name(s):jane"puddles"whitlock Civilian...
  7. jane "puddles" whitlock

    Denied Combat Medic pac request

    PAC Requesting Approval PAC Requested (Which job):Combat medic Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:237913177 Picture of PAC: Lore behind this PAC: (my full lore doc is still being written on this but ill put some detail here) I am a catgirl who was made as part of an experiment by The cult of the scarlet...
  8. jane "puddles" whitlock

    goodbye all its been a good run (cancelled for now)

    welp its my time to move on.. ill never forget any of you aswell. a few notable people tho otters- le otot is the funny otters. great otter enthusiast and a great person biscuits- lil goofy at times but im glad to have met them have a good one lad moon- moon.. ik you hate me and thats okay.. i...
  9. jane "puddles" whitlock

    medical consultant app (UK)

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:237913177 Discord name:chubbs#0153 For how long have you played on CG SCP: i have been playing since december of 2021 and have been playing full time since april of 2022 Age:18 In what country are you located?:UK Time zone:GMT Character name(s):jane"puddles"whitlock Civilian...
  10. jane "puddles" whitlock

    [UK] SCP-096 application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:237913177 Discord name:chubbs#0153 For how long have you played on CG SCP: 4 days 18 hours Age:17 In what country are you located?:[UK]England Time zone: GMT Character name(s):lord joe "chubbs"[FOUNDATION], josh craig[CIV], joeseph "chubbs"[CI] Civilian name: josh craig What...