Search results

  1. Cade Valentine

    Denied Provide all, if not the majority, of E-11 jobs with SCP Cuffs/Beam in Loadout OR provide an alternative spawnpoint for them.

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion offers two possible solutions to the complaints that E-11 have given in feedback to myself and other members of the server regarding the difficulty in finishing off and recontaining SCP breaches; 1) Allow more E-11 jobs to just...
  2. Cade Valentine

    [UK] Cade Valentine's Site Advisor Application

    - Why are you applying for Site Advisor?: The best answer I could give you in one sentence is; "I believe it's where I fit in the server right now, and I believe it'd be the best use of my skills to actively contribute to the server and roleplay generation." I've kind of been in a flux recently...
  3. Cade Valentine

    [UK] Cade Valentine's DoIA Application.

    - Why are you applying for Director of Internal Affairs?: I'm applying for Director of Internal Affairs as I believe that my time in Ambassador and working with others around the Site has resulted in me enjoying Internal Affairs as one of my favorite departments and I wish to help grow it...
  4. Cade Valentine

    [UK] Cade Valentine's IA Ambassador Application

    - Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?: I'm applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador as I believe after a couple of weeks back to properly reintegrate into the server as it is now, I'm ready to elevate my work in Internal Affairs to a CL4 position to enable me to make my work...
  5. Cade Valentine

    Denied Perform a content bloat purge to assist server performance.

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion would request that NL/Content Team perform a general purge of non-core content (content deemed non-essential to the gameplay loop of the server) in different areas in order to reduce server constraints and enable the team to shift...
  6. Cade Valentine

    Cade's bowing out for a bit o7

    Nothing that deep, I just have far too much going on IRL and I know I'm gonna be taking an extended break, maybe even a permanent one, depends on how things go. Thought I'd make this to shout out some people I've known while here; @Nukegoboom - Absolute lad, nothing beats the brief but fruitful...
  7. Cade Valentine

    Denied Add a server side time limit to how long documents can be stored in drawers, push use of Lore section on Forums more.

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion would add a server side limit of approximately 3-4 months on documents being stored in drawers. The reason I am making this suggestion is due to findings by @Rushi and @Broda Kagen, who I have pinged to speak on the matter as evidence...
  8. Cade Valentine

    [UK] O5-1 "The Blackbird" Application

    List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Holding: O5-3. Held: Overseer Assistant, Site Manager, Site Advisor, Nu-7 Lieutenant, CI-B. Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: When I first tried the server in mid 2022, I received a warning for combat...
  9. Cade Valentine

    Removal of Staff Ruling regarding Rule 4.03

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Prevention of D-Class from having the ability to very easily bait sits against players, as well as stopping them from having more staff protections than a significant portion of the server which can very easily disrupt RP during scenarios. When...
  10. Cade Valentine

    [UK] Cade Valentine's O5-2 "The Blackbird" Application.

    Note: The following application has been submitted within a 2 week span of the last one with permission from O5-1. - What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number): This application is for the position of O5-2. I am applying for this position as I believe I am ready...
  11. Cade Valentine

    [UK] Cade Valentine's O5-4 "The Blackbird" Application.

    - What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number): This application is for the position of O5-4. I am applying for this position as I believe I am ready to elevate my contribution to the server as a Roleplay Leader after spending sufficient time in Site Administration...
  12. Cade Valentine

    [UK] Cade "Sunbeam" Valentine's OSA Application.

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:128962199 Discord name: serrt For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since February of 2023, consistently. Age: 20 In what country are you located?: United Kingdom Time zone: BST Character name(s): Cade "Sunbeam" Valentine (formerly Cameron "Flora" Stoker) Civilian...
  13. Cade Valentine

    [UK] Cameron Stoker's Site Advisor Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:128962199 Discord name: Serrt#5717 For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have been playing the server on and off since the second half of 2022, however I have played it consistently since February of 2023 Age: 20 In what country are you located?: UK Time zone: BST...