Search results

  1. skibi o

    skibi o ban appeal

    Your in-game name: Skibi o Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0479487327 Your steam community link: Date of ban: saturday january 27 2024 What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): (none given) Who banned you: "lunar" Ban...
  2. skibi o

    [USA] Mike's Security Captain Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:479487327 Discord Name: citycat6428#7812 For how long have you been playing on SCP:RP?: Around 4 months Age: 14 In what country are you located?: United States Time zone: Central Daylight Time ‎(UTC-5)‎ Character name(s): Miguel ''Sedan'' Rodriguez, Mike ''Truck'' Rodriguez...